Page 16 - August 24 2020
P. 16
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
News and Views
Gerald Soroka News and Views 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Five County farms participate in Alberta Open Farm Days
by Cassie Kushniruk Many different farm-based
activities and tours took place at each
On August 15 and 16, residents farm throughout the two-day event,
from across the province had the from petting zoos and hay rides to
opportunity to visit five of garden tours and more.
Yellowhead County's farms and At the Leaman Exchange, visitors
ranches as part of Alberta Open Farm had the opportunity to learn how to
Days. use a drop spindle to spin wool or
Alberta Open Farm Days is a fiber and were also able to visit a
province-wide event that provides all petting zoo complete with miniature
Albertans with the opportunity to horses, bunnies, goats, and more.
experience farm life, meet farmers, Visitors were also encouraged to walk
experience ag-tourism in Alberta, and through Featherton, Leaman
taste local foods directly from the Exchange's bird town that hosts a
producer while learning how the food variety of rare and unusual fowl, and On August 15 and 16, residents from across the province had the opportunity to visit
is produced. could later visit the farm's popular five of Yellowhead County's farms and ranches as part of Alberta Open Farm Days,
2020 marks the eight annual Open mercantile. A number of children's where many farm-based activities were available to participate in. Pictured is Leaman
Farm Days in Alberta, although the activities were also available Exchange's New Roots Market, which features products from young entrepreneurs
event has been taking place nation- throughout the event, including a dino ages 6-16. photo Cassie Kushniruk
wide for over 10 years. dig and a hobby horse course race.
Yellowhead County, in partnership New to the Leaman Exchange this
with Community Futures West year is the New Roots Market, which PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Yellowhead (CFWY), has features young entrepreneurs from
participated in Alberta Open Farm ages 6-16 who sold their crafts,
Days for four years with intent to paintings, lemonade, and more during
Professional Digital
showcase the local agriculture and Open Farm Days. Professional Digital
tourism industry in a fun, engaging According to owner Leanne
Passport System
and meaningful manner while Sharman, Leaman Exchange has been Passport System
photos ready
connecting people back to their food. participating in Alberta Open Farm Time for Tails photos ready
In Yellowhead County, Open Farm Days for five years. “It's an initiative
in minutes...
Days is also tied closely to Grow for urban people to get out to rural in minutes...
Yellowhead, which is a joint initiative settings to see how [farmers] live and by Dawn Mitchell
between Yellowhead County and where some of their food comes
CFWY. “Grow Yellowhead promotes from, to look at different animals, and
our local farmers and producers who have a hands-on experience that you
all offer a wide variety of fresh and would never get in an urban setting,”
unique food items that are all grown she said.
right here in Yellowhead County – At Stonepost Farms, owners John
and Alberta Open Farm Days is a and Becky Doherty led garden walk
great way for residents and visitors to tours and led visitors through all the During Yellowhead County's fourth annual Alberta Open Farm Days, the Waughbert
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
get out and see the farms and meet different aspects of their farm family enjoyed visiting the Leaman Exchange petting zoo to interact with various farm T
animals. photo Cassie Kushniruk
the farmers and their families who are operation during Open Farm Days.
