Page 9 - April 13 2020
P. 9
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Town reduces staff hours to 0.9
due to COVID-19 budget impact
by Cassie Kushniruk implement a 0.9 schedule, reducing the hours of take a 10% wage decrease until the end of
work for all staff until the end of 2020, was 2020, effective May 1, 2020.
In an effort to mitigate the impact of the carried unanimously by Council. Councillor Wilkinson commented, “I think
COVID-19 pandemic on ratepayers, Town of Following this, Councillor Sorenson made a this is our chance to step up and be the
Edson Administration proposed at the April 7 motion that “effective May 1 until the end of municipal leaders that we are supposed to be.”
Council meeting to temporarily change all Town 2020, Council remuneration equate to a lesser of Mayor Zahara stated, “This is a very
of Edson staff's working hours to a 0.9 schedule current policy or 0.9 of the provincial average”. challenging time. We don't get to decrease our
through to the end of 2020. “Council and the community owe a ton of hours in responding to individuals and the
This method would prevent Administration gratitude to the staff who have voluntarily concerns of our community. We are already
from having to lay off more employees in order reduced their hours to prepare us financially for lower than most other municipalities;
to keep the majority of the team intact. some very tough times ahead,” Sorenson said. however, people are struggling and stressed
However, this schedule would have an impact “The last few weeks have been some of the most out all over our community right now. I don't
on service levels as staff would have the same stressful of my term. I used to receive angry calls believe this Council needs to take a decrease
amount of work to do but with one less day to about potholes and snow plowing, but now I other than to show that we are part of the
accomplish it. receive calls from sobbing residents that are solution; it's just a token of us being in it with
If passed, the resulting budget adjustments losing their business, their life savings, and are them.”
would be incorporated into the Emergency scared for the life of their family members. That Councillor Currie noted, “I won't be
budget being presented to Council on April 14, being said, I think we should reduce supporting this motion for the fact that I don't
2020. remuneration to 0.9 of the provincial average to think it's acceptable at this time that our
Councillor Gean Chouinard asked, “Do we match the extreme efforts volunteered by our Mayor is taking a decrease when we are all
have management in different departments staff.” fairly aware of how much more he is doing.”
spread out to cover?” Sorenson later added that this motion would Councillor Chouinard's motion was also
CAO Mike Derricott replied, “For a place like not include the Mayor's remuneration, as “the opposed with a 5-2 vote.
the Town office or the Fire Hall, the intent right Mayor is extremely low compared to the
now is that the facility will be closed every 10th province”.
day and both managers and non-union staff During the time period for questions and
would be at work. There are a few other areas comments from fellow Councillors, Councillor
where we obviously will have to be a little bit Currie stated, “I would not be comfortable voting
more flexible in how we apply it, such as the on it tonight without more information.”
landfill. We're just working to produce a dynamic Councillor Chouinard concurred.
that we feel will have the least impact on service Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “I don't
delivery and still be functional as a general think I can support this motion. At the end of the
program.” day, moving to a 0.9 schedule for Council won't
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked what the really impact our overall Town budget very
feedback from Town staff was when this significantly. I don't want Administration
program was brought to their attention. spending a bunch of time gathering more
Derricott replied, “Our staff…sees what's information; I think we have more pressing
happening in other workplaces and I think the issues to deal with.”
overwhelming response was that… a reduction in Councillor Sorenson's motion was defeated
hours, and ultimately in financial compensation, with a 5-2 vote.
was far favorable to the alternative.” Following this, Councillor Chouinard made a
The motion to direct Administration to motion that all of Council, including the Mayor,
11th annual Eddie's Big Run cancelled due to COVID-19
Step It Up challenge still a go Run, the Yellowhead Triple Crown, which is a activity inside or outside of one's house.
series of three races in Edson, Whitecourt, and This year, registration for the Step It Up
by Cassie Kushniruk
Hinton, has also been cancelled this year due to challenge is free and all ages are welcome to
COVID-19 uncertainties. participate as long as they are able to wear some
The 11th annual Eddie's Big Run, which was sort of pedometer. “We're really hoping families
According to Hawboldt, Eddie's Big Run will
scheduled for June 20 this year, was recently continue and will “definitely be back in 2021”. will put in teams and get together,” Hawboldt
announced as one of the many local events that “We have a new committee this year and they're said.
