Page 16 - September 14 2020
P. 16
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24


The Pioneer Cabin reopened for soup and sandwich day on September 8.This was their first luncheon day since Covid-19. It is a trial run in hopes of
everything going well. Masks were handed out, temperatures were taken, and names were all recorded to follow health guidelines. Seen here are a few of the
wonderful volunteers who help keep the cabin and the many functions going. Yes, they are all smiling behind those masks. photo Deanna Mitchener Event Reminder

Edson Town Council to review offsite levies May 9: For mental health week, join

the Town of Edson for Darkness to

by Cassie Kushniruk with as a community is some of our offsite levies.” However, Lemieux Councillor Troy Sorenson said, “I Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
neighboring communities do not stated that it would be unfair to look would recommend that we do find a simple candle outside your home to
Following Town Council's 2020 have offsites, which certainly at only offsite levies due to many the money to start the review now,
Strategic Planning session in June, causes us to look not as friendly other factors affecting development, but as well, come up with an u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Administration was directed to towards development.” including the state of the economy, interim measure until that review is (approximately 5:10 am).
review the possibility of suspending Zahara continued, “My concern is lower tax rates, etc. complete that would stimulate some
the Offsite Levy Bylaw for a period we're going to lose another year of Mayor Zahara expressed support development.”
of three years. potentially encouraging for getting the review underway as Deputy Mayor Gean Chouinard
At the September 8 Committee of development in our community soon as possible. “When this was stated, “I am against the review.
the Whole meeting, Interim while this review is going on. How brought in 10 years ago, I think Part of the reason I am against the
Planning Manager Brigitte Lemieux long would a review take if we hire Council made the absolute right review right now is the economics. I
stated that a legal opinion was some outside counsel to look at that, decision for the community…but don't see the urgency of doing it
obtained from Brownlee LLP in and is there any way to speed up we're in an environment now where today. I think we can go case by
July 2020 with respect to the this process? We are seeing little to we have to relook at it and try to case on development.”
possible suspension. “At the root, no growth in our community…and make things a little but more Councillor Currie asked, “Did
there is no mechanism to suspend a we need growth to make our business-friendly,” he said. “I you have in your mind already
bylaw,” she said. “You have only community sustainable going certainly would be in favor of where you were thinking of getting
two choices: you can amend the forward.” moving this forward this budget that budget from?”
bylaw or you can repeal a bylaw.” Lemieux stated that should year and taking some money out of Lemieux replied, “When I
To amend the bylaw, and in order Council make funds available to reserves to get this done as soon as budgeted for 2021… we took the
to try to create this suspension, Administration in 2020, “we could possible. Every day, week, and money out of the infrastructure
Lemieux said, “What you would do start on the review much sooner”. month that goes by where we have reserve. It is large enough to take
is you would zero out the charges, “The issue that we have is there is status quo, those are missed the $75,000.”
but then there was no purpose to the actually no funding in our budget to opportunities for us, and in today's CAO Mike Derricott stated that
bylaw.” commence the review process,” she environment, we're competing with Council should expect a proposal to
“The second way we could do it, said. everyone for development, and we come back as soon as next week
we could repeal the bylaw, but “If I look at the review process of need to try to be as business- about moving up the timelines, as
Brownlee advised us really quite the past, it took close to a year, but friendly as possible because we well as some proposals for how the
strongly to really consider not we could do our best to shorten haven't seen the growth that we Town would fund the review
repealing. Repealing the bylaw will those timelines,” Lemieux added. “I need to see in this community.” process.
cause inequities in your would say no sooner than nine
community,” Lemieux continued. months.” Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week
“The other reason that they spoke Zahara then asked, “How much Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
against repealing is that in their would outside counsel cost for www.
experience, we will never arrive at this?” Email:
an offsite levy rate that will satisfy Lemieux replied, “When I did the This dapper young fellow is 4 years old and full of
all.” calculation for our 2021 budget, I love to give. Sinatra loves to chill with his favorite
Based on the advice provided by budgeted $75,000 for the offsite
Brownlee LLP, Administration levy review.” human and is good with kids, cats and dogs with a
advised Council to leave the bylaw Councillor Jacqui Currie proper, slow introduction. Sinatra is seeking the quiet
as is and conduct a review of the commented, “I haven't seen any and zen of a slower paced household to keep up his
offsite levies in 2021. data yet around how much money boyish charm. Find out how to adopt Sinatra by
Lemieux noted that the review we've collected since 2013 in offsite visiting
will take close to a year, which will levies, and I haven't seen any data
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
“provide us with time to redevelop about the change in our message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
an offsite model that is more development pre offsite levies and you more than ever!
reflective to a community our size”. post offsite levies. I would like to
During the time for questions and see that data.” Sponsored by:
comments from Council, Mayor In response, Lemieux said, “Since 413 50 St.,
413 50 St.,
Kevin Zahara commented, “I think 2013, we've collected
one of the challenges we are faced approximately $1.8 million in 780-723-6220
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