Page 4 - March 25, 2019
P. 4

UCP candidate Martin Long

speaks at Rotary Luncheon

"I'm just a real person, this job is to represent real people”

by Cassie Kushniruk failures …but we also have to
celebrate our successes and teach our
Since the very beginning of his kids in our education system to
campaign to represent West celebrate those and learn and
Yellowhead in the 2019 provincial contribute in the future.”
election, United Conservative Party Long later made it clear to
(UCP) candidate Martin Long has attendants that he did not consider
made one thing clear: that he is here himself a salesperson, and especially
to serve the people. not a politician. “What I'd rather
On March 19, coincidentally the people see when they see me or
same day the election was called, anyone in elected positions are real
Long was invited to the Edson people; not perfect—certainly not
Rotary Luncheon at the Galloway politicians—but people who are
Station Museum as a guest speaker, really here to serve people,” he said.
where he had the opportunity to Following Long's speech, one
speak to both community and club attendant asked, “Given that the
members about his intentions for the boundaries have been changed now
upcoming election. and the [West Yellowhead] riding is West Yellowhead UCP candidate Martin Long was invited to speak at
Driven by a passion for work, Long gigantic, how do you anticipate to the Galloway Station Museum during the Edson Rotary Luncheon on
moved to Alberta in 2005 to work in keep in touch with constituents from
the oil and gas industry.“I'm a busy end to end?” March 19. photo Cassie Kushniruk
guy and unfortunately that's why I Long stated that although a lot of it
got off the rigs,” Long said during will end up being at events, he will number one priority is getting rid of Long stated that they will be
his speech, explaining that he was continue travelling from community the carbon tax. It hurts families, it running a “very positive campaign”
dissatisfied with the months off work to community, knocking on doors hurts businesses, and we are not to show that the UCP party is here to
during breakup season. and engaging with constituents. gaining the way it was sold to us. serve Alberta and the people in its
In 2010, Long began working for Between last summer and fall alone, “Number two is making sure the communities. “That's the theme
the Alberta Newsprint Company out Long knocked on over 3,000 doors people in West Yellowhead know across 87 different constituencies
of Whitecourt, where he is currently in the communities of Edson, that we're here to serve them and that from the United Conservatives and
employed as a third class Power Hinton, Grande Cache, Niton we're going to engage them in we trust that people will be on board
Engineer. Junction, Carrot Creek, Peers, Robb, conversation and find out their needs with that vision,” he said. “Let's get
Following the 2015 provincial and Brule. “That's going to be my and serve their needs,” Long added. our province on track.”
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE election, Long decided to enter into approach should I get elected,” he
politics due to the lack of
said. “I'm going to be putting a lot of
It’s Fred Becker’sred Becker’s
representation and voice given to miles on and I hope everyone
constituents. “Leading up to the last understands that. I'm just a real It’s F
Professional Digital election, I was disappointed,” he person and this job is to represent
said. “I watched two parties… that
Passport System decided to represent themselves real people.” Birthday!thday!
From now until the election, which
photos ready rather than Albertans.” is scheduled for April 16, Long plans
During his speech, Long touched
to meet as many constituents from
in minutes on a variety of concerns brought up across the riding as possible in order
by both himself and constituents he
while you wait... has met with across the riding. to explain the platform of the UCP
and why “it makes sense for the
Come celebrate with us on April 7.
One issue Long pointed out was the future of our province”. “It's about Come celebrate with us on April 7.
unfair representation of Alberta's oil getting out there and showing people
Coffee and Goodies from
The Weekly Anchor sands in the press and in who we are and why our economy Coffee and Goodies from
advertisements. “When I hear that
has to be put on track,” Long said.
When asked what Long's number
1 to 4 p.m.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson we are teaching kids in our high one priority will be if elected in the 1 to 4 p.m.
schools to refer to our oil sands as
'tar sands', that kind of gets me riled
at the Pioneer Cabin.
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 up,” he said. “We shouldn't accept spring during a follow up interview at the Pioneer Cabin.
with The Weekly Anchor, Long
the advertisements of other
stated, “Based on conversations with
Please let Best Wishes be your only gift!
jurisdictions to refer to them as tar a lot of people in West Yellowhead Please let Best Wishes be your only gift!
sands, but especially we shouldn't and based on our party platform, our
teach our kids to refer to something
that we should be proud of, in a
derogatory manner.”
“I want people to know that Alberta
is a land of opportunity,” said Long.
“We do need to learn from our
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