Page 10 - August 17 2020
P. 10
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Youth Council proposes $0.25
plastic bag fee to Town
continued from page 3
retailers would collect the money bylaw and then we can debate the
and then it would be put towards the specifics of it.”
Recycling Depot.” Mayor Kevin Zahara commented,
Councillor Janet Wilkinson “It's been remarkable to see this
commented, “I think you'll be a over the last number of years and
Youth Council that is remembered the work, effort, and passion our
West Yellowhead MLA for all the work you've done on the Youth Council has on this issue.”
Zahara continued, “It's been out
Martin Long plastic bags.” in the public for about a year and a
Councillor Krystal Baier said,
“I'm excited to see something like half now, and now I think is the
this debated in Council Chambers. I time that we as a Council need to
feel that a lot of the businesses have implement something. There's
been hearing about this…and I always going to be a segment of the
think it's something that's becoming population that is not going to like
a little bit more normal to look at a it, but we're supposed to be leaders
different way of using plastic bags and we have to make the decisions
and thinking about the for the betterment of our
environment.” community for decades to come.
Councillor Wilkinson asked if Edson is known regionally as a
Youth Council considered extending leader on environmental issues and
the fee to single use cups as well, to I'm proud of that because we are an
which Woelfing replied, “For right oil and gas town and usually oil and
now, we're focusing on single use gas towns do not have that in their Event Reminder
bags.” back pocket. I hope Administration
Councillor Troy Sorenson said, “I will bring back something in the
would encourage our future so we can debate this and May 9: For mental health week, join
Administration to flesh this out in a hopefully implement it.” the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
Preparing for back-to-school a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
I hope that hunters to spend
everyone in our West Yellowhead MLA more time outdoors
community is Martin Long and less time filing
taking the paperwork,
opportunity to keeping our
safely enjoy the promise to cut
warm summer weather. unnecessary red tape. The new
Many families in our community updates also help improve wildlife
are preparing for back-to-school and, conservation, reduce conflicts
based on the latest recommendations between animals and people, and
from the Chief Medical Officer of protect wildlife habitats.
Health, additional measures are being Finally, I would like to address the
put in place to ensure that students ongoing provincial review of
can return safely to the classroom. All municipal linear tax assessments for
students, teachers, and staff will be oil and gas producers. Our rural
provided with two reusable masks municipalities utilize a tax model to
and all schools will be provided with assess oil and gas operations that is
hand sanitizer and contactless over fifteen years old. In that time,
thermometers at the beginning of the much has changed for the energy
upcoming school year. As students industry. I have proactively met with
return to classes, public health representatives of shallow gas
officials will continue to provide operations and with municipal
advice on how to keep all staff and leaders. Both sides recognize there is
students safe. a need for fiscal solvency while
I am happy to share that in the last retaining market competitiveness. No
month, thousands of small businesses decision has been made on this matter
have accessed the Small and Medium and Alberta's government is not
Enterprise Grant. Alberta's proposing any specific changes at this
Government is supporting job time, including the forgiveness of
creators by providing businesses taxes for energy companies. Claims
hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic about the hyperbolic raising of rural
with grants of up to $5,000 to cover residential taxes are misleading and
the costs of reopening. Over 6,700 irresponsible. I look forward to
businesses have received the grant meeting with municipal and industry
since the launch of the program. For leaders, while working towards a
more information, please visit common-sense outcome that balances the needs of local operators with the
grant.aspx. needs of our communities.
Hunting and trapping season is fast I want to thank all of West
approaching. I am happy to announce Yellowhead's residents for your work
that Alberta's Government is updating to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Wildlife Regulations to improve For the latest information and
conservation, enhance opportunities resources on, I encourage you to visit
for hunters and trappers, and provide
relief for outfitters struggling during As always, it is my honour to serve
COVID-19. The changes will allow as your MLA.
Youth Council proposes $0.25
plastic bag fee to Town
continued from page 3
retailers would collect the money bylaw and then we can debate the
and then it would be put towards the specifics of it.”
Recycling Depot.” Mayor Kevin Zahara commented,
Councillor Janet Wilkinson “It's been remarkable to see this
commented, “I think you'll be a over the last number of years and
Youth Council that is remembered the work, effort, and passion our
West Yellowhead MLA for all the work you've done on the Youth Council has on this issue.”
Zahara continued, “It's been out
Martin Long plastic bags.” in the public for about a year and a
Councillor Krystal Baier said,
“I'm excited to see something like half now, and now I think is the
this debated in Council Chambers. I time that we as a Council need to
feel that a lot of the businesses have implement something. There's
been hearing about this…and I always going to be a segment of the
think it's something that's becoming population that is not going to like
a little bit more normal to look at a it, but we're supposed to be leaders
different way of using plastic bags and we have to make the decisions
and thinking about the for the betterment of our
environment.” community for decades to come.
Councillor Wilkinson asked if Edson is known regionally as a
Youth Council considered extending leader on environmental issues and
the fee to single use cups as well, to I'm proud of that because we are an
which Woelfing replied, “For right oil and gas town and usually oil and
now, we're focusing on single use gas towns do not have that in their Event Reminder
bags.” back pocket. I hope Administration
Councillor Troy Sorenson said, “I will bring back something in the
would encourage our future so we can debate this and May 9: For mental health week, join
Administration to flesh this out in a hopefully implement it.” the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
Preparing for back-to-school a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
I hope that hunters to spend
everyone in our West Yellowhead MLA more time outdoors
community is Martin Long and less time filing
taking the paperwork,
opportunity to keeping our
safely enjoy the promise to cut
warm summer weather. unnecessary red tape. The new
Many families in our community updates also help improve wildlife
are preparing for back-to-school and, conservation, reduce conflicts
based on the latest recommendations between animals and people, and
from the Chief Medical Officer of protect wildlife habitats.
Health, additional measures are being Finally, I would like to address the
put in place to ensure that students ongoing provincial review of
can return safely to the classroom. All municipal linear tax assessments for
students, teachers, and staff will be oil and gas producers. Our rural
provided with two reusable masks municipalities utilize a tax model to
and all schools will be provided with assess oil and gas operations that is
hand sanitizer and contactless over fifteen years old. In that time,
thermometers at the beginning of the much has changed for the energy
upcoming school year. As students industry. I have proactively met with
return to classes, public health representatives of shallow gas
officials will continue to provide operations and with municipal
advice on how to keep all staff and leaders. Both sides recognize there is
students safe. a need for fiscal solvency while
I am happy to share that in the last retaining market competitiveness. No
month, thousands of small businesses decision has been made on this matter
have accessed the Small and Medium and Alberta's government is not
Enterprise Grant. Alberta's proposing any specific changes at this
Government is supporting job time, including the forgiveness of
creators by providing businesses taxes for energy companies. Claims
hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic about the hyperbolic raising of rural
with grants of up to $5,000 to cover residential taxes are misleading and
the costs of reopening. Over 6,700 irresponsible. I look forward to
businesses have received the grant meeting with municipal and industry
since the launch of the program. For leaders, while working towards a
more information, please visit common-sense outcome that balances the needs of local operators with the
grant.aspx. needs of our communities.
Hunting and trapping season is fast I want to thank all of West
approaching. I am happy to announce Yellowhead's residents for your work
that Alberta's Government is updating to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Wildlife Regulations to improve For the latest information and
conservation, enhance opportunities resources on, I encourage you to visit
for hunters and trappers, and provide
relief for outfitters struggling during As always, it is my honour to serve
COVID-19. The changes will allow as your MLA.