Page 7 - March 24 2020
P. 7
, 2020 PAGE 7
Province closes K-12 schools indefinitely
GYPSD and Living Waters Catholic Schools to deliver online programming
by Cassie Kushniruk GYPSD added that the schools have let families Waters Catholic Schools stated in a release on
know when they are able to pick up students' March 18 that the Living Waters Catholic Separate
On March 15, the province announced that all K- belongings, with pick-up times staggered to School Division is currently in the process of
12 students will no longer be allowed to attend “ensure we're supporting safe social distancing to planning a method for delivering continued
not used teachers and other school staff will be expected to [March 15], our teachers, principals, support staff, linked to the program of studies, is predictable,
school in an attempt to minimize the spread of the
programming in light of the school closures. “Our
prevent the spread of COVID-19”.
“Since the cancellation announcement on Sunday plan is to provide programming that is clearly
COVID-19 virus.
Although schools will be closed to students,
sustainable, and accessible to all of our Living
and senior teams have been working around the
Waters students,” she said. “It is imperative that we
work either from home or from their workplace for clock to organize, prioritize, and negotiate the
work as partners in the continued education of our
the time being. School authorities are also
many logistical challenges the COVID pandemic
expected to continue their regular day-to-day
operations to ensure that safety of all school
Lanctot explained that each teacher will use
facilities. and the closing of schools has created,” GYPSD students; we are in this together.”
Google Classroom to deliver content, links, and
According to GYPSD, the Board of Trustees and
Students in grades K-11 will receive a final mark Superintendent of Schools will be implementing a lessons to all students. In order to access this,
for the 2019/2020 school year and will progress to work-from-home option, which is set to begin on students will be required to have a device that is
their next grade level in the 2020/2021 school year. March 19, 2020. “Principals are coordinating with connected to the internet. “If you do not have a
Provincial assessments, including Provincial school staff to identify work that can be done from device, Living Waters Catholic School Division is
Achievement Tests, will be cancelled. home,” GYPSD said. “Each school is looking into working with technology suppliers to provide
On the other hand, grade 12 diploma exams instructional alternatives for students after spring reasonably priced devices for families,” she said.
required for post-secondary acceptance will go break.” “If you do not have access to the internet, we will
ahead as planned at this time. The province expects Currently, the Division uses G Suite, which provide alternate materials that can be picked up at
Grade 7 students at Pine Grove Middle School took part in their annual Eggs in Space experiment on that students eligible for graduation will continue offers Google Classroom to all teaching staff. the schools with a pre-arranged appointment.”
March 5. Students had to create structures to support the weight of a raw egg for one minute. Eggs in to be qualified to graduate this year. Other communication tools include Google Docs, “We want to be mindful and thoughtful
Space has become a school favorite that students have been taking part in for well over 14 years. photo “Grande Yellowhead Public School Division's Gmail, and Google Hangouts. “Teachers will be throughout this process and we are taking our time
Deanna Mitchener first priority is for the health and safety of our using an assortment of digital resources and the because we want to ensure that whatever we do
students and staff. Administration is closely platform tools to deliver lessons and connect with moving forward meets the needs of our students
monitoring the current COVID-19 pandemic and students,” GYPSD said. and parents,” Lanctot said. “We appreciate your
working with health officials to ensure that those “Schools will be coordinating with families who patience… as we embark on this journey of
under our care are not exposed to unnecessary risk do not have computers or internet access to learning in these unprecedented times.”
and exposure to the virus,” said GYPSD provide them with devices or hard copies of
Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Lewis in a learning materials and discuss supports,” GYPSD Second surgical suite announced for
division-wide press release on March 15. added. Edson Healthcare Centre....
Lewis stated that students will not have access to GYPSD stated that they are currently working on
their schools following March 15, reminding a division-wide solution for fee refunds and hope Editor's note: In our March 16 issue we ran a
West Yellowhead MLA parents that they do not need to report their child's to have information for families following Spring story announcing that a second surgical suite
absence during this time.
will be built at the Edson Healthcare Centre.
However, schools will remain open to staff who
Martin Long wish to remain at site and a principal or delegate “We have many unknowns at this time and are However, due to the focused and concerted
asking for everyone's patience, co-operation and
will be on site during the workday. Additionally, understanding as we navigate this uncharted effort on the coronavirus by Alberta Health
critical staff will remain in all GYPSD facilities, situation, together,” GYPSD said. Services they have not been able to provide
the decision of which aligns with public health When asked how grade 12 students will learn the The Weekly Anchor with updated information
measures that include restrictions on gatherings of last part of their curriculum in order to prepare for on the new surgical suite.
Will will endeavour to bring you the details
more than 50 people. “Staff who are sick,
their diploma exams, GYPSD said, “The success
Gerald Soroka including those with mild cold symptoms, are of our students is GYPSD's first priority. on the new surgical suite in an upcoming issue
as details are made available.
expected to stay home and follow all guidance
Instruction is going to change, but our focus on
MP Yellowhead from Alberta Health Services,” GYPSD added. student learning, especially the Division's grade
“GYPSD is committed to and values its
12s, is constant. Our teachers are working around
employees,” said GYPSD. “No staff will be losing the clock to connect with families to get learning
their jobs, and contractors will continue to be paid plans in place.”
so that they can maintain their crews.” Superintendent Jo-Anne Lanctot of Living
Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Passport System
Passport System
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Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling in minutes
in minutes
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Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well 780-723-5787
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r D
4405 50 street
4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
, 2020 PAGE 7
Province closes K-12 schools indefinitely
GYPSD and Living Waters Catholic Schools to deliver online programming
by Cassie Kushniruk GYPSD added that the schools have let families Waters Catholic Schools stated in a release on
know when they are able to pick up students' March 18 that the Living Waters Catholic Separate
On March 15, the province announced that all K- belongings, with pick-up times staggered to School Division is currently in the process of
12 students will no longer be allowed to attend “ensure we're supporting safe social distancing to planning a method for delivering continued
not used teachers and other school staff will be expected to [March 15], our teachers, principals, support staff, linked to the program of studies, is predictable,
school in an attempt to minimize the spread of the
programming in light of the school closures. “Our
prevent the spread of COVID-19”.
