Page 4 - June 15 2020
P. 4
Council), Corbin Nitz (pre-
med student), Caden
Thingvold (Edson Recycle
Depot), Kieran Bradbury
(Youth Council and
summer student), and
Robert Preville (Youth
Council) on May 28
working hard at getting
Community Garden plots
ready and helping seniors.
photo Deanna Mitchener
PAGE 4 MONDAY JUNE 15, 2020 Maggy Woelfing (Youth
Seniors week celebrated with senior-focused goody bags
by Cassie Kushniruk with candies,” said Broda.
In addition to these goody bags, free
“Seniors are the fabric of our Senior Focus bags are also available
community,” said Town of Edson to seniors on a monthly basis. “These
Community Development bags include crafts, activities, and P
Coordinator Ali Broda. “Without information for seniors in Edson and
them, we wouldn't have what we do the surrounding area who are 60+,” COMMUNITY GRANTS PROGRAM The Weekly Anchor is planning a special grad section in our June 22 issue
have; they make up who we are said Broda. “To register for a bag, you Building vibrant communities together with pictures of the Parkland Grads. But we'll need your support to achieve this goal. 2020
today.” can call 780-723-8616 or fill out the
From June 1-7, communities across survey that will be available on each We invite local businesses, parents, and family
Alberta had the opportunity to show new month's advertising for Senior
their appreciation for seniors and all Focus bags,” said Broda, noting that to place a congratulatory ad message. Congratulations
that they contribute to the community there are already over 30 seniors and Best Wishes...
for Seniors' Week. registered to receive a bag for the (Special rates: 2col x 3" $49 - 1/8pg $79 - 1/4pg $150 - 1/2pg $225)
Although COVID-19 has restricted month of June.
large community gatherings, the The Town also had the idea to Contact Sue Ann by June 15: 780-723-5787 or email
Town of Edson made sure that seniors celebrate seniors through a
in the community were recognized community-wide sidewalk chalk art
and felt appreciated throughout the project, where the community's
week. history and progress could be chalked
“In the best way we could, we up to the contributions of its
promoted Seniors' Week in the hopes seniors.“This idea came from another
that families and friends of seniors community where they encouraged
would take on the task of celebrating people to go out whenever they could
with the seniors close to them,” said and write meaningful messages or
Broda. “We hope that everyone that draw pictures in any location they
has a senior in their lives took a would like their message or image
Town of Edson
moment out of their day to help them seen,” explained Broda. “We did not TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
feel special and recognized.” receive any submissions of any chalk Office Hours
Office Hours
According to Broda, over 500 art, but I am hopeful that people went
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Seniors' Week goody bags were out and celebrated Senior's Week in Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
created by Town of Edson FCSS and the ways they were able to.”
Monday to Friday
made available at Independent and “It is important to celebrate Seniors' Monday to Friday
Sobeys during their senior shopping Week to recognize the impact seniors
hours and senior discount days. have on our daily lives,” said Broda.
Additionally, these bags were also “It's often easy to forget how valuable Our Community Grants
made available to Edson RX, you are as a person, especially when program is a Shell funded initiative that lets the We Need
Switzer's, and Shopper's Drug Mart, you feel like you are no longer able to Community decide how to distribute the dollars.
and were also gifted to seniors at make contributions daily. As you Feedback!
Parkland Lodge and Continuing Care. grow older, the way your life and your Each Grant is $5,000.
“The goody bags included giveaways life will change, but the impact a To learn more or apply please visit Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
like first aid kit pouches, chap stick, senior one made on their community accessory buildings on
fridge magnets, magnifying doesn't go away. It's important to Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
bookmarks and fidget toys, along remember that and acknowledge Application deadline isAugust 15, 2020 Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
that.” District.

Town to host Drive-in TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edsonown of Edson 6628 17 Avenue

Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
Office Hours
Office Hours
Movie at Golf Course Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
by Cassie Kushniruk one's vehicle or on the roof, truck
bed, or in the trunk will not be
In an effort to shake off the permitted. Windows can only be
COVID-19 blues, Town of Edson opened halfway and all vehicle doors
Community Services will be hosting must remain closed. Public
a drive-in movie screening of washrooms are limited and are only
Footloose at the Edson Golf Course to be used for emergencies. There To view details of the application, please contact the
on June 19. will be no concession, so all Planning Department.
According to Town of Edson attendants are asked to bring their You may submit written comments by emailing:;
Community Development own snacks. No outside speakers or by mailing:
Coordinator Diana Inscho, the Town A/C systems will be used. Attendants Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
planned a drive-in movie at the may bring their own FM stereo to or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
airport a couple years ago but avoid wearing down their car battery. front door entrance.
unfortunately had to cancel on No motorhomes or RVs, no alcohol, Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
account of the fire rescue situation at no more people than seatbelts, no Meeting for Councils consideration.
the time. “The event was wildly excessive idling, and no horn If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
popular and it was a shame to have to honking. If in need of assistance, text notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
cancel,” she said. “This year, because 780-723-8107 or raise your objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
of the COVID restrictions, it was an windshield wiper. To watch the online meeting live, please visit
event we could conceivably put on If patrons fail to comply with these Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
that would bring our community rules, they will be asked to leave. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
together while managing the The cost for the drive-in movie will will be recorded and shared.
restrictions. Pop-up drive-ins have be $30 per vehicle, and tickets will
become very popular amongst many only be available online through
communities and are seeing a great Eventbrite. Printed tickets are
resurgence. It's a great way to give preferred and can be transferred to
back to our community, and who other vehicles. Only 100 vehicles will
doesn't love a little nostalgia?” be permitted on site. Smaller vehicles
Due to COVID-19, there will be will be asked to park in the front
some restrictions in place for the while larger vehicles will be asked to
drive-in movie as per Alberta Health park in the back. Gates open at 9:30
Services and the law. pm and the movie will begin at 10 pm
Only one household per vehicle in the Golf Course parking lot.
will be allowed. Ill individuals or For more information, visit
those who are under self-isolation are, the Town of Edson
asked not to attend. Sitting outside of Community Services social media
page, or Eventbrite.

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