Page 10 - March 16 2020
P. 10
County holds special meeting with MLA Martin Long

by Dana McArthur County and Edson work very hard to bring in
good doctors and staff. I would like an answer as
MLA for West Yellowhead Martin Long was to what the government will do to assure the
invited to a special meeting of the Yellowhead people who live out in the county have services
County Council on March 3 for an update and to available?"
help address some of council's concerns Long responded, "We hope everyone has heard
pertaining to the province. the good news about the surgical initiative grants
Mayor Jim Eglinski thanked MLA Long for and the second surgical unit opening at the Edson
attending. "It's very important that we have a hospital. That will alleviate at lot of travel to the
constant dialog with yourself and to be briefed on city for our local residents. Obviously heath care
what's happening in the provincial government." is an area we have to look at to get costs under
Eglinski added that information often comes just control and the AMA and the province are back
four or five days before a council meeting and in negotiations. I have contacted AHS and the
can catch the MLA's office by surprise. "One of Health Minister and there are no plans to disrupt
these issues was the cut of Pine Beetle funding to services in Edson or any other area."
the municipality." On tax concerns, Mayor Jim Eglinski stated,
The province recently cut funding for the "As we deal with a lack of funding coming from
Municipal Grant Program that supported the cost the province we have to look at covering more
of beetle control operations for municipalities. programs etc. We rely on linear taxes [industrial MLA for West Yellowhead Martin Long was invited
The program provided funding to support tax base] as the main fundraising portion of our to a special meeting of the Yellowhead County
mountain pine beetle management on municipal taxes. If the province decides to take some Council on March 3 to help address some of
and private lands. portion of that away, it's going to drastically council's concerns. photo Dana McArthur
"You went as soon as you heard about it and affect counties like Yellowhead."
talked to the [Agriculture and Forestry] Minister Long responded, "I can certainly find out if Agreement splits the annual cost of rural RCMP
and received the funding [$300,000], and I want there is any direction on this being thought of." between the provincial government (70 per cent)
to thank you for that," said Eglinski. County CAO Jack Ramme added, "Our and the federal government (30 per cent).
MLA Long agreed that improved understanding is that the province is discussing Beginning in 2020, counties, municipal districts,
communication with the county and his this behind closed doors and our concern is the and small towns will begin paying 10 per cent of
constituents on behalf of the Province of Alberta decision will be pro-industry and anti- those costs.
is needed. "It's been nearly a year since the municipality. The ramifications of that would be Eglinski expressed a concern that the federal
election and we are moving at a very rapid pace. quite severe for most municipalities, especially government's 30% may "fly away" and the
We took over a province that had a habit of considering the downloading of services from the province and municipalities may be left with the
spending beyond its means and in the last 15 province onto the municipalities over the last few entire cost. "I am really concerned that the
years our provincial government has run deficits. years. We cannot afford to have our assessment number of officers are already declining per
Inevitably that brought us to where we are today base annihilated." capita across Canada and that you may come
—$70 billion in debt, revenues are down, and we MLA Long asked, "Has this council met back to the municipalities asking for even more
are spending $2 billion to service a debt that specifically with Minister Madu [Minister of money."
should be going into programs." Municipal Affairs] yet, and is that something this Long responded, "This is $286 million over
"We have committed to decreasing spending council would like to do?" Mayor Eglinski five years of additional funding, so this is not
2.8% over four years. Some people are confirmed that council has a deep concerns on taking away services —it's for additional
questioning how dare we, and some people are this issue and would welcome a meeting with the services. It is up to RCMP, however, to
saying —how can we not do more," said Long. minister. Long offered to try to arrange the determine where to put new officers based on
"If we don't do something now who's going to meeting. crime trends. The other aspect of the police
explain to our children, why we didn't have what In regard to the condition of Highway 16, Long funding will be expanding the authority of other
it took to prepare a better future for them?" said stated, "There were a few emergency repairs to peace officers to allow Fish and Wildlife and
Long. "We have to make some hard decisions." potholes in the Wildwood area done a few weeks Sheriffs to receive extra training to respond with
"I have had many meetings with the ministers ago, and hopefully I will have answers in the RCMP on 911 calls."
and what stands out for me is my meeting with next few weeks as to the summer maintenance Other areas of concern raised by council
the Minister of Children's Services [Rebecca program." included the loss of funding for several
Schulz]. She said that we need to ensure we are Ramme added, "We had a staff member test the campgrounds in Yellowhead County; FCSS loss
caring for the most vulnerable in all of what we system when she unfortunately destroyed a tire of provincial funding for social services
are doing," said Long. and wheel in a crater [pothole]. She went through programs provided by the County; volunteer
Mayor Jim Eglinski opened the question period the process [to make a procedural claim for firefighting training funding cuts; wildfire initial-
with the Travel Alberta defunding of Hinton's damages through Ledcor] and she was told it was attack cutbacks; and dealing with pandemics
Visitor Information Centre. "We are very a normal road hazard and she should expect that such as Covid-19.
concerned as we believe this is one of the top [her claim was denied]. Obviously we are very MLA Long noted that he would work to get
four or five most important visitors centres in the disappointed with that response as we have answers from his government for these issues
province." pictures and these are not 'normal' hazards." brought forward by the Mayor and Council; and
The Hinton and District Chamber of MLA Long asked for copies of the email that residents should contact his office with any
Commerce, which operates the centre throughout exchange in order to look into the matter. He also issues that they have.
the year, was told by the province on January 21, advises residents making claims to the local Mayor Jim Eglinski thanked MLA Martin Long
2020 that Travel Alberta funding would be cut highway contractor for vehicles damaged by the for his time addressing council's concerns.
immediately. poor condition of the
Division 8 Hinton/Cadomin/Robb Councillor provincial highways in
Lavone Olson added, "The Hinton Chamber has the area to also cc: his
Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta
managed the travel centre for over 15 years. The office with the claim. Wild Sheep Foundation Alberta
Yellowhead Chapter
province funds the peak summer months and the In regard to policing, Yellowhead Chapter
Town of Hinton funds the off season operation. Mayor Eglinski said,
This is such a busy hub for this region and serves "With your new policy
Will be hosting our
so many people, I wonder why this was cut?" She you are asking Will be hosting our
added, "Is there any way to reconsider the communities under 5000 15th Annual Conservation Banquet
15th Annual Conservation Banquet
$106,000 in funding needed? The whole idea is to start paying a portion
at the Edson Legion
to keep people in our area so we need these local of policing, and I have a at the Edson Legion
tourism booths." lot of concerns. We were
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Long responded, "A major part of this decision lead to believe that we Saturday, April 11, 2020
is about the way visitors are changing their trip would receive new
planning, and making more online tools officers for that added
Social: 4 pm - 6 pm
available. We have a 10 year tourism strategy that cost, but we will see a Social: 4 pm - 6 pm
we are focusing on." The province plans to cost of $500,000 that Dinner: 6 pm - 7 pm
Dinner: 6 pm - 7 pm
double tourism revenue to $20 billion by 2030. will go up yearly until
"Hopefully in a situation like this there are local we are paying 30% of
community groups can help with a tourism the cost of policing. For tickets to the Banquet please call Luke Vandergust
strategy." The current Provincial
Councillor Lavone Olson stated, "Yellowhead Police Service at 780-728-8403. Limited tickets remaining.
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