Page 29 - August 19, 2019
P. 29
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
Edson Aeros re-sign Coleman Mueller
by Shaylyn Thornton come to games and you have a hard
time getting around inside that arena.
As the Edson Aeros gear up for their Especially to see that from the ice, it's
second season, they are filling up crazy.”
their roster with talent from all over “Having a Minor Hockey team
the world, with players coming from come inside and outside that room
as far as Sweden. every weekend, is an amazing
However, Edson is also home to experience,” he continued. “Not only
some fantastic local talent, and the for them but for us as well. I think the
Aeros were happy to scoop up local hockey future is bright in our town.”
player #6 Coleman Mueller to join Mueller looks forward to taking
their team for the second season in a things up a notch during his second
row. season as an Aero. He especially
Mueller was also glad to re-sign looks forward to taking on more of a
with the team. “It was an easy leadership role within the team.
decision honestly,” he said. “The He pointed out that during his first
Aeros are all about player season, he had a higher maturity level
development. They want to send as a 19 year old, however not having
players onto the collegiate and semi- Junior Hockey experience made it
pro level. Our coaching staff and hard to fully take on a leadership role,
owners prove that every single day.” as he was dealing with his “own ups
Mueller lived in BC as a child, until and downs of Junior Hockey.”
his family made the move to Edson in “This year, being 20 and having a
2010. “It's where I've done most of year of that Junior Hockey
my growing up, so honestly when experience I hope to be a leader for
people ask me where my hometown our 16 and 17 year olds,” he said.
is, I say Edson,” said Mueller. “Just “I'm hoping to have a bigger role on
being able to play Junior Hockey is the ice, too. I've been working hard
an experience on its own but playing this off-season and trying to keep
in and representing my hometown is game shape. I'm prepared and ready
probably the best experience.” to go for camp and the preseason.”
Mueller has been playing hockey Although hard work and talent are
since he was five years old and definitely big parts of what helped
played goalie up until he was fifteen Mueller become an Aero, he was
when he decided to change things up quick to note that he doesn't do it
and start playing forward. alone.
20 year old Mueller signed on with “I just wanted to thank the owners,
the Aeros for their inaugural season, coaching staff, and the town of Edson
and spoke about how it felt to be a for having me back,” he said. “As
part of that. “I loved every minute of well as all my family, and my parents,
it,” he said. “Making the jump from Deela and Tony, for pushing me and
Minor Hockey to Junior Hockey was encouraging my all season and this
definitely the hardest part, and what upcoming season. And Madi and
made the experience most different.” Sonia, I couldn't have asked for a
“Being there for the first everything bigger support system and
in a franchise, and especially in my encouragement from these two, it's Edson Aeros player Coleman Mueller celebrating during a game in the Aeros
hometown, it was pretty special and a unexplainable.” inaugural season. photo submitted Kathlyn Redlick
great experience.” As Mueller keeps up the hard work
One of the things Mueller definitely preparing for the season, so do the between the ages of 16-20. Axmann at 780-723-0197 or email
can recognize is that Edson is a Aeros. Coming up is their Main The Main Camp is held at Repsol Tryout
hockey town. “The hockey dream in Camp, which act as tryouts which are Place from September 3-6. Those application forms can be found at
Edson is alive and well, and we open to the public. Players have to looking for more information can
proved it last year,” he said. “You apply to take part and must be contact General Manager Axel
LuLu Zhang and Allan McCullough from
Edmonton were camping out at Willmore Park
with some family from the Edson area, when
they decided to check out the BearSmart
sessions being offered. Their dog Molly had a
shocking encounter as they strolled past the
cougar mount. Molly started to bark at the
cougar mount to alert her owners of danger,
only to find out the cougar was already dead.
Julianna Damert who was on hand to answer
questions during the information session
explained, "You should always have your dogs
on a leash while out walking on trails. If you dog
is off leash and encounters a bear or cougar
they may try to attack the wildlife or worse run
back towards you, causing the wildlife to seek
its running pray leading right back to you. If you
keep your dog on a leash at all times, you will
have better control over the situation if it were to
happen. You are better able to keep your dog
calm during the encounter, and less likely to
upset the wildlife allowing you to walk away."
photo Deanna Mitchener
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
Edson Aeros re-sign Coleman Mueller
by Shaylyn Thornton come to games and you have a hard
time getting around inside that arena.
