Page 11 - March 24 2020
P. 11
, 2020 PAGE 11
Covid-19 forces closure of Boys and Girls Club

Impact of closure felt by children, parents, and staff members

by Brianne Benson job to go to. We don't know happened, and now there is the during this time. “I would really
anything about if and when they added pressure of a lack of encourage everyone to take this
Due to the coronavirus will get employment insurance, or childcare, a lack of schools, opportunity to slow down. Our
pandemic, the town of Edson has if and when we may be able to financial pressures, and the stress youth just don't have an adult
been experiencing the closure of reopen,” Shupe-Latour said. of not being able to find food and understanding of everything that 302 53 St Unit 100,Edson, AB
many events and facilities, and as The facility employed three full supplies at our local stores,” said is happening so it further Ph: 780-723-3514
of March 15, all schools and time workers and four part time Shupe-Latour. complicates their lives because
licenced daycare facilities were workers, with approximately 30 The club is also feeling the their whole world is turned upside
asked to close their doors to children attending the out-of- financial pressures, as they have down.”
children in a provincial update school care program, and 15 in lost a large source of their income “I think it's important to focus
announced by Alberta Premier their teen program. [childcare] for an undetermined on the positive as much as
Jason Kenney. “I think it's a really tough period of time. Many parents are possible. Explain to the children
One of the many facilities situation for anyone to be in. This requesting refunds for the spring in language that they can
affected by these new measures virus is quite concerning and I break and March childcare fees understand what we do now, and
was the Boys and Girls Club in understand the need to close all of that were paid in advance without turn it into an opportunity to live
Edson. President Loralie Shupe- the schools and childcare knowledge of the impending life a little differently. Make sure
Latour stated that they have programs. But, it is also really closure. that the children always have a
heartbreakingly laid off all their concerning because families still “We do have an emergency fund safe adult with them and lots of
workers until further notice. have to work, those who are for situations like this that will opportunities to play outside and
“It was a directive by the fortunate enough to still have last us for a short time but read books and go back to the
provincial government for all employment in these tough anything long-term could have basics of playing board games
childcare programs to close, so I economic times, and these parents devastating consequences for not and card games.”
am unable to answer when they are really struggling,” Shupe- only our program, but many Shupe-Latour recommends that
might allow us to reopen. It's Latour said. others,” Shupe-Latour said. the community remember that “it
really heartbreaking on so many “A lot of people don't have Another group deeply affected takes a village to raise a child,”
levels. Not only having to call extended family or friends that by these circumstances are the therefore it is important to
not used families and let them know that are able to step up and care for children. With little to no support one another within the
indication of when the
we weren't able to open to
the children, so they're in a very
community in times like these
provide care for their children, difficult position right now. It was community to resume functions where services and family
but also to have to tell all of the a financial crisis before this as usual, local parents are resources are becoming limited. If
staff that they no longer have a concerned about their children's anyone is in need or support or
education. Shupe-Latour assistance, reach out to friends,
emphasized the importance of families, neighbours, and social
offering comfort to children service providers.

Pictured is Annie
B i r i e a n d J u d y
Paytner outside of
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After September 1, 2020
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