Page 9 - July 13 2020
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Edson FCSS/Parent Link Centre closes its doors due to insufficient funding

by Cassie Kushniruk point we are storing our Early Childhood furniture have met along the way not only have impacted my
and program supplies there, but with space Early Childhood Education journey, but my own
Earlier this year, the Town of Edson received limitations and our focus on providing opportunities personal journey as a new mom,” she added.
notice that their provincial ParentLink funding for all ages, we may not be able to dedicate space to “Families were there throughout my pregnancy to
dollars, in the amount of $117,000, would no longer early childhood items in order to keep the multi-use guide me with their experiences. Throughout my
be provided under the province's new model of rooms suitable for all ages,” she explained. maternity leave, I was able to come to the Family
prevention and early intervention. “The Griffiths Park building does give us some Centre as a mom and see it from a new perspective.”
Due to the loss of this funding, the Town of Edson new capacity to run consistent and new types of “Our program wasn't just a place for coffee— it
FCSS/ParentLink Centre (often referred to as the programming because there is a commercial kitchen, was a second home to many where
Family Centre), located in the Red Brick Arts Centre, small gymnasium, and flex rooms that can be parents/caregivers could get the support, referrals or
was forced to close its doors at the end of June. utilized for various activities, so our Community resources they needed for themselves or their
Additionally, one full-time staff position was lost as Development team is excited to have dedicated space children,” McDonald continued. “Over the years we
a result of this funding loss. to support our community,” Byers added. saw so much change and progress with parents
Community Development Manager Tanya Byers Byers stated that they will not be providing indoor wanting to be engaged with their children, taking on
stated, “[The closure] is really devastating because it programs at this point due to COVID-19 restrictions, new parenting programs and making new friends for
was an extremely well-utilized program that was free and that they will not have the capacity to run early their children and for themselves. I was able to
to all who attended, and focused on strengthening childhood programs five days a week like they did at witness relationships be built, people who have never
families by providing them the opportunity to learn the FCSS/Parent Link Centre. “There will be a met support each other through problems, and
together and grow in a safe, supportive environment. definite capacity difference,” she said. children develop new skills that they may not have
Sarah and Dana were running meaningful, interactive Currently, Byers stated that FCSS staff provide received elsewhere.”
programs and were there every day to support the community with a monthly FCSS Family Fun “Overall, I know this program will be missed by
families along their parenting journey. The calendar, which highlights the programs that are still many families who have attended for years, many
participants enjoyed the fun learning activities, but going on despite COVID-19. “Down the road we families who continued to use our program, and
more importantly, many life-long friendships and intend to have a monthly Griffiths Park Centre families who weren't able to attend yet,” said
support networks were fostered at the Family calendar that encompasses programming for all ages McDonald. “I will certainly miss it, but am looking
Centre.” with a good combination of recreation, arts, and forward to other programming that our team can
Byers continued, “In my opinion, it was one of the community support services.” bring to our community!”
most valuable programs we offered because our “For several years, families loved going to the
consistent, evidence-based programming model met Red Brick and they were absolutely amazing
the intended outcomes for families. We had over landlords,” said Byers. “Their staff welcomed our Event Reminder
9,000 individuals go through that building per year. families, they enjoyed the pitter-patter of little feet,
It was well-used, it was well-loved, and we're really and it was really a wonderful place for families to
disappointed that the province will only be funding learn and grow.” May 9: For mental health week, join
minimal universal programming in our community Local mom Kayla Brook has attended the the Town of Edson for Darkness to
through the Family Resource Network model.” FCSS/Parent Link Centre in the past and was looking
Fortunately, the FCSS provincial funding at the forward to returning with her newborn daughter after Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Town of Edson has not been affected, and they will COVID-19 restrictions lift. “[My son and I] enjoyed the community and place luminaries or
continue to provide preventative programs and just being able to get out of the house and interact a simple candle outside your home to
services for all ages. However, they will not have the with other kids and parents in a safe and caring u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
capacity to run the level of early childhood programs environment,” she said. “We loved all the events (approximately 5:10 am).
the community was accustomed to at the Family they hosted, such as baking cookies, meal
Centre. “With our FCSS funding, we have to look at preparation classes, and the make-and-take essential
the big picture and continuously assess the needs of oils class.”
our community and place our resources in the place Brook added, “My youngest son has asked every
of greatest need. We know there is a need to increase day to go to play group. It's hard to tell him there is
the frequency of programs and services for youth no more play group. Every time we drive by he asks
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who are not engaged in organized activities, and with to go in; he doesn't understand the place we went Summers Drilling
the Boys and Girls Club closing, this need is even every Tuesday to Friday is closed permanently. I was
greater. We will not be trying to duplicate the Club's really looking forward to attending the program with
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service model, but our Community Development [my newborn daughter] while all my sons are at Water Well Drilling
team is brainstorming to create more consistent school. It would have been nice to have a place to get
opportunities for youth to engage in community out of the house.”
life,” Byers added. Emma Laurin, another local mom, has never A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Byers noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has utilized the FCSS Parent Link Centre, but was
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“made things really challenging” with regards to planning to attend with her 5 month-old son once Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
closing the FCSS/ParentLink Centre and still trying COVID-19 restrictions lift. “A lot of other moms had drilling and water well repairs.
to provide meaningful programs and services while told me to take advantage of the Family Centre
adhering to the restrictions. “Our team is doing the because it's good to have a support group of other
best we can to try and get services and support out to moms and women who have or are going through
our residents and keep our community engaged, and what you are. Being a new mom, it's easy to feel
I'm proud of them for stepping up to the challenge super isolated, so I was hoping that taking part in the
and finding creative ways to serve our residents,” she activities would help with that.”
said. FCSS/Parent Link Supervisor Sarah McDonald
Byers stated that plans are in the works to offer stated that her time working at the FCSS/Parent Link
future FCSS, recreation, and arts/cultural Centre was “absolutely wonderful” and that her
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programming for all ages at the Griffiths Park Centre “heart and mind were touched by so many great 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
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where the Boys and Girls Club were located. “At this families in our community”. “The families that I Stony Plain, AB www
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