Page 22 - September 30, 2019
P. 22

T he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart Sweat Lodge ceremony part of cultural sensitivity workshop

Comics & Fun by Deanna Mitchener with large heated stones, representing ancestral

spirits. The rocks are splashed with medicinal
cedar water to create steam to fill the air.
A cultural sensitivity workshop was held for all
outpatients ,and community members at the Edson song and drumming as a way of contemplating
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE Alberta Health Service staff, inpatients, Participants listen to and feel the vibrations of
Healthcare Centre, on September 21.
nature and reflection of the spirit world, which can
Our goal with this In an interview with The Weekly Anchor, be very healing."
page is to help Indigenous health coordinator liaison Leisa "In the spirit of reconciliation Alberta Health
parents offer a Belcourt said, "This is our first time organizing Services has put in place a workforce mandate to
weekly alternative to such an event and opening it up to everyone. No complete an Indigenous Awareness and Sensitivity
video screens by registration was required to participate in the eLearning certification program. AHS staff take
providing some workshop, it was a drop-in and learn. Stew and the courses and engage with Indigenous
amusing reading that bannock was served for lunch and due to limited knowledge keepers, educational leaders, and
can help promote seating it was asked that anyone wanting to take resources to enhance understanding and Signing in Jasper: On September 17, 2019, Grande Yellowhead Public School Division's Trustee from
early childhood part in the Sweat Lodge experience register ahead knowledge of practices that advance Jasper, Dale Karpluk, witnessed Mayor Richard Ireland signing the West Yellowhead Violent Threat
literacy. Sitting and of time." reconciliation. The sweat lodge ceremony is a way Risk Assessment Community Protocol on behalf of the Municipality of Jasper. The Protocol is a formal
"Participants taking part in the onsite sweat
reading with younger lodge went outside the Edson Healthcare Centre to participate in a hands-on learning experience agreement between communities and organizations in collaborating together on keeping children and
for strengthening relationships with Indigenous
children is a great just behind the Continuing Care Unit where the peoples," said Belcourt. communities safe. photo submitted
By Gary Clark way for families to ceremony took place. Our Medicine Man was Will The guests who attended the workshop were Will Campbell (Medicine Man) on September 21 at
spend some quality
Campbell who took extra time when it came to the grateful for the opportunity to take part in this
the Edson Healthcare Centre giving a workshop on
time. (And for us many questions being asked. A total of 27 attended special ritual. cultural sensitivity. photo submitted
adults, hey, who the workshop, which was a good number for our
doesn’t like a good first workshop of this nature. The workshop and Oct 25-26: EARS will SMALL BUSINESS WEEK 2019
comic) ...enjoy! sweat was open to folks of any faith or religion. be hosting their To place an ad in the Congratulations to all the
We provided a safe, sacred place of healing, a Haunted Forest Small Business Week Small Business Award Winners
spiritual reunion with the creator, and respectful Fundraiser at the
connection to the mother earth." historic Murray's section in our EDSON’S INDEPENDENT, AWARD WINNING LOCAL NEWSPAPER
Joke Indigenous ritual that symbolizes rebirth. The location. Scaredy Cat October 14, 2019 The Weekly
Haunted House
"The sweat lodge ceremony is an ancient
of the dome shaped structure made from willows time is from 6-7 pm issue please contact SERVING EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 30 YEARS Q: When do you stop at green?
represent the womb of mother earth and the frame
(no active scares),
Sue to book your ad
then all in from 7-9
Week design, her ribs. Once inside with the door shut pm each night. A bake space before Owner/Publisher: Dana McArthur A: When you're eating a watermelon.
covered by canvas to eliminate all light, the
Number of Employees: 4
ceremony begins. The ceremony is said to clean
sale, campfire,
and detoxify the mind, body, and spirit. It's a part outdoor movie, and October 8, 2019. Years of Operation: 30 years Q: Why did the girl nibble on her calendar?
A: She really liked sundaes.
Product or service: Newspaper Publishing,
of Indigenous culture that has been around for many more surprises Printing, Passport Photos, Faxing,
hundreds of years and practiced by many will be available. All Photocopying.
Indigenous peoples all over the world," said money raised will go Phone: Q: What happens when you tell an egg a joke?
Belcourt. towards rescuing and eekly A: It cracks up.
"Participants offer the medicine man tobacco as rehoming animals in Email: anchorwk@ ANCHOR
a traditional protocol. It is then used to mix with need in the W Q: What do you take before your breakfast?
other sacred herbs for ceremonial purposes. Jasper/Hinton/ 5040 3rd Avenue A: A seat.
Participants sit around the sacred fire pit filled Edson area. 780-723-5787
Q: What looks like half a horse?
T he Weekly ANCHOR A page for Kids and Kids at heartA page for Kids and Kids at heart A: The other half of a horse.
Comics & Fun Our goal with this new page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by providing some amusing reading that can help promote Q: How does a lion greet animals?
early childhood literacy. Sitting and reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend some quality time. And for us adults, hey, who
A: Pleased to eat you.
doesn’t like a good comic ...enjoy!
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE Q: What did the tree wear swimming?
A: Swimming trunks.

Q: Why did the leaf go to the hospital?
Word Search A: It was feeling a bit green.
Word Search
Q: What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A: A palm tree.

Implications Construction Q: How do trees connect to the internet?
A: They log in.
Facility Registration
Demonstrate Friendships Q: What kind of fruit do evergreen trees like?
Annually Property A: Pine-apples.
Recovery Recycle Q: What do elephants and trees have in common?
A: Trunks.

Q: What did the chef call his son?
A: Stew.
DENNIS Q: Why did the football coach return his shopping cart?

CARTOONS By Gary Clark A: To get his quarter-back.

Q: Why did the cantaloupe jump in the lake?
A: It wanted to be a watermelon.

Q: Why did the opera singer go boating?
A: Because she wanted to hit the high C's.

Q: Why was the story about a broken pencil so bad?
A: It was pointless.

Q: Why was the girl sitting a clock?
A: Because she wanted to be on time.

Joke of the Week: Q: What kind of table is eatable? A: A vege-table, Q: What animals can jump higher than a house?
A: All of them. A house can't jump.

Q: How do you spot a modern spider?
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