Page 12 - January 20 2020
P. 12
This stunning image was sent in by the Jackson family from Wildwood. It was a chilly day at home on Tuesday, January 14 with no buses running, and no
school. Makenzee Jackson 10 and her sister Charlee Jackson 14 decided to go outside and have some fun. With the cold temperatures and a little boiling
water... this beauty scene unfolded! submitted Renee Jackson
West-Central Forage Association seeks County's
support with delayed provincial funding
by Dana McArthur research and work in our region and personally I neighbouring municipalities to collaboratively
would say that if the province ceases to fund them regulate development in areas of joint interest.
During the Yellowhead County council meeting that the municipal districts should look into Yellowhead County council moved to refuse the
on January 14, council reviewed a request by continuing this funding." development of IDPs with Woodland County, Lac
West-Central Forage Association (WCFA) that the Councillor Anthony Giezen agreed with Russell Ste. Anne County, and Jasper National Park.
County provide a letter of support regarding but expressed concern with downloading of These counties agreed to do the same. In these
funding delays from the province. provincial funding to the municipalities, "We need cases, the IDPs are unnecessary as these counties
On November 21, 2019 County Administration clarity on this and I think a letter will suffice." share mostly crown-land borders with Yellowhead
received an email from the West Central Forage Mayor Eglinski asked Administration, "If there County. As well, the enforcement of these IDPs
Association (WCFA) asking if Yellowhead is a funding delay due to a technicality is it would be a needless loss of resources and
County could write a letter of support to the acceptable for us to assist the association on a potentially stifle development.
Minister of Agriculture & Forestry asking that temporary basis until they get funding?" CAO
2019 grant funding be released. Jack Ramme responded, "We would recommend Edson Landfill Funding Agreement Renewal
West-Central Forage Association (WCFA) is a against that as there is no safeguard we'd get the Yellowhead County has had an agreement with
non-profit, membership based, producer driven, money back. Unfortunately it may also encourage the Town of Edson to share the cost of the use and
agricultural research and extension organization the province to be a little more comfortable with operation (as well as capital expenses) of the
based out of Entwistle that serves forage and downloading this to the municipalities." Edson Landfill. County council moved to enter
livestock producers in the region, including Yellowhead County Council approved a letter of into a renewed capital and operating agreement
Yellowhead County. Since 1978, WCFA has support for West Central Forage Association, for the landfill with the Town of Edson until
aimed to serve the needs of producers in the through Mayor Jim Eglinski, stating: December 31, 2029. The county is responsible for
region by demonstrating new agricultural, "Yellowhead County Council would like to 35% of capital, reclamation, and operating costs.
technology and production practices through express our concern regarding the untimely Some $410,000 has been budgeted for these costs.
extension activities. This applied research and payment of 2019 funding currently owed to the
knowledge is shared through meetings, training Agricultural Forage and Research Associations
seminars, and field tours, as well as a monthly within the Province.
newsletter. Yellowhead County works closely with the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
An excerpt from WCFA's request for support Forage and Research Associations within our
letter to the County stated, "WCFA has not yet region. Our municipality relies on the specialized Professional Digital
Professional Digital
received our core 2019 funding from the resources offered to provide valuable research and
Passport System
provincial government. This has put us in a tough extension to our farms and ranches. Passport System
photos ready
position as we wait for these funds, so that we can A delay in funding, such has been the case in photos ready
continue to operate and provide specialized 2019 puts these organizations at risk. This could in minutes
in minutes
regional applied research and extension to our result in the delay or cancelation of programming, while you wait...
while you wait...
members and partners." laying off staff, or potentially shutting the doors.
WCFA also stated they have had meetings with These associations operate on a very tight budget
both the Minister of Agriculture & Forestry as with no excess. Interruptions in funding such as in
well as with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture on 2019 have severe consequence.
this matter. Yellowhead County Council fully supports the
"Lac Ste. Anne County was asked to write the Forage and Research Associations we collaborate The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
same letter and Council approved at their last with. We encourage the Province to ensure these
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Council meeting November 21, 2019," stated associations receive the 2019 funding they so 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Christopher Read, Director of Community desperately need. We would also ask that future
Services. funding is processed in a timely manner.” 780-723-5787
Mayor Jim Eglinski made the motion to send the
support letter as soon as possible. Intermunicipal Development Plan Exemptions
Councillor David Russell stated, "The West- Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs) are D
Central Forage Association provides very valuable statutory land use plans developed by
This stunning image was sent in by the Jackson family from Wildwood. It was a chilly day at home on Tuesday, January 14 with no buses running, and no
school. Makenzee Jackson 10 and her sister Charlee Jackson 14 decided to go outside and have some fun. With the cold temperatures and a little boiling
water... this beauty scene unfolded! submitted Renee Jackson
West-Central Forage Association seeks County's
support with delayed provincial funding
by Dana McArthur research and work in our region and personally I neighbouring municipalities to collaboratively
would say that if the province ceases to fund them regulate development in areas of joint interest.
