Page 4 - February 24 2020
P. 4

Yellowhead Synergy discusses upcoming events and local issues

by Cassie Kushniruk can't afford the fees.” is proposing to use commercially available
According to Robbins, the fourth annual Alberta accommodation in the cities and towns closest to
Industry representatives, local government Open Farm Days event will be held on August 15 the project components, one of which stipulates
officials, and key stakeholders gathered at the in Yellowhead County this year. “It's a the Robb pipeline section in Yellowhead County.
Best Western High Road Inn on February 13 for provincial-wide event …and we work with For temporary workforce accommodations,
the quarterly Yellowhead Synergy meeting, producers and processors to promote local food they're looking at about 600 individuals at peak.
where attendants discussed upcoming events, in West Yellowhead,” she said. They're looking at housing 600 individuals for
current issues, and local advancements in the Town of Hinton Councillor Dewly Nelson the South and Colt pipeline sections.”
Yellowhead region. mentioned that the Energy Futures Lab (EFL)will The next Yellowhead Synergy meeting will be
Jesse Kirillo representing Repsol Oil & Gas be hosting the Energy Futures Communities held on May 14 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Best
Canada began by stating that Repsol will be Accelerator on March 5 in Drayton Valley. This Western High Road Inn.
conducting a turnaround in September of this is the second community-focused EFL
year. “We won't be drilling anything in 2020,” he Accelerator that 'advances initiatives taking place
added. at the intersection of energy, environment, and
Community Futures West Yellowhead General the social well-being of Alberta's communities'.
Manager Nancy Robbins informed the group of These initiatives may include advancing the
the organization's annual Lemonade Day event, Alberta-wide Solar Lab Project, creating and
which will be taking place on June 20 in Jasper, leveraging a regional Electric Vehicle Mobility
Hinton, Edson, Grande Cache, and Yellowhead Vision, and advancing the Clean Energy
County this year. “[Lemonade Day] promotes Improvement Program.
entrepreneurship with kids,” Robbins explained. Edson & District Chamber of Commerce
“They get to do a business plan, build a President Darlene Chouinard said, “The business
lemonade stand, negotiate with the town for their community is really getting together and they're
business license, and work out a lease with a having monthly meetings, so please come
local business in town. We encourage kids to because we are talking about things that really
spend a little bit of money, save a little bit of matter to us.” The Edson Chamber meetings are
money, and share a little bit of their money in held on the second Wednesday of each month.
their community.” Chouinard added that the Chamber is currently
Robbins added that Community Futures' focused on getting everything ready for their
biannual Women's Conference, which is a three- annual Trade Show, which will be held on April
day event to bring women in the West 24 and 25 this year.
Yellowhead region together, will be held in Town of Edson Councillor Gean Chouinard
Jasper in November of this year. “This year's noted that Edson is quite busy, with 95% of the
theme is Rejuvenation, Reconciliation, and hotels sold out. “We do have a complaint that
Reflection,” she said. “We're looking for people there's nowhere to stay, but that's positive for us,”
to help us organize. We try to get as many he said.
speakers as possible from West Yellowhead Yellowhead Synergy group Facilitator Carol The Boys & Girls Club of Edson and District
speaking to women from West Yellowhead. The Kihn presented an update from TC Energy celebrated their 36th birthday on February 4. The
more money we bring in the less we have to representative Cole Thomson, who was unable to group of staff, volunteers, and club children
charge and we're able to sponsor people that make it out to the February 13 meeting, “NGTL enjoyed cake, piñatas, and other fun activities as
part of the celebration. photo submitted

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