Page 9 - September 14 2020
P. 9
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Town to make adjustments to 2020 water/sewer budget
by Cassie Kushniruk Hamm replied, “Correct, it would have.” town, and that is probably why we're seeing some
Currie then commented, “I question whether this of these disconnects.”
During the September 8 Committee of the should come from the operations reserve or the This item will be brought forward at a future
Whole meeting, Town Council discussed making COVID relief fund.” meeting for further discussion.
adjustments to the 2020 water/sewer budget. In response, CAO Mike Derricott said, “I'm
Senior Operations Manager Mitch Hamm supportive of this coming from the operational
stated, “Through the emergency budget, we reserve…mostly because we're still unsure what
removed about 75% of our sanitary sewer budget the COVID reserve amount may end up being in FOR SALE FOR SALE
and 50% of our water budget in our contracted terms of tax collection, etc. The purpose of the
services budget for the 2020 year. We will be operational reserve is to support this type of thing, Asking 245,000 Asking 245,000
incurring some additional costs for our contracted but there would be nothing stopping us from
services budget in the amount of $20,000 in the down the road replenishing that with money from
water budget and $60,000 in the sanitary sewer the COVID reserve if we felt that was the
budget.” appropriate step.”
Hamm continued, “In the water budget, it's a Mayor Kevin Zahara said, “My only concern is
couple water repairs, including a hydrant repair which reserve it is coming from. I'm concerned
that needed to be done, as well in the sanitary we're going to be a little short come year end, but
sewer section, there was a cost at the Waste Water if we can look at replenishing it after we have a
Treatment Plant of about $10,000-$15,000. On better idea of what's going on with the COVID-19
top of that, we had two liability concerns on reserve, I think that would be a good plan. We
surface connections for two homeowners in town, never know what the next problem is going to be,
so that's where the amounts are being derived especially with the weather we've had with rain
from.” and that sort of thing. Is that one of the reasons
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked, “Would this why we're seeing some of these issues?” Well constructed, newly renovated Well constructed, newly renovated
have been in this budget if we had not done the Hamm replied, “I believe the high moisture 1000 sq.ft. bungalow. 2 bedrooms up 1 1000 sq.ft. bungalow. 2 bedrooms up 1
COVID emergency budget?” content in the ground would have a large impact down in developed basement, with a down in developed basement, with a
on surface connections of some of the areas in large yard. large yard.
Event Reminder
Town discusses decreasing To view call 780-712-9891 To view call 780-712-9891
ATCO Franchise Fee May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
to maintain 2019 revenue amount PUBLIC NOTICE Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
BRISCO WOOD PRESERVERS LTD. a simple candle outside your home to
by Cassie Kushniruk year, so I don't believe it's feasible to ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
fluctuate revenue up and down. In my ACT (approximately 5:10 am).
On September 8, during Town opinion, it has to stay at the same NOTICE OF APPLICATION
Council's Committee of the Whole revenue or improve a little bit In accordance with the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Brisco Wood
meeting, Council discussed because our costs are going up.” Preservers Ltd. has applied to Environment and Parks for approval renewal of Peers
decreasing the ATCO Franchise Fee Councillor Jacqui Currie stated, “I Wood Preserving Plant. The operation is located on 24.16 acres of land located on the
to maintain the revenue amount in would also support it staying at the NW quarter Section of section 16, Township 054, Range 14, 21.29 acres of land located
2019. 20%. I don't think we're in a position on SW Section 16, Township 054, Range 14, 10.16 acres of land located on NE Section
16, Township 054, Range 14 and 17.16 acres of land located on SE Section 16,
Each year, ATCO Gas requests that to lose revenue from it. I definitely Township 054, Range 14 West of the 5th Meridian, that is being or has been used or
every municipality have a Franchise don't want it lower than $523,000.” held for or in connection with the Peers Wood Preserving Plant.
Agreement to respond in writing with Deputy Mayor Gean Chouinard
their decision to either increase, commented, “I was against raising it A directly affected person may provide input into certain regulatory decisions, as allowed
decrease, or keep their franchise fee in the first place, but I believe by the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (section 73). Specifically, any
at the current rate. because it's projected numbers, there's person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement of
According to Corporate Services no use changing it. I think we leave concern within 30 days of the date of this notice to:
Manager Mike Passey, Edson's the numbers alone [at 22.35%].” Environment and Parks
franchise fee is currently set at Mayor Zahara asked, “What are Regulatory Approvals Center
22.35%. other municipalities charging?” 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
In 2017 and 2018, the Town's CAO Mike Derricott replied, “The 9915 - 108 Street
Franchise Fee was set at 20%. For ATCO Franchise Fee is all the way Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2GB
Fax: (780) 422-0154
2019, Council opted to raise the from some municipalities charging $0 E-mail:
Franchise Fee by 1.25% to maintain to some charging the full maximum
the revenue amount in 2017. The amount. Most of them are around that The written statement of concern should include the following:
Franchise Fee was raised again for 20%.” - the application number 004-241489
2020 to maintain the budgeted Derricott stated, “I'm supportive of - describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Environmental
revenue amount. the idea of stable revenue being the Protection and Enhancement Act
For 2021, ATCO is projecting the guiding principle. The percentage is - explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activities
proposed in the application
Delivery Tariff Revenue to be really not what matters; what matters - provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer
$2,658,037. If Council were to leave is the amount of money that is where the concerns described are believed to be applicable
the Franchise Fee Percentage at derived as part of that percentage.” - state the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in
22.35%, the Town's projected revenue Councillor Baier expressed support the application
would be $594,071. To remain similar for the 20%. - contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer.