During the Yellowhead County council meeting that the municipal districts should look into Yellowhead County council moved to refuse the
on January 14, council reviewed a request by continuing this funding." development of IDPs with Woodland County, Lac
West-Central Forage Association (WCFA) that the Councillor Anthony Giezen agreed with Russell Ste. Anne County, and Jasper National Park.
County provide a letter of support regarding but expressed concern with downloading of These counties agreed to do the same. In these
funding delays from the province. provincial funding to the municipalities, "We need cases, the IDPs are unnecessary as these counties
On November 21, 2019 County Administration clarity on this and I think a letter will suffice." share mostly crown-land borders with Yellowhead
received an email from the West Central Forage Mayor Eglinski asked Administration, "If there County. As well, the enforcement of these IDPs
Association (WCFA) asking if Yellowhead is a funding delay due to a technicality is it would be a needless loss of resources and
County could write a letter of support to the acceptable for us to assist the association on a potentially stifle development.
Minister of Agriculture & Forestry asking that temporary basis until they get funding?" CAO
2019 grant funding be released. Jack Ramme responded, "We would recommend Edson Landfill Funding Agreement Renewal
West-Central Forage Association (WCFA) is a against that as there is no safeguard we'd get the Yellowhead County has had an agreement with
non-profit, membership based, producer driven, money back. Unfortunately it may also encourage the Town of Edson to share the cost of the use and
agricultural research and extension organization the province to be a little more comfortable with operation (as well as capital expenses) of the
based out of Entwistle that serves forage and downloading this to the municipalities." Edson Landfill. County council moved to enter
livestock producers in the region, including Yellowhead County Council approved a letter of into a renewed capital and operating agreement
Yellowhead County. Since 1978, WCFA has support for West Central Forage Association, for the landfill with the Town of Edson until
aimed to serve the needs of producers in the through Mayor Jim Eglinski, stating: December 31, 2029. The county is responsible for
region by demonstrating new agricultural, "Yellowhead County Council would like to 35% of capital, reclamation, and operating costs.
technology and production practices through express our concern regarding the untimely Some $410,000 has been budgeted for these costs.
extension activities. This applied research and payment of 2019 funding currently owed to the
knowledge is shared through meetings, training Agricultural Forage and Research Associations
seminars, and field tours, as well as a monthly within the Province.
newsletter. Yellowhead County works closely with the PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
An excerpt from WCFA's request for support Forage and Research Associations within our
letter to the County stated, "WCFA has not yet region. Our municipality relies on the specialized Professional Digital
Professional Digital
received our core 2019 funding from the resources offered to provide valuable research and
Passport System
provincial government. This has put us in a tough extension to our farms and ranches. Passport System
photos ready
position as we wait for these funds, so that we can A delay in funding, such has been the case in photos ready
continue to operate and provide specialized 2019 puts these organizations at risk. This could in minutes
in minutes
regional applied research and extension to our result in the delay or cancelation of programming, while you wait...
while you wait...
members and partners." laying off staff, or potentially shutting the doors.
WCFA also stated they have had meetings with These associations operate on a very tight budget
both the Minister of Agriculture & Forestry as with no excess. Interruptions in funding such as in
well as with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture on 2019 have severe consequence.
this matter. Yellowhead County Council fully supports the
"Lac Ste. Anne County was asked to write the Forage and Research Associations we collaborate The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
same letter and Council approved at their last with. We encourage the Province to ensure these
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Council meeting November 21, 2019," stated associations receive the 2019 funding they so 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Christopher Read, Director of Community desperately need. We would also ask that future
Services. funding is processed in a timely manner.” 780-723-5787
Mayor Jim Eglinski made the motion to send the
support letter as soon as possible. Intermunicipal Development Plan Exemptions
Councillor David Russell stated, "The West- Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDPs) are D
Central Forage Association provides very valuable statutory land use plans developed by