growing our food,” said County Here, visitors also had the come back, be connected, see where washing and sanitizing stations,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Senior Communications Coordinator opportunity to visit a petting zoo with their food comes from, and how their physical distancing markers, and 5
Stefan Felsing. “Whenever I talk to bottle calves and laying hens, were food is raised.” more. Becky added, “Open Farm
someone who takes part in Alberta encouraged to join the hay ride, and “One thing we strive to be is Days also partnered with Farmzy,
Open Farm Days, they're always also had the chance to try the farm's transparent about the entire process, which is essentially a booking site 780-723-578780-723-5787
surprised by the variety of locally 100% beef patties and smokies. so showing them from chick to plate specifically geared toward Open
grown products grown and available This is the third year Stonepost what that looks like, what the day in Farm Days, so that helps us keep our
right here in Yellowhead County.” Farms has participated in Alberta the life of a farmer looks like, and maximum occupancy at 100 people at
This year, five of Yellowhead Open Farm Days. “Part of the why what seeds look like that you grow in a time.” PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
County's many farms and ranches we do Stonepost Farms is we want to your garden [is important],” Becky “I think it's a great thing that the
participated in the event, including connect people to their food and we added. Alberta government is helping to
Leaman Exchange, Stonepost Farms, find that connection is really broken,” In response to the COVID-19 promote Farm Days, getting people YOUR APPOINTMENT
Wild Country Gardens, Go Hard said Becky. “We've seen a drastic pandemic, various measures were in out to the farms, and getting people
Ranch, and Backwoods Buffalo increase in the interest of local food place at all farms participating in connected back to their food,” said
Ranch. with the whole COVID pandemic, so Alberta Farm Days, including hand Becky.
people are really wanting now to
Gearheads Auto
September 19th at 10 am!
* Barbeque * Vendors
* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities.
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Gearheads Auto offers fantastic pricing on tires for all makes and models
Chevy Cruze LT stock size
HAIDA HD668 ALL SEASON 215/60R16 - only $89 per tire Gearheads Auto
Dodge Journey SXT stock size
...has moved to their new location!
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON 225/65R17 – only $101 per tire ...has moved to their new location!
Ford F150 XL 4x4 stock size
- Same great oil changes specials!
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON P265/70R17 – only $135 per tire - Same great oil changes specials!
- Same great ser
RAM 3500 ST 4x4 stock size - Same great service!vice!
HAIDA HD828 ALL TERRAIN LT275/70R18 10PLY – only $205 per tire
- Now with a BIGGER location to ser
- Now with a BIGGER location to serve you better!ve you better!
Spring tire changeover special – Only $99 to mount and
balance 4 tires.
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
4606 3 Avenue
Member of Five Stars 4606 3 Avenue
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
** all tire orders may be subject to shipping cost. Loyalty Program (Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue) East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
News and Views
Gerald Soroka News and Views 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Five County farms participate in Alberta Open Farm Days
by Cassie Kushniruk Many different farm-based
activities and tours took place at each
On August 15 and 16, residents farm throughout the two-day event,
from across the province had the from petting zoos and hay rides to
opportunity to visit five of garden tours and more.
Yellowhead County's farms and At the Leaman Exchange, visitors
ranches as part of Alberta Open Farm had the opportunity to learn how to
Days. use a drop spindle to spin wool or
Alberta Open Farm Days is a fiber and were also able to visit a
province-wide event that provides all petting zoo complete with miniature
Albertans with the opportunity to horses, bunnies, goats, and more.
experience farm life, meet farmers, Visitors were also encouraged to walk
experience ag-tourism in Alberta, and through Featherton, Leaman
taste local foods directly from the Exchange's bird town that hosts a
producer while learning how the food variety of rare and unusual fowl, and On August 15 and 16, residents from across the province had the opportunity to visit
is produced. could later visit the farm's popular five of Yellowhead County's farms and ranches as part of Alberta Open Farm Days,
2020 marks the eight annual Open mercantile. A number of children's where many farm-based activities were available to participate in. Pictured is Leaman
Farm Days in Alberta, although the activities were also available Exchange's New Roots Market, which features products from young entrepreneurs
event has been taking place nation- throughout the event, including a dino ages 6-16. photo Cassie Kushniruk
wide for over 10 years. dig and a hobby horse course race.
Yellowhead County, in partnership New to the Leaman Exchange this
with Community Futures West year is the New Roots Market, which PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Yellowhead (CFWY), has features young entrepreneurs from
participated in Alberta Open Farm ages 6-16 who sold their crafts,
Days for four years with intent to paintings, lemonade, and more during
Professional Digital
showcase the local agriculture and Open Farm Days. Professional Digital
tourism industry in a fun, engaging According to owner Leanne
Passport System
and meaningful manner while Sharman, Leaman Exchange has been Passport System
photos ready
connecting people back to their food. participating in Alberta Open Farm Time for Tails photos ready
In Yellowhead County, Open Farm Days for five years. “It's an initiative
in minutes...
