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Newspaper readership is Province cuts Parent Link funding for Town of Edson

Edson Friendship Centre to provide early prevention programming to residents
truly multi-platform by Cassie Kushniruk that offer a full continuum of proud of the program our staff have little bit different,” explained Edson

worked hard to build over the years,
In November of 2019, the Town of prevention and early intervention and it's really hard to see it go.” Friendship Centre Director Kristie
Gomuwka.“What we did get is two
services”. The FRN will provide
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing Edson and the Edson Friendship universal, targeted and intensive For many years, a portion of the family support positions to work with
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, Centre received notice that the programs, services and supports based Town's FCSS Provincial funding has families with children 7-18 and one
been allocated to programming at the
family home visitation worker, which
on the needs of families and children
province would be cancelling various
however, the grants and contracts funding Parent and youth aged 0-18 years. FCSS/ParentLink Centre. However, will work with 0-6 year olds. The
Town of Edson Community
majority of these Link Centres and other prevention and Development Manager Tanya Byers with the majority of the funding for other piece to that is that we will be
this program coming from Parent
early intervention services.
doing parent education throughout the
readers are using that Although both organizations stated that the financial pressures of Link, Byers stated that they will community.”
“This was a fairly big success that
digital content to submitted an Expression of Interest COVID-19 have made it “a really experience “a significant decrease in we've experienced, and although this
direct service levels for families with
(EOI) to continue working with the
difficult time to receive this news”,
supplement—not Province within the new Family and also noted that the pandemic children age 0-6 provided by the does not replace the lost contract, it
replace—readership Resource Network model of has“taken away our opportunity to Town of Edson.” definitely has given us the ability to
On a more positive note, Byers said
of a print edition of prevention and early intervention, the provide our families with a proper that there are still many meaningful continue to provide services that we
Edson Friendship Centre was the
would have lost if we didn't get it,”
good-bye prior to packing up the
the newspaper. successful applicant as the new FCSS/ParentLink Centre in the Red services being offered by FCSS staff Gomuwka mentioned. “I think it will
Family Resource Network location in Brick Arts Centre”. to support families and individuals of be an opportunity for families who
Edson. As a result, the Town of Edson “From the feedback we've gotten all ages. “We will bounce back from need some additional educational
In total, more than has experienced a $117,000 annual over the years, [the Edson this disappointment with new and support in terms of parenting and
half (52%) of funding loss which directly impacts FCSS/ParentLinkCentre] is a place innovative ways to provide services child development.”
for residents,” she said. “We will
that families go to learn, feel safe,
the FCSS/ParentLink Centre.
Gomuwka stated that the Edson
newspaper readers According to the newly developed supported, and meet new people that continue to collaborate with our Friendship Centre will be partnering
access newspaper model of service, the Province are going through similar every day community partners to ensure we are with existing service providers in the
all rowing in the same direction to
community to look at ways “we can
struggles and joys of being a parent,”
describes Family Resource Networks
content from both (FRN's) as “inclusive and accessible said Byers.“We have a large number support the residents of Edson and our complement each other's programs”
print and online family-focused, child and youth- of young families in our area that neighbours in Yellowhead County.” and address service gaps.
Byers added, “Our FCSS Advisory
really count on this service. I am very
“We've been really busy trying to
sources. centered, community-based centers Committee and Administration will plan and do some work on how well
examine the impact this loss of roll out this new program,” said
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) Wildwood Public Library update funding will have on our 2020 budget Gomuwka.
and make decisions on how best to re-
Although the Edson Friendship
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper allocate the FCSS budget and set Centre's office is currently closed due
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital submitted Susannah Resources are free with Audiobook close to your future program direction.” to the COVID-19 pandemic,
your library card.
fingertips. Check out
Byers indicated that she is in full
Gomuwka stated that they are still
reading is more consistent from morning to night. Do you need to renew L i b b y, O v e r d r i v e , support of the all-inclusive delivery able to take referrals over the phone.
A s m a n y k n o w, your existing library card A u d i o b o o k C l o u d , model outlined by the Province, and “We are able to offer support on
Wildwood Public Library while we are closed? Romance Book Cloud & looks forward to seeing the programs whatever platform, whether it's
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of is closed due to the Would you like to sign up Hoopla (Hoopla has they will be offering under the new texting or internet or facetiming,” she
COVID 19 pandemic. for a membership to increased their loan items
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, But you'll never believe access eResources? Do from 4 to 10 during this model at the Edson Friendship Centre. said.
“The programs will be similar, but a
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. where you can find us … you have a question? time). Want to check out
If you've answered "yes!" magazines on line: RB
we are on [social media]!
We will be updating our to any of these questions, Digital e-Magazines and T
Town of Edsonown of Edson
[social media] page and Please visit our webpage: audio-books available. TOWN OF EDSON Office Hours
Office Hours
website with any new www.wildwoodlibrary.a Press Reader provides Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
information. If you have b . c a . C l i c k o n instant online access to Monday to Friday
any resources checked NewCard/Renewal/Ques magazines and current
out, please do not return tion and then click on the newspapers from around
them until such time as link for assistance. Or the world in full-color, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)
we reopen. contact our Library full-page format.
All fines will be waived M a n a g e r a t : E-Resources have so Town of Edson
during this time of skotyk.wildwoodlibrary much more to offer
d i s r u p t i o n u p o n —learn a new language,
reopening. All our e- We have many online e- have access to world MONITORING WELLS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT
Resources can be found Resources that will keep foods. is The Town of Edson constructed the wastewater
on our website. These e- a n e - B o o k o r e - online learning courses
covering a variety of treatment plant in 2019. To fulfill the requirement as per
topics including popular the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act,
software, business skills, monitoring wells around the facility are needed.
c o m m u n i c a t i o n ,
management and more.
Check us out, we have As such, the Town of Edson is seeking the following:
so much to offer. · A quote for engineering services (including optional
Summers Drilling
Although the library is services such as project construction management); Summers Drilling
closed, we are finding · A quote for construction;
inventive ways to keep · Provide expertise on the engineering and construction
Water Well Drilling
everyone busy. Lots to Water Well Drilling
do, and Lots of fun! of the required number of monitoring wells around the
Upcoming Events: wastewater treatment plant as per AEP's terms and
FOR RENT Time, Just Dance Party, conditions. A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Monthly Events: Teen
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
NEW MOBILE Seniors Friendly Friday, Potential providers are encouraged to view this RFP on Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
Crafting with Pien, Cards
with Chris, Robin's the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) at
Readers, Photography, or, on the Town of
2 bedroom, complete
2 bedroom, complete Club. Edson website at
Bi-Weekly Events:
with new furnishings. Toddler Tuesday.
with new furnishings.
Weekly Events: Staff Submissions must be received via email no later than
Book Pics, Makerspace 2:00 p.m. (local time), Friday, May 15th, 2020.
$1,800 a month
$1,800 a month Mondays &Throwback RFP Contact:
All events are listed Mitch Hamm 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street

$1,800 Security Deposit
$1,800 Security Deposit with dates and times on Capital Projects Manager Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
our social media page and
on our website. Come and Town of Edson
CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 join us as we find new We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
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Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
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