Page 29 - March 16 2020
P. 29


T he Weekly ANCHOR

S ports

Behind-the-scenes with hockey moms

by Shaylyn Thornton Maaike.
Another hockey mom in Edson,
On any given winter weekend at Jenn Hoogerdijk, spoke of the
Repsol Place, the arenas are filled feeling of family within the
with hockey-loving kids and their community. “From the day we
hockey-loving parents. joined, totally naïve of every aspect
For most people, thinking of of hockey, we were welcomed,” she
hockey brings to mind the players said.
on the ice and the game that is being “The parents form friendships as
played. But behind-the-scenes are quickly as the kids do,” Jenn said.
the hockey parents who put in a ton “You spend so much time together,
of time and effort to help their child so it's hard not to.”
succeed. Jenn's son, Hunter, is seven, and
One such parent is Maaike he started playing hockey when he
Findlay, whose son, Keatyn, plays in was five. He is finishing up his first
Atom hockey in Edson. year of novice hockey, and his third
10-year-old Keatyn has been year of hockey overall.
playing hockey since he was five, Jenn and her husband, Blayne,
and according to Maaike, the never thought that they would end
decision to put him into hockey was up with a kid in hockey. “[We] Hunter Hoogerdijk runs some drills during a Novice level hockey practice.
obvious. “Since he could walk he didn't want anything to do with photo submitted Jenn Hoogerdijk
has loved hockey,” she said. “Most hockey, for a plethora of reasons,”
kids have toys, but not him. He had Jenn said. “But Hunter fell in love
a hockey stick and a puck.” with skating at the age of two and
For Maaike, the love of hockey is by three there was no question what
all about Keatyn. “I love the feeling sport he would play.”
I get watching my son step onto the For Jenn, her reason for loving the
ice; the joy I feel while watching sport is clear. “Watching him,” she
him play,” she said. “Keatyn loves said. “He may not be the best player
it, and that's my reason to love it. I on the team but his passion is
love being a hockey mom and unparalleled. There isn't a moment
would never change it!” where he isn't smiling when he's on
Maaike also noted that hockey the ice.”
provides many life lessons for the Like Maaike, Jenn sees the many
children involved. “It teaches you lessons that hockey helps teach her
compassion, discipline, and son. “The road to success takes hard
respect,” she said. “Hockey has work and accountability, not just to
made my son an incredible kid; he yourself but with your team,” she
has learned many things and said.
continues to.” For the Hoogerdijk family, their
As you will hear from many involvement in hockey has no real
hockey parents, being a part of a end in sight. With all of the benefits
hockey community is like being a that hockey brings, Jenn and her
part of a family. “[I love] the feeling family will be a part of the
of having a hockey family, and community for many years to come.
people who you can count on,” said Keatyn Kuzmic shows off a well-earned medal and trophy that he received
playing hockey at the Atom level. photo submitted Maaike Findlay

The Holy Redeemer Rebels Senior Boys Basketball team took on the Parkland Pacers at the HRH Gym in a midweek game on March 4. The Pacers pulled
ahead in the fourth quarter with a 73-68 win over the Rebels. HRH Coach Dylan DePee said the game was a "great battle." photo Shaylyn Thornton
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