have been cancelled as a result of the COVID- really excited about making this happen and Teams must consist of three or more people,
19 pandemic. they've all signed up to help next year, so we're and there are many prizes to be won throughout
In previous years, the race, which consists of
a kids' fun run, a 3 km, a 5 km, and a 10 km thankful for that,” Hawboldt mentioned. the challenge.Additionally, every participant
Additionally, Hawboldt stated that many of
will receive a special deal from Jensen's for $30
walk/run, has always drawn a large crowd of
residents looking to challenge themselves, get the businesses who donated to this year's race off the regular price or $20 off the sale price on
have agreed to roll the money into the 2021
any pair of Saucony Running Shoes.
active, and have fun. According to Town of Unfortunately, due to Alberta Health
Edson Community Development Coordinator event. recommendations regarding COVID-19, there
Hawboldt is currently working on refunding
Krysta Hawboldt, 389 people participated in the will not be a wrap-up BBQ like previous years,
popular Edson event last year. everyone who registered for the 2020 Eddie's and all prizes will be delivered by doorstep.
Big Run.
Due to social distancing restrictions regarding Registration for the 13th annual Step It Up
“I know a lot of people did train for Eddie's
COVID-19, as well as fast-approaching Big Run and they look forward to it as a family challenge is due by April 29 before 4 pm. To
registration deadlines and sponsorship event, but I hope they still go out and [stay register, visit For more
uncertainties from local businesses, Hawboldt active] with their families,” said Hawboldt. information about the challenge, contact
stated that “we didn't feel right taking One way residents can stay active this spring Hawboldt at 780-723-4403 or
registrations if we didn't know we were going to
have an event”. is by participating in the Town of Edson's 13th
annual Step It Up challenge.
“[Step It Up] is a good active living
“We were definitely disappointed, but we
The four-week long challenge, which will
understand that this is just the reality of today begin on May 4 and run until June 1, will have opportunity,” said Hawboldt. “Our team is
working on a few other projects to get the
and that it is our social responsibility to our community engaged and active, and they will be
community to keep everybody safe,” said families, friends and businesses in Edson rolling out in the next few weeks.”
compete against each other for the highest
In addition to the cancellation of Eddie's Big number of steps. This challenge is a chance to
connect with each other and encourage physical
Town reduces staff hours to 0.9
due to COVID-19 budget impact
by Cassie Kushniruk implement a 0.9 schedule, reducing the hours of take a 10% wage decrease until the end of
work for all staff until the end of 2020, was 2020, effective May 1, 2020.
In an effort to mitigate the impact of the carried unanimously by Council. Councillor Wilkinson commented, “I think
COVID-19 pandemic on ratepayers, Town of Following this, Councillor Sorenson made a this is our chance to step up and be the
Edson Administration proposed at the April 7 motion that “effective May 1 until the end of municipal leaders that we are supposed to be.”
Council meeting to temporarily change all Town 2020, Council remuneration equate to a lesser of Mayor Zahara stated, “This is a very
of Edson staff's working hours to a 0.9 schedule current policy or 0.9 of the provincial average”. challenging time. We don't get to decrease our
through to the end of 2020. “Council and the community owe a ton of hours in responding to individuals and the
This method would prevent Administration gratitude to the staff who have voluntarily concerns of our community. We are already
from having to lay off more employees in order reduced their hours to prepare us financially for lower than most other municipalities;
to keep the majority of the team intact. some very tough times ahead,” Sorenson said. however, people are struggling and stressed
However, this schedule would have an impact “The last few weeks have been some of the most out all over our community right now. I don't
on service levels as staff would have the same stressful of my term. I used to receive angry calls believe this Council needs to take a decrease
amount of work to do but with one less day to about potholes and snow plowing, but now I other than to show that we are part of the
accomplish it. receive calls from sobbing residents that are solution; it's just a token of us being in it with
If passed, the resulting budget adjustments losing their business, their life savings, and are them.”
would be incorporated into the Emergency scared for the life of their family members. That Councillor Currie noted, “I won't be
budget being presented to Council on April 14, being said, I think we should reduce supporting this motion for the fact that I don't
2020. remuneration to 0.9 of the provincial average to think it's acceptable at this time that our
Councillor Gean Chouinard asked, “Do we match the extreme efforts volunteered by our Mayor is taking a decrease when we are all
have management in different departments staff.” fairly aware of how much more he is doing.”
