Page 4 - August 10 2020
P. 4
Five local farms to participate
in Alberta Open Farm Days
by Cassie Kushniruk event was unfortunately food initiative,” Felsing “Not only do we get
cancelled this year due said. Grow Yellowhead local people visiting,
This summer, as part to COVID-19. “Luckily is a joint effort between but there are also
of Alberta Open Farm we still have several Yellowhead County and visitors that come from
Days, locals, tourists, farms in Yellowhead Community Futures as far as Edmonton, and
and visitors alike will C o u n t y t a k i n g West Yellowhead to Stone Post Farms has
have the opportunity to part,”Felsing said, help local food produc- even hosted bus dinner
visit five local farms in noting that some farms ers, from small niche tours from the city as
Yellowhead County to were not able to m a r k e t s t o l a rg e well.”
meet local farmers and participate due to the processors, get into new “[AB Farm Days] is a
producers, learn where rainy season.“And markets that are looking great opportunity for
local food is produced, some are even provid- for locally-sourced food local residents and
and more. ing a lunch option that and related products. visitors to get out and
Summers Drilling
Yellowhead County, will show off some of “The goal of the explore what's going on Summers Drilling
in conjunction with the local food and treats Yellowhead Local Food in our area, and it's a
Community Futures p r o d u c e d i n Initiative, also known as great learning opportu-
Water Well Drilling
West Yellowhead, has Yellowhead County.” Grow Yellowhead, is to nity to see where your Water Well Drilling
been participating in T h r o u g h o u t t h e ensure that a wide range food is coming from and
AB Open Farm Days for weekend, visitors will of local food options are to meet the wonderful
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
four years in an effort to have the opportunity to readily available to farmers and growers A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
promote local farmers, tour and explore the consumers across our that make it happen,” Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
producers, green- local farms, meet the region; from local said Felsing. “We're drilling and water well r
Town of Edson
houses, u-picks, and farmers and learn about farmers' markets and very happy that this is TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
anything that is grown their crops, sample grocers to all other continuing on for Office Hours
Office Hours
and produced locally. locally grown produce markets across the 2020.”
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
A c c o r d i n g t o and other food items, County and beyond,” For more information Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Yellowhead County and participate in Felsing said. about this year's Alberta
Monday to Friday
S e n i o r C o m m u n - activities unique to each According to Felsing, Open Farm Days, or to Monday to Friday
ications Coordinator farm. “Each stop is each of the five farms in see what is taking place
Stefan Felsing, the unique and interesting,” this year's lineup has at the farms on each day,
event also serves as a said Felsing. “Leaman been working closely visit or 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
“great chance for Exchange is always a hit w i t h C o m m u n i t y westyellowhead.alberta Stony Plain, AB We Need
Stony Plain, AB
residents and families to with the kids; they have Futures Health & Safety
get out and explore the a petting zoo, activities Business Advisor Feedback!
region, find out where like gold-panning, and Deanne Fabrick, who is Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
your food comes from, their always popular assisting the farms with accessory buildings on
and meet your local 'Featherton' bird town COVID-19 health and Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
farmers and growers”. filled with unique and safety practices. “She's Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
This year, five local exotic birds.” been working with our District.
farms will be participat- Felsing noted that local farms over the
previous years for
WE ARE OPEN including Wild County the chance to purchase visitor safety manage- 6628 17 Avenue
ing in the event, visitors will also have
Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
ment, but will be
Gardens, Leaman products directly from
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Exchange, Stonepost the farmers to take introducing extra safety
measures this year as
Farms, Backwoods home a bit of locally-
Buffalo Ranch, and Go grown treats and other we're learning to deal
Hard Ranch. items. with this pandemic,”
Although the County “Through AB Open Felsing said.
typically hosts a bus Farm Days we're able to “Over the years,
tour complete with a help promote our local we've had hundreds of
farm-to-table lunch for producers through our visitors take part in this
AB Farm Days, the Grow Yellowhead local event,” Felsing said.
To view details of the application, please contact the
Planning Department.
You may submit written comments by emailing:;
by mailing:
Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
We are following all AHS objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
recommendations during Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
will be recorded and shared.
this pandemic
We encourage calling for an
appointment at 780.725.3185
- but walk-ins still accepted -
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.)
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society
July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor Adventure
Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10, which includes snacks,
drinks, and swag. Register online at Only 24 spots are available. For more
information, call 780-723-4403. COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed,
which means no bussing to the site will be available.