Days is also tied closely to Grow for urban people to get out to rural in minutes...
Yellowhead, which is a joint initiative settings to see how [farmers] live and by Dawn Mitchell
between Yellowhead County and where some of their food comes
CFWY. “Grow Yellowhead promotes from, to look at different animals, and
our local farmers and producers who have a hands-on experience that you
all offer a wide variety of fresh and would never get in an urban setting,”
unique food items that are all grown she said.
right here in Yellowhead County – At Stonepost Farms, owners John
and Alberta Open Farm Days is a and Becky Doherty led garden walk
great way for residents and visitors to tours and led visitors through all the During Yellowhead County's fourth annual Alberta Open Farm Days, the Waughbert
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
get out and see the farms and meet different aspects of their farm family enjoyed visiting the Leaman Exchange petting zoo to interact with various farm T
animals. photo Cassie Kushniruk
the farmers and their families who are operation during Open Farm Days.
growing our food,” said County Here, visitors also had the come back, be connected, see where washing and sanitizing stations,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Senior Communications Coordinator opportunity to visit a petting zoo with their food comes from, and how their physical distancing markers, and 5
Stefan Felsing. “Whenever I talk to bottle calves and laying hens, were food is raised.” more. Becky added, “Open Farm
someone who takes part in Alberta encouraged to join the hay ride, and “One thing we strive to be is Days also partnered with Farmzy,
Open Farm Days, they're always also had the chance to try the farm's transparent about the entire process, which is essentially a booking site 780-723-578780-723-5787
surprised by the variety of locally 100% beef patties and smokies. so showing them from chick to plate specifically geared toward Open
grown products grown and available This is the third year Stonepost what that looks like, what the day in Farm Days, so that helps us keep our
right here in Yellowhead County.” Farms has participated in Alberta the life of a farmer looks like, and maximum occupancy at 100 people at
This year, five of Yellowhead Open Farm Days. “Part of the why what seeds look like that you grow in a time.” PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
County's many farms and ranches we do Stonepost Farms is we want to your garden [is important],” Becky “I think it's a great thing that the
participated in the event, including connect people to their food and we added. Alberta government is helping to
Leaman Exchange, Stonepost Farms, find that connection is really broken,” In response to the COVID-19 promote Farm Days, getting people YOUR APPOINTMENT
Wild Country Gardens, Go Hard said Becky. “We've seen a drastic pandemic, various measures were in out to the farms, and getting people
Ranch, and Backwoods Buffalo increase in the interest of local food place at all farms participating in connected back to their food,” said
Ranch. with the whole COVID pandemic, so Alberta Farm Days, including hand Becky.
people are really wanting now to
Gearheads Auto
September 19th at 10 am!
* Barbeque * Vendors
* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities.
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Gearheads Auto offers fantastic pricing on tires for all makes and models
Chevy Cruze LT stock size
HAIDA HD668 ALL SEASON 215/60R16 - only $89 per tire Gearheads Auto
Dodge Journey SXT stock size
...has moved to their new location!
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON 225/65R17 – only $101 per tire ...has moved to their new location!
Ford F150 XL 4x4 stock size
- Same great oil changes specials!
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON P265/70R17 – only $135 per tire - Same great oil changes specials!
- Same great ser
RAM 3500 ST 4x4 stock size - Same great service!vice!
HAIDA HD828 ALL TERRAIN LT275/70R18 10PLY – only $205 per tire
- Now with a BIGGER location to ser
- Now with a BIGGER location to serve you better!ve you better!
Spring tire changeover special – Only $99 to mount and
balance 4 tires.
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
4606 3 Avenue
Member of Five Stars 4606 3 Avenue
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
** all tire orders may be subject to shipping cost. Loyalty Program (Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue) East bound lane at 47 St., Edson