As the Edson Aeros gear up for their Especially to see that from the ice, it's
second season, they are filling up crazy.”
their roster with talent from all over “Having a Minor Hockey team
the world, with players coming from come inside and outside that room
as far as Sweden. every weekend, is an amazing
However, Edson is also home to experience,” he continued. “Not only
some fantastic local talent, and the for them but for us as well. I think the
Aeros were happy to scoop up local hockey future is bright in our town.”
player #6 Coleman Mueller to join Mueller looks forward to taking
their team for the second season in a things up a notch during his second
row. season as an Aero. He especially
Mueller was also glad to re-sign looks forward to taking on more of a
with the team. “It was an easy leadership role within the team.
decision honestly,” he said. “The He pointed out that during his first
Aeros are all about player season, he had a higher maturity level
development. They want to send as a 19 year old, however not having
players onto the collegiate and semi- Junior Hockey experience made it
pro level. Our coaching staff and hard to fully take on a leadership role,
owners prove that every single day.” as he was dealing with his “own ups
Mueller lived in BC as a child, until and downs of Junior Hockey.”
his family made the move to Edson in “This year, being 20 and having a
2010. “It's where I've done most of year of that Junior Hockey
my growing up, so honestly when experience I hope to be a leader for
people ask me where my hometown our 16 and 17 year olds,” he said.
is, I say Edson,” said Mueller. “Just “I'm hoping to have a bigger role on
being able to play Junior Hockey is the ice, too. I've been working hard
an experience on its own but playing this off-season and trying to keep
in and representing my hometown is game shape. I'm prepared and ready
probably the best experience.” to go for camp and the preseason.”
Mueller has been playing hockey Although hard work and talent are
since he was five years old and definitely big parts of what helped
played goalie up until he was fifteen Mueller become an Aero, he was
when he decided to change things up quick to note that he doesn't do it
and start playing forward. alone.
20 year old Mueller signed on with “I just wanted to thank the owners,
the Aeros for their inaugural season, coaching staff, and the town of Edson
and spoke about how it felt to be a for having me back,” he said. “As
part of that. “I loved every minute of well as all my family, and my parents,
it,” he said. “Making the jump from Deela and Tony, for pushing me and
Minor Hockey to Junior Hockey was encouraging my all season and this
definitely the hardest part, and what upcoming season. And Madi and
made the experience most different.” Sonia, I couldn't have asked for a
“Being there for the first everything bigger support system and
in a franchise, and especially in my encouragement from these two, it's Edson Aeros player Coleman Mueller celebrating during a game in the Aeros
hometown, it was pretty special and a unexplainable.” inaugural season. photo submitted Kathlyn Redlick
great experience.” As Mueller keeps up the hard work
One of the things Mueller definitely preparing for the season, so do the between the ages of 16-20. Axmann at 780-723-0197 or email
can recognize is that Edson is a Aeros. Coming up is their Main The Main Camp is held at Repsol Tryout
hockey town. “The hockey dream in Camp, which act as tryouts which are Place from September 3-6. Those application forms can be found at
Edson is alive and well, and we open to the public. Players have to looking for more information can
proved it last year,” he said. “You apply to take part and must be contact General Manager Axel
LuLu Zhang and Allan McCullough from
Edmonton were camping out at Willmore Park
with some family from the Edson area, when
they decided to check out the BearSmart
sessions being offered. Their dog Molly had a
shocking encounter as they strolled past the
cougar mount. Molly started to bark at the
cougar mount to alert her owners of danger,
only to find out the cougar was already dead.
Julianna Damert who was on hand to answer
questions during the information session
explained, "You should always have your dogs
on a leash while out walking on trails. If you dog
is off leash and encounters a bear or cougar
they may try to attack the wildlife or worse run
back towards you, causing the wildlife to seek
its running pray leading right back to you. If you
keep your dog on a leash at all times, you will
have better control over the situation if it were to
happen. You are better able to keep your dog
calm during the encounter, and less likely to
upset the wildlife allowing you to walk away."
photo Deanna Mitchener