Page 3 - September 14 2020
P. 3

HRH and PCHS students return to school in staggered entry

“We're glad that education is happening in classes the same way it always has:” PCHS Principal Mark Maris


Edson Cultural Heritage Organization
(governing board of the Red Brick Arts Centre and Museum)
Will be holding their:

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

at 1:30pm
In Hatlen Theatre at the Red Brick.
4818-7Ave., Edson

Masks will be required to attend,
social distancing will be followed.
For more information contact

or email


ECHO - Edson Cultural Heritage Organization
(governing board of the Red Brick Arts Centre and
Museum) will be holding their Annual General Meeting
Holy Redeemer grade 12 students Shadon Johnston and Evleen Jumaga are ready to start the Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 1:30pm, in Hatlen
school year with COVID protocols in place. The school had a staggered entry over the first three Theatre at the Red Brick. 4818-7Ave., Edson.
days to allow students to easily adjust to the new protocols. photo submitted Masks will be required to attend, social distancing will
be followed. For more information contact 780-723-
3582 or email
Cassie Kushniruk year, so the students dealt with it
very well. Many of our families
On September 8, Holy Redeemer have already been practicing social
High School and Parkland distancing, constant hand
Composite High School both washing/sanitizing, and mask
welcomed back their first set of wearing, so that was very helpful in Helping the world hear better
students in a staggered entry the process.”
implemented due to COVID-19. “Overall, we are excited to Serving Alberta since 1964
At Holy Redeemer, students with continue on with the year,” said We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
surnames starting with letters A-F Taylor. “And if any challenges
were welcomed back to school on occur, we know we have the best
September 8, while students with staff, students and parents that can HEARING EVALUATIONS
last names starting with letters G-O deal with those challenges.”
and P-Z were welcomed back on At Parkland Composite High
September 9 and 10, respectively. School, grade 12 students were
On Friday, September 11, all HRH welcomed back to school on Edson Clinic
students were welcomed back to September 8, while students in
school. grades 11 and 10 were welcomed Wednesday, September 23 * 10:00am-1:00pm
According to HRH Drama/Social back on September 9 and 10, Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
Studies teacher Peter Taylor, “The respectively. Similar to HRH, all 4836-7 Avenue
first day at Holy Redeemer went PCHS students will attend school
extremely well. It was so great to as usual starting September 11. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
see the students again, and it was According to PCHS Principal
so great for them to see each other Mark Maris, “The first day was
too.A lot of planning went into fantastic; [students] got used to the Attending We provide:
making things run smoothly and new rules and quickly got into Practitioner
we're happy to report that it did.” classes and their education started.” * Latest Technology - all
Taylor stated that all students “We really didn't have any
followed the COVID-19 protocols issues,” Maris continued. “We Agnieszka digital hearing aid
in place, including wearing masks explained all the [protocols] to the models
as required by the province, and kids—when they have to wear a Lehmann * Repairs to all models
were “extremely receptive” to said mask, the direction they go, when Registered Hearing
protocols. to hand sanitize—and the kids were Air Practitioner * 30 day trial period
Taylor noted, “Some students pretty quick on picking that up.”
remarked that it 'felt sort of surreal Maris closed, “What [protocols]
to be back'. Others said 'it was a we have put in place hopefully will Edmonton
lot to take in, but many of the allow us to keep them in the
protocols were expected'. That said, school, and that's why all these #134-15277 Castledowns Road
everyone was expecting things to policies are in place. We're glad Edmonton, AB
be different as we constantly we're open and that education is
communicated with our school happening in classes the same way
community ahead of time to let it always has. It's good to be back.” 1-855-258-9429
them know of the changes this
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