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Newspaper readership is Two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Edson; one recovered

The Town of Edson continues to encourage
by Cassie Kushniruk
When asked if this news will change anything
truly multi-platform as the province reported Edson's first official case with regards to declaring a state of local residents to practice proper physical distancing and
COVID-19 has officially made its way to Edson, emergency (SOLE), Zahara replied, “Nothing
to avoid holding mass gatherings of more than 10
people. If you are experiencing any symptoms on
changes. The purpose of the provincial restrictions
on April 30.
and closing of businesses was not to overwhelm
COVID-19, the Town urges you to stay home in
Later on May 1, a second case was reported,
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing bringing Edson's total up to two confirmed cases. the healthcare system, and we have been very order to help control the spread.
successful in that. It was never designed to
“We need to keep calm and use common sense
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, “It's certainly not unexpected; we've always eliminate infections, but rather manage it. A SOLE during these difficult times,” said Zahara.“We need
however, the believed COVID-19 was in our community, and and the powers that it gives municipalities has to continue our efforts of physical distancing,
these cases just confirm it,” said Town of Edson
ensuring that we're washing our hands frequently,
never been necessary with the provincial
majority of these Mayor Kevin Zahara in a video update. restrictions in place.” and following the health protocols in place. We
“I'm proud to the level of compliance that the
Although no detailed information has been
readers are using that released with regards to these two cases, Zahara majority of public has taken in Edson to help will only be successful in slowing the spread and
re-opening the economy if people are following the
digital content to stated that Alberta Health Services (AHS) is prevent the spread,” Zahara said.“Many businesses rules and protocols in place. Let's continue to be
supplement—not contact tracing to ensure that anyone who has been have been proactive as well, which is great to see.” safe, be kind, and take care of one another. We can
On May 4, the province reported that one of
replace—readership in contact with these individuals gets tested for the Edson's two cases of COVID-19 was upgraded to all get through this together.”
“We wish those that have been impacted by this
virus immediately.
of a print edition of Zahara confirmed that these cases are not related recovered, meaning that there is now only one a speedy recovery,” Zahara said.
the newspaper. to any of the seniors' facilities in Town. confirmed active case in the Edson area.
In total, more than Business owners share thoughts with area
half (52%) of
newspaper readers mayors about COVID-19 business supports
access newspaper Some of the things like masks and gloves are

content from both by Cassie Kushniruk going to be a concern.” health emergencies. If our business community
does have questions in particular areas, please
print and online One business owner asked, “How will our local bring those questions forward to us and we'll try to
On May 4, business owners in the West
sources. Yellowhead region had the opportunity to share governments help to instill confidence in our local get the answers for you. I certainly would
communities to be out in the public shopping,
their thoughts with the mayors of Edson, Jasper, eating out, etc.?” encourage all businesses to take precautions
…increase sanitization of common surfaces, wear
Yellowhead County Mayor Jim Eglinski stated,
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) Hinton, and Yellowhead County during a virtual “When the announcement was made last week, gloves, etc. We need to continue those efforts.”
event regarding various COVID-19 business
In conclusion of the event, Robbins asked each
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper supports. [the province] did state that they would be coming mayor, “What is your advice to the business
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital “Our goal is to better understand what is up with certain standards, and we are still waiting communities, where do you see economic
reading is more consistent from morning to night. working and what is not working for you; what for those standards. As soon as we get those recovery, and where do we go next as a
innovations you have adopted for your own
...we'll pass those on to our residents and
community and as a region in West Yellowhead
business, and what supports you still require from businesses.” for the businesses?”
As businesses are beginning to move to a more
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of various levels of government,” said event remote working environment, another business Mayor Zahara replied, “Before COVID started,
facilitator and Community Futures West
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, Yellowhead General Manager Nancy Robbins. owner asked how each mayor will support the the Town of Edson was looking at ways on how
we can revitalize our downtown core, talking
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. Throughout the event, participating business development of accessible, reliable, affordable, about things like temporarily shutting down Main
owners had the opportunity to ask the mayors and high-quality rural internet access. Street on Sundays and having markets and events
questions regarding actions being taken by each Mayor Eglinski stated that as a part of the in our downtown. We were already having those
municipality to support businesses amidst the County's infrastructure program, they will be discussions, so I think coming out of this we're
COVID-19 pandemic. installing two new towers in Brule and Aspen going to be looking really hard at what we can do
The first question asked if there will be a Heights. “These are for emergency services but to drive people into our downtown core. We really
suggested list of supplies to have in place for are also available to internet providers to rent to want to try to figure out ways on how we can
businesses to safely open on May 14. Town of provide better services,” he said. “We are strengthen business within our community, not
Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara replied, “That's one of eventually going to be able to cover the whole just now, but into the future.”
the questions we'll have to ask the provincial County with a number of towers that are available Mayor Eglinski stated, “We need to work with
government. I know the Premier spoke about to internet providers to provide the service to the you and get feedback from you so that we can take
getting mass supplies for Albertans in general. residents of Yellowhead County.” it forward to the province and to the federal
Obviously here locally we have Rocky Mountain Mayor Zahara commented, “From our government. Don't let your guard down over the
Bighorn Distillery that's producing hand sanitizer. community, we would certainly be able to support next little while, play it cautiously, and we will get
Yellowhead County in any lobbying efforts …to through this together.”
enhance broadband internet.”
One business owner asked, “Will you be doing
work in your municipality that supplements the
relaunch strategy by the government of Alberta? TO: DALLAS SUSAN HAYWOOD
Will your municipality be looking at different TAKE NOTICE that Manjit Dhaliwal and Paula
things to go with particular sectors in terms of Decuir Dhaliwal have filed a Statement of Claim
relaunch?” against you at the Court of Queen’s Bench in
Mayor Zahara replied, “We're really taking a Edmonton, Alberta. This action arises from the
common sense approach here and following the motor vehicle accident between the Plaintiffs and
directions of the provincial guidelines, because you, the Defendant.
they are the experts in this area when it comes to Because personal service upon you of the
Statement of Claim and Notice to Defendant is
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