Page 5 - June 17, 2019
P. 5

Seniors Week finishes in style

by Shaylyn Thornton

After a busy and exciting week
full of free activities it is safe to
say that Edson knows how to
appreciate its seniors.
The activities offered were
varied and offered something for
everyone. Tea at the library, soup
and sandwiches at the Pioneer
Cabin, lunch at the Recycle Depot,
the Legion Supper, and a movie at
the Nova Theatre were well
attended and very much enjoyed.
On June 6, three more events
were offered including a pancake
breakfast at the Fire Hall,
Continuing Care fun, and a tea at
the Parkland Lodge which also
offered crafts for sale. Edson's Fire Hall saw an amazing turnout for their pancake breakfast in honor of Seniors Week. photo Shaylyn
The pancake breakfast was Thornton
packed full of Edson seniors offer. “It's such a nice event,” she options.
enjoying a free, volunteer-prepared music to those in attendance. said. “My mom was even singing In all, Seniors Week had tons to
About 35 guests including
meal in honor of Seniors Week. earlier. It was great.” offer this amazing group of people
The Parkland Lodge hosted a residents were enjoying the
The Continuing Care facility
tea complete with refreshments, as musical stylings of Frieda sent their residents to an event in our community. Appreciation for
this generation should be shown
well as a craft sale raising money Maynard, in between playing year-round, but it is especially
games such as horseshoes, croquet, each day during Seniors Week and
for the Lodge. Guests enjoyed the noted that the seniors loved getting meaningful to host a week
delicious food while carrying on and beanbag toss. out and experiencing the different dedicated specifically to seniors.
Hood worked hard to get their
conversations with friends.
Continuing Care fun was hosted indoor event all set up after the
weather made them move the event
at the Continuing Care facility at inside. “We spent the morning
the Edson Hospital. AHS working on it,” she said. “But it's
volunteers, Recreation Therapist amazing. I'm so happy with it.”
Patty Mohns, and Recreation Brenda Smith was visiting her
Therapy Student Melissa Hood mother at the facility and was Edson Funeral Home
came together to offer interactive impressed with what they had to
games, refreshments, and live
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium

A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
In honor of Seniors Week, the Edson and District Recycling Depot 780-723-3575
invited local seniors down for a free recycling and lunch event. photo
Shaylyn Thornton

Our Commitment
Our Commitment

Is To You.
Is To You.

Local seniors enjoyed the offering of soup, sandwiches, cake, and Seniors gathered at the Edson and District Library on June 3 to enjoy a
conversation among friends at the Pioneer Cabin sponsored event in free tea time in honor of Seniors Week. photo Shaylyn Thornton
honor of Seniors Week on June 4. photo Shaylyn Thornton Full Service

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