to the budgeted revenue of $523,300, Councillor Sorenson commented, “I Please provide a telephone number and/or email address for ease of contact.
Council would have to decrease the think we should use 20% right now, Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more
Franchise Fee Percentage to 19.70%. but if we do develop a policy, it information if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject
Councillor Krystal Baier said, “I should be based on a fixed revenue their written submission as a valid statement of concern. The Public Notice of this
would prefer to see the same revenue plus inflation.” application will also be posted on the Department's website at
being brought in and lower the Mayor Zahara added, “We should
percentage if that's how we get to that also be looking at making sure that
consistent income.” this money goes to a dedicated Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are
accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern may
Mayor Zahara and Councillor reserve, that way it's not impacting affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.
Trevor Bevan agreed, both adding, “I our operational budget and we're not
would like to see it come back with depending on it year to year. I think Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
the 19.7%.” we should be starting to look at
Councillor Janet Wilkinson reducing our reliance on that for Brisco Wood Preservers Ltd.
commented, “I would like it to stay operations.” Attention: Clay Barrett
Box 104
the same or go even a little higher.” This item will be brought forward Peers AB TOE 1WO
Councillor Troy Sorenson said, “I to Council next week for further Telephone: (780) 693-2182
would like to see it go back to the discussion and approval. Email:
20%. Our costs are increasing every
Town to make adjustments to 2020 water/sewer budget
by Cassie Kushniruk Hamm replied, “Correct, it would have.” town, and that is probably why we're seeing some
Currie then commented, “I question whether this of these disconnects.”
During the September 8 Committee of the should come from the operations reserve or the This item will be brought forward at a future
Whole meeting, Town Council discussed making COVID relief fund.” meeting for further discussion.
adjustments to the 2020 water/sewer budget. In response, CAO Mike Derricott said, “I'm
Senior Operations Manager Mitch Hamm supportive of this coming from the operational
stated, “Through the emergency budget, we reserve…mostly because we're still unsure what
removed about 75% of our sanitary sewer budget the COVID reserve amount may end up being in FOR SALE FOR SALE
and 50% of our water budget in our contracted terms of tax collection, etc. The purpose of the
services budget for the 2020 year. We will be operational reserve is to support this type of thing, Asking 245,000 Asking 245,000
incurring some additional costs for our contracted but there would be nothing stopping us from
services budget in the amount of $20,000 in the down the road replenishing that with money from
water budget and $60,000 in the sanitary sewer the COVID reserve if we felt that was the
budget.” appropriate step.”
Hamm continued, “In the water budget, it's a Mayor Kevin Zahara said, “My only concern is
couple water repairs, including a hydrant repair which reserve it is coming from. I'm concerned
that needed to be done, as well in the sanitary we're going to be a little short come year end, but
sewer section, there was a cost at the Waste Water if we can look at replenishing it after we have a
Treatment Plant of about $10,000-$15,000. On better idea of what's going on with the COVID-19
top of that, we had two liability concerns on reserve, I think that would be a good plan. We
surface connections for two homeowners in town, never know what the next problem is going to be,
so that's where the amounts are being derived especially with the weather we've had with rain
from.” and that sort of thing. Is that one of the reasons
Councillor Jacqui Currie asked, “Would this why we're seeing some of these issues?” Well constructed, newly renovated Well constructed, newly renovated
have been in this budget if we had not done the Hamm replied, “I believe the high moisture 1000 sq.ft. bungalow. 2 bedrooms up 1 1000 sq.ft. bungalow. 2 bedrooms up 1
COVID emergency budget?” content in the ground would have a large impact down in developed basement, with a down in developed basement, with a
on surface connections of some of the areas in large yard. large yard.
Event Reminder
Town discusses decreasing To view call 780-712-9891 To view call 780-712-9891
ATCO Franchise Fee May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
to maintain 2019 revenue amount PUBLIC NOTICE Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
BRISCO WOOD PRESERVERS LTD. a simple candle outside your home to
by Cassie Kushniruk year, so I don't believe it's feasible to ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
fluctuate revenue up and down. In my ACT (approximately 5:10 am).