Five local farms to participate
in Alberta Open Farm Days
by Cassie Kushniruk event was unfortunately food initiative,” Felsing “Not only do we get
cancelled this year due said. Grow Yellowhead local people visiting,
This summer, as part to COVID-19. “Luckily is a joint effort between but there are also
of Alberta Open Farm we still have several Yellowhead County and visitors that come from
Days, locals, tourists, farms in Yellowhead Community Futures as far as Edmonton, and
and visitors alike will C o u n t y t a k i n g West Yellowhead to Stone Post Farms has
have the opportunity to part,”Felsing said, help local food produc- even hosted bus dinner
visit five local farms in noting that some farms ers, from small niche tours from the city as
Yellowhead County to were not able to m a r k e t s t o l a rg e well.”
meet local farmers and participate due to the processors, get into new “[AB Farm Days] is a
producers, learn where rainy season.“And markets that are looking great opportunity for
local food is produced, some are even provid- for locally-sourced food local residents and
and more. ing a lunch option that and related products. visitors to get out and
Summers Drilling
Yellowhead County, will show off some of “The goal of the explore what's going on Summers Drilling
in conjunction with the local food and treats Yellowhead Local Food in our area, and it's a
Community Futures p r o d u c e d i n Initiative, also known as great learning opportu-
Water Well Drilling
West Yellowhead, has Yellowhead County.” Grow Yellowhead, is to nity to see where your Water Well Drilling
been participating in T h r o u g h o u t t h e ensure that a wide range food is coming from and
AB Open Farm Days for weekend, visitors will of local food options are to meet the wonderful
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
four years in an effort to have the opportunity to readily available to farmers and growers A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
promote local farmers, tour and explore the consumers across our that make it happen,” Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
producers, green- local farms, meet the region; from local said Felsing. “We're drilling and water well r
Town of Edson
houses, u-picks, and farmers and learn about farmers' markets and very happy that this is TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
anything that is grown their crops, sample grocers to all other continuing on for Office Hours
Office Hours
and produced locally. locally grown produce markets across the 2020.”
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
A c c o r d i n g t o and other food items, County and beyond,” For more information Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Yellowhead County and participate in Felsing said. about this year's Alberta
Monday to Friday
S e n i o r C o m m u n - activities unique to each According to Felsing, Open Farm Days, or to Monday to Friday
ications Coordinator farm. “Each stop is each of the five farms in see what is taking place
Stefan Felsing, the unique and interesting,” this year's lineup has at the farms on each day,
event also serves as a said Felsing. “Leaman been working closely visit or 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
“great chance for Exchange is always a hit w i t h C o m m u n i t y westyellowhead.alberta Stony Plain, AB We Need
Stony Plain, AB
residents and families to with the kids; they have Futures Health & Safety
get out and explore the a petting zoo, activities Business Advisor Feedback!
region, find out where like gold-panning, and Deanne Fabrick, who is Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
your food comes from, their always popular assisting the farms with accessory buildings on
and meet your local 'Featherton' bird town COVID-19 health and Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
farmers and growers”. filled with unique and safety practices. “She's Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
This year, five local exotic birds.” been working with our District.
farms will be participat- Felsing noted that local farms over the
previous years for
WE ARE OPEN including Wild County the chance to purchase visitor safety manage- 6628 17 Avenue
ing in the event, visitors will also have
Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
ment, but will be
Gardens, Leaman products directly from
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Exchange, Stonepost the farmers to take introducing extra safety
measures this year as
Farms, Backwoods home a bit of locally-
Buffalo Ranch, and Go grown treats and other we're learning to deal
Hard Ranch. items. with this pandemic,”
Although the County “Through AB Open Felsing said.
typically hosts a bus Farm Days we're able to “Over the years,
tour complete with a help promote our local we've had hundreds of
farm-to-table lunch for producers through our visitors take part in this
AB Farm Days, the Grow Yellowhead local event,” Felsing said.
To view details of the application, please contact the
Planning Department.
You may submit written comments by emailing:;
by mailing:
Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
We are following all AHS objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
recommendations during Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
will be recorded and shared.
this pandemic
We encourage calling for an
appointment at 780.725.3185
- but walk-ins still accepted -
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.)
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society
July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor Adventure
Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10, which includes snacks,
drinks, and swag. Register online at Only 24 spots are available. For more
information, call 780-723-4403. COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed,
which means no bussing to the site will be available.