Page 4 - March 18, 2019
P. 4

Edson Wastewater Treatment Plant among

many unfunded provincial commitments

by Cassie Kushniruk 2018,” said Bittner. “This could be replenished to up to the Treasury Board,” he said. “I don't think
a more 'healthy balance' by reallocating some of there are a lot of things we can do with Alberta
On March 12 during the Committee of the Whole our 2019 capital funding that's coming from Transportation, but I think we can make sure that
meeting, an update concerning the Edson reserves.” parties are aware that we have a $2 million
Wastewater Treatment Plant in relation to funding Councillor Gean Chouinard pointed out that this outstanding funding commitment with the
provided by the Alberta Municipal issue is not the Town's fault, but lies in the hands province and see if we can get some political
Water/Wastewater Partnership provincial grant of the province. commitment on that end.”
was provided to Town Council. “Is there an opportunity if this grant doesn't “This is not just the Town of Edson,” said CAO
In 2018, construction for the Edson Wastewater come through to add it to our other debenture on Derricott in closing.“The entire grant program for
Treatment Plant was substantially completed. the project?” asked Councillor Krystal Baier. the province was unfunded through this budget
35.67% of the funding for the project was to be Bittner replied that it could be looked into, but it year, so there's a stack of projects that are
provided by the province through the Alberta would take away from the Town's borrowing approved but the projects themselves are
Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership power. “In the future moving towards the unfunded.”
(AMWWP) provincial grant program. Multiplex we want to keep it a little bit freer,” This matter will be brought back to Council next
The original budget amount of $13 million was Bittner said. week with recommendations on how to address
submitted to the province for approval and on “I think we're caught in a position where Alberta this funding piece.
September 4, 2015, a funding agreement was Transportation has a list of projects that Treasury
signed, guaranteeing a grant amount of $4.7 Board hasn't financed so they're probably just
million to be provided to the Town. waiting for a stamp of approval from Treasury EDSON DRY CLEANERS
However, when more accurate final costs for the Board,” said Mayor Kevin Zahara. 780-723-7503
project were discovered, an application was sent to “But once again, the government makes us do
the province for an additional $2 million in grant something and they don't provide us with the funds 108 50 Street
funding under the AMWWP program. This to make it happen, which is unfortunate, but it's
application was forwarded to the Minister of good to know that Transportation has approved
Transportation for approval in the 2018/2019 that application and it's just a matter of allocation All F/R Rated
budget year. of funds,” Zahara continued. “Hopefully we'll see
“What happened in the 2018/2019 budget year the funding in the next year.”
with the province is they did not fund their Councillor Jacqui Currie asked where it was Winter
[AMWWP] program at all,” said Town of Edson suggested to take $2 million dollars from in order
Director of Corporate Services Sarah Bittner. to fund the project.
Although this application has passed through “In the 2019 capital budget, we had approved a Coveralls
Alberta Transportation and has met the criteria, it certain number of projects and some of them are
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE is awaiting the 2018/2019 budget reading to see if being funded from reserves,” said Bittner. “We and Jackets
the program is funded. “At this time, there's no
could reallocate some of that money to bring this
signed agreement with the province to provide that Unrestricted Surplus back up to a more
additional funding of around $2 million,” comfortable balance.”
Councillor Janet Wilkinson suggested making an
Professional Digital mentioned Bittner. appointment with the Minister of Transportation in 20% off
“The current issue we're facing right now is that
Passport System the 2018 audit is underway and is due to the order to address this need of funds.
Mayor Zahara addressed
photos ready province by May 1,” Bittner said. Wilkinson's suggestion,
Currently, the approximate $2 million of
in minutes calculated grant monies owed, based on the “We've made three
original grant percentage, is recorded as Revenue
requests to meet with the
while you wait... and listed as an Accounts Receivable in the 2018 Minister of Transportation
books.“That is actually contrary to PSAB [Public in the past 12 months. He
Sector Accounting Board Standards] because to be chooses not to meet with
sitting as a Receivable, you're supposed to have us even though he
The Weekly Anchor that signed agreement,” explained Bittner. promises us that he's going
To be compliant with PSAB standards, this to meet with us.”
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson amount would need to be removed from both writing a letter to the Is now accepting applications
“Is there any value in
Revenue and Accounts Receivable in the 2018
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 fiscal year. current people running in for 2019 Natural Gas Installations
“If there is no grant money forthcoming in the
the local political parties to
future, the Town would still need to fund this inform them of our need?”
approximate $2 million from another source,” asked Councillor Baier.
Bittner said. CAO Derricott replied RURAL
After contacting Municipal Affairs for advice on that Administration is
possible repercussions of leaving this as a waiting to see if there is $6,500.00+ GST
Receivable, Bittner gathered that a qualified report going to be any budget
was not something the Town would want on their announcements in the next
financial statements and that lenders may also coming weeks. “If not, URBAN
PASSPORT have an issue with the qualification. Administration will $3,000.00 + GST
“Their advice would be to fund this amount for
PHOTOS & MORE now from reserves and if the grant funding comes recommend that Council
do make the political
Professional Digital through, then replenish those reserves with that,” contacts to make sure that (Construction must be completed
Passport System Bittner said. this is known and in the Current Season)
photos ready If the Town were to remove the Revenue and understood. INFILL FINANCING AVAILABLE
in minutes... Account Receivable to make them compliant with Councillor Chouinard
PSAB, this would show a deficit in the 2018 said, “Right now I think
financial statements and they would be required to we're spinning our wheels
find the money from other sources. writing letters and 3349 – 34 Avenue
“That would then flow through to our meetings. If they declined Whitecourt, Alberta, T7S 1X3
Unrestricted Surplus,” explained Bittner.“We three meetings in a row,
haven't quite finished the audit yet, but we feel that they're not about to say yes
we would end up with around $300,000 left in the now with the election
Unrestricted Surplus, which is a fairly low coming. We have to pay it Phone: 780-779-9990
amount.” and hope for the best.” Toll Free: 1-800-727-5259
If the application is successful and is funded by Mayor Zahara clarified
The Weekly Anchor the province in the 2019/2020 budget year, the that he does not believe Monday - Friday 8:00 – 4:30
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson Revenue would be received in 2019 and would that the issue is with the
780-723-5787 create a surplus at the end of the 2019 to Minister of Transportation, No contracts Accepted
counteract the deficit from the 2018 budget year.
“In the event we are not successful, the surplus but with the Treasury After September 1, 2019
Board. “The Minster can
would remain at the amount we are at the end of lobby all he wants, but it's


Professional Digital
Passport System
photos ready
in minutes...

The Weekly Anchor
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