On September 8, during Town opinion, it has to stay at the same NOTICE OF APPLICATION
Council's Committee of the Whole revenue or improve a little bit In accordance with the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Brisco Wood
meeting, Council discussed because our costs are going up.” Preservers Ltd. has applied to Environment and Parks for approval renewal of Peers
decreasing the ATCO Franchise Fee Councillor Jacqui Currie stated, “I Wood Preserving Plant. The operation is located on 24.16 acres of land located on the
to maintain the revenue amount in would also support it staying at the NW quarter Section of section 16, Township 054, Range 14, 21.29 acres of land located
2019. 20%. I don't think we're in a position on SW Section 16, Township 054, Range 14, 10.16 acres of land located on NE Section
16, Township 054, Range 14 and 17.16 acres of land located on SE Section 16,
Each year, ATCO Gas requests that to lose revenue from it. I definitely Township 054, Range 14 West of the 5th Meridian, that is being or has been used or
every municipality have a Franchise don't want it lower than $523,000.” held for or in connection with the Peers Wood Preserving Plant.
Agreement to respond in writing with Deputy Mayor Gean Chouinard
their decision to either increase, commented, “I was against raising it A directly affected person may provide input into certain regulatory decisions, as allowed
decrease, or keep their franchise fee in the first place, but I believe by the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (section 73). Specifically, any
at the current rate. because it's projected numbers, there's person who is directly affected by this application may submit a written statement of
According to Corporate Services no use changing it. I think we leave concern within 30 days of the date of this notice to:
Manager Mike Passey, Edson's the numbers alone [at 22.35%].” Environment and Parks
franchise fee is currently set at Mayor Zahara asked, “What are Regulatory Approvals Center
22.35%. other municipalities charging?” 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
In 2017 and 2018, the Town's CAO Mike Derricott replied, “The 9915 - 108 Street
Franchise Fee was set at 20%. For ATCO Franchise Fee is all the way Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2GB
Fax: (780) 422-0154
2019, Council opted to raise the from some municipalities charging $0 E-mail:
Franchise Fee by 1.25% to maintain to some charging the full maximum
the revenue amount in 2017. The amount. Most of them are around that The written statement of concern should include the following:
Franchise Fee was raised again for 20%.” - the application number 004-241489
2020 to maintain the budgeted Derricott stated, “I'm supportive of - describe concerns that are relevant to matters regulated by the Environmental
revenue amount. the idea of stable revenue being the Protection and Enhancement Act
For 2021, ATCO is projecting the guiding principle. The percentage is - explain how the filer of the concern will be directly affected by the activities
proposed in the application
Delivery Tariff Revenue to be really not what matters; what matters - provide the legal land location of the land owned or used by the filer
$2,658,037. If Council were to leave is the amount of money that is where the concerns described are believed to be applicable
the Franchise Fee Percentage at derived as part of that percentage.” - state the distance between the land owned or used by the filer and the site in
22.35%, the Town's projected revenue Councillor Baier expressed support the application
would be $594,071. To remain similar for the 20%. - contact information including the full name and mailing address of the filer.
to the budgeted revenue of $523,300, Councillor Sorenson commented, “I Please provide a telephone number and/or email address for ease of contact.
Council would have to decrease the think we should use 20% right now, Environment and Parks will review each written statement of concern, seek more
Franchise Fee Percentage to 19.70%. but if we do develop a policy, it information if needed, and notify each filer by letter of the decision to accept or reject
Councillor Krystal Baier said, “I should be based on a fixed revenue their written submission as a valid statement of concern. The Public Notice of this
would prefer to see the same revenue plus inflation.” application will also be posted on the Department's website at
being brought in and lower the Mayor Zahara added, “We should
percentage if that's how we get to that also be looking at making sure that
consistent income.” this money goes to a dedicated Statements of concern submitted regarding this application are public records which are
accessible by the public and the applicant. Failure to file a statement of concern may
Mayor Zahara and Councillor reserve, that way it's not impacting affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with the Environmental Appeals Board.
Trevor Bevan agreed, both adding, “I our operational budget and we're not
would like to see it come back with depending on it year to year. I think Copies of the application and additional information can be obtained from:
the 19.7%.” we should be starting to look at
Councillor Janet Wilkinson reducing our reliance on that for Brisco Wood Preservers Ltd.
commented, “I would like it to stay operations.” Attention: Clay Barrett
Box 104
the same or go even a little higher.” This item will be brought forward Peers AB TOE 1WO
Councillor Troy Sorenson said, “I to Council next week for further Telephone: (780) 693-2182
would like to see it go back to the discussion and approval. Email:
20%. Our costs are increasing every