spread out to cover?” Sorenson later added that this motion would Councillor Chouinard's motion was also
CAO Mike Derricott replied, “For a place like not include the Mayor's remuneration, as “the opposed with a 5-2 vote.
the Town office or the Fire Hall, the intent right Mayor is extremely low compared to the
now is that the facility will be closed every 10th province”.
day and both managers and non-union staff During the time period for questions and
would be at work. There are a few other areas comments from fellow Councillors, Councillor
where we obviously will have to be a little bit Currie stated, “I would not be comfortable voting
more flexible in how we apply it, such as the on it tonight without more information.”
landfill. We're just working to produce a dynamic Councillor Chouinard concurred.
that we feel will have the least impact on service Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “I don't
delivery and still be functional as a general think I can support this motion. At the end of the
program.” day, moving to a 0.9 schedule for Council won't
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked what the really impact our overall Town budget very
feedback from Town staff was when this significantly. I don't want Administration
program was brought to their attention. spending a bunch of time gathering more
Derricott replied, “Our staff…sees what's information; I think we have more pressing
happening in other workplaces and I think the issues to deal with.”
overwhelming response was that… a reduction in Councillor Sorenson's motion was defeated
hours, and ultimately in financial compensation, with a 5-2 vote.
was far favorable to the alternative.” Following this, Councillor Chouinard made a
The motion to direct Administration to motion that all of Council, including the Mayor,
11th annual Eddie's Big Run cancelled due to COVID-19
Step It Up challenge still a go Run, the Yellowhead Triple Crown, which is a activity inside or outside of one's house.
series of three races in Edson, Whitecourt, and This year, registration for the Step It Up
by Cassie Kushniruk
Hinton, has also been cancelled this year due to challenge is free and all ages are welcome to
COVID-19 uncertainties. participate as long as they are able to wear some
The 11th annual Eddie's Big Run, which was sort of pedometer. “We're really hoping families
According to Hawboldt, Eddie's Big Run will
scheduled for June 20 this year, was recently continue and will “definitely be back in 2021”. will put in teams and get together,” Hawboldt
announced as one of the many local events that “We have a new committee this year and they're said.
have been cancelled as a result of the COVID- really excited about making this happen and Teams must consist of three or more people,
19 pandemic. they've all signed up to help next year, so we're and there are many prizes to be won throughout
In previous years, the race, which consists of
a kids' fun run, a 3 km, a 5 km, and a 10 km thankful for that,” Hawboldt mentioned. the challenge.Additionally, every participant
Additionally, Hawboldt stated that many of
will receive a special deal from Jensen's for $30
walk/run, has always drawn a large crowd of
residents looking to challenge themselves, get the businesses who donated to this year's race off the regular price or $20 off the sale price on
have agreed to roll the money into the 2021
any pair of Saucony Running Shoes.
active, and have fun. According to Town of Unfortunately, due to Alberta Health
Edson Community Development Coordinator event. recommendations regarding COVID-19, there
Hawboldt is currently working on refunding
Krysta Hawboldt, 389 people participated in the will not be a wrap-up BBQ like previous years,
popular Edson event last year. everyone who registered for the 2020 Eddie's and all prizes will be delivered by doorstep.
Big Run.
Due to social distancing restrictions regarding Registration for the 13th annual Step It Up
“I know a lot of people did train for Eddie's
COVID-19, as well as fast-approaching Big Run and they look forward to it as a family challenge is due by April 29 before 4 pm. To
registration deadlines and sponsorship event, but I hope they still go out and [stay register, visit For more
uncertainties from local businesses, Hawboldt active] with their families,” said Hawboldt. information about the challenge, contact
stated that “we didn't feel right taking One way residents can stay active this spring Hawboldt at 780-723-4403 or
registrations if we didn't know we were going to
have an event”. is by participating in the Town of Edson's 13th
annual Step It Up challenge.
“[Step It Up] is a good active living
“We were definitely disappointed, but we
The four-week long challenge, which will
understand that this is just the reality of today begin on May 4 and run until June 1, will have opportunity,” said Hawboldt. “Our team is
working on a few other projects to get the
and that it is our social responsibility to our community engaged and active, and they will be
community to keep everybody safe,” said families, friends and businesses in Edson rolling out in the next few weeks.”
compete against each other for the highest
In addition to the cancellation of Eddie's Big number of steps. This challenge is a chance to
connect with each other and encourage physical