“Since the cancellation announcement on Sunday plan is to provide programming that is clearly
COVID-19 virus.
Although schools will be closed to students,
sustainable, and accessible to all of our Living
and senior teams have been working around the
Waters students,” she said. “It is imperative that we
work either from home or from their workplace for clock to organize, prioritize, and negotiate the
work as partners in the continued education of our
the time being. School authorities are also
many logistical challenges the COVID pandemic
expected to continue their regular day-to-day
operations to ensure that safety of all school
Lanctot explained that each teacher will use
facilities. and the closing of schools has created,” GYPSD students; we are in this together.”
Google Classroom to deliver content, links, and
According to GYPSD, the Board of Trustees and
Students in grades K-11 will receive a final mark Superintendent of Schools will be implementing a lessons to all students. In order to access this,
for the 2019/2020 school year and will progress to work-from-home option, which is set to begin on students will be required to have a device that is
their next grade level in the 2020/2021 school year. March 19, 2020. “Principals are coordinating with connected to the internet. “If you do not have a
Provincial assessments, including Provincial school staff to identify work that can be done from device, Living Waters Catholic School Division is
Achievement Tests, will be cancelled. home,” GYPSD said. “Each school is looking into working with technology suppliers to provide
On the other hand, grade 12 diploma exams instructional alternatives for students after spring reasonably priced devices for families,” she said.
required for post-secondary acceptance will go break.” “If you do not have access to the internet, we will
ahead as planned at this time. The province expects Currently, the Division uses G Suite, which provide alternate materials that can be picked up at
Grade 7 students at Pine Grove Middle School took part in their annual Eggs in Space experiment on that students eligible for graduation will continue offers Google Classroom to all teaching staff. the schools with a pre-arranged appointment.”
March 5. Students had to create structures to support the weight of a raw egg for one minute. Eggs in to be qualified to graduate this year. Other communication tools include Google Docs, “We want to be mindful and thoughtful
Space has become a school favorite that students have been taking part in for well over 14 years. photo “Grande Yellowhead Public School Division's Gmail, and Google Hangouts. “Teachers will be throughout this process and we are taking our time
Deanna Mitchener first priority is for the health and safety of our using an assortment of digital resources and the because we want to ensure that whatever we do
students and staff. Administration is closely platform tools to deliver lessons and connect with moving forward meets the needs of our students
monitoring the current COVID-19 pandemic and students,” GYPSD said. and parents,” Lanctot said. “We appreciate your
working with health officials to ensure that those “Schools will be coordinating with families who patience… as we embark on this journey of
under our care are not exposed to unnecessary risk do not have computers or internet access to learning in these unprecedented times.”
and exposure to the virus,” said GYPSD provide them with devices or hard copies of
Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Lewis in a learning materials and discuss supports,” GYPSD Second surgical suite announced for
division-wide press release on March 15. added. Edson Healthcare Centre....
Lewis stated that students will not have access to GYPSD stated that they are currently working on
their schools following March 15, reminding a division-wide solution for fee refunds and hope Editor's note: In our March 16 issue we ran a
West Yellowhead MLA parents that they do not need to report their child's to have information for families following Spring story announcing that a second surgical suite
absence during this time.
will be built at the Edson Healthcare Centre.
However, schools will remain open to staff who
Martin Long wish to remain at site and a principal or delegate “We have many unknowns at this time and are However, due to the focused and concerted
asking for everyone's patience, co-operation and
will be on site during the workday. Additionally, understanding as we navigate this uncharted effort on the coronavirus by Alberta Health
critical staff will remain in all GYPSD facilities, situation, together,” GYPSD said. Services they have not been able to provide
the decision of which aligns with public health When asked how grade 12 students will learn the The Weekly Anchor with updated information
measures that include restrictions on gatherings of last part of their curriculum in order to prepare for on the new surgical suite.
Will will endeavour to bring you the details
more than 50 people. “Staff who are sick,
their diploma exams, GYPSD said, “The success
Gerald Soroka including those with mild cold symptoms, are of our students is GYPSD's first priority. on the new surgical suite in an upcoming issue
as details are made available.
expected to stay home and follow all guidance
Instruction is going to change, but our focus on
MP Yellowhead from Alberta Health Services,” GYPSD added. student learning, especially the Division's grade
“GYPSD is committed to and values its
12s, is constant. Our teachers are working around
employees,” said GYPSD. “No staff will be losing the clock to connect with families to get learning
their jobs, and contractors will continue to be paid plans in place.”
so that they can maintain their crews.” Superintendent Jo-Anne Lanctot of Living
Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Passport System
Passport System
photos ready
photos ready
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling in minutes
in minutes
while you wait...
while you wait...
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well 780-723-5787
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r D
4405 50 street
4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB