Page 3 - August 24 2020
P. 3
Real estate/home story
Check News Canada
Edson Clinic up and running,
please need to resume service.
July 22, August 26, September
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY AUGUST 24, 2020 PAGE 3 23, October 28, November 25
Newspaper readership is Interview with Municipal Affairs Minister on O&G assessment review and Temporary For December
will be the 15th. So Every fourth
"There is no doubt that there's going to be impact on municipal tax revenue": Minister Madu
truly multi-platform continued from page 2 continued from front economic time right now,” Madu said. “In the last revenue. “I think we need to look inwards,” he said. Helping the world hear better Wednesday of the month. Please
Serving Alberta since 1964
send proof so I can proof read
municipalities that will be impacted by this particular
continued page 10
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
five years, our province has seen an enormous “To ensure that we are living within our means, we
review …to explain how we got here. I think by the
end of the meeting they were satisfied and wanted amount of economic stagnation as a consequence of need to trim services where it needs to be trimmed and then the tear sheet there
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing more information, and were thankful that I was able factors that are within our control and factors that are and focus on efficient local government
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, to make it to Edson to meet with the regional beyond our control. The factors that are within our administration. At the end of the day, I am confident HEARING EVALUATIONS after.
control are policies that the previous government and that if we do that and if [municipalities] do that, we
however, the leaders.” the federal government [dropped] on the most critical are going to be able to live through this particular
Madu noted that a review of the assessment model
majority of these for oil and gas properties is supposed to take place sector of our economy.” period until we rebuild our economy and restore
Madu continued, “Since becoming Minister of Alberta's prosperity.”
readers are using that every 3-5 years, however, “Alberta has not done this Municipal Affairs, I have received countless On August 18, Premier Jason Kenney announced a Edson Clinic
since 2005”. “The [Progressive Conservative Party
digital content to of Canada] and the NDP were responsible for that, numbers of letters, emails, and phone calls about the $1.1 billion municipal stimulus package that “every Wednesday, August 26 * 10:00am-1:00pm
supplement—not but what is important is that we are going to do what need for municipalities to live within their means. single municipality in this province is going to Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
Free money from oil and gas is over, and so we can no receive”, said Madu. Of that $1.1 billion, Madu
we should have done 15 years ago. There is no doubt
replace—readership that there's going to be impact on municipal tax longer afford to live …as if we are in the 1990s or stated that $500 million will be used for municipal 4836-7 Avenue
of a print edition of revenue, but to say that because there is going to be an early 2000s. My message to municipal leaders is this: expenses and an additional $600 million will be used BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
until we rebuild our economy, until we rebuild our oil for operating expenses, which he hopes will be able
the newspaper. impact on municipal revenue…and not do the right and gas sector, and until we figure out …the impact of to help these municipalities avoid raising taxes in
thing, I don't think that is the right thing to do.”
“In the case of the struggling oil and gas sector, [we the COVID-19 pandemic, there is need for local response to the assessment review. Attending We provide:
Once this particular review is completed, Madu
government to really focus on local priorities
In total, more than need] incentives for [people] to invest in Alberta,” …programs and policies that local governments were stated that there will be opportunity for the province Practitioner
Madu said. “If by our own policies we don't have
half (52%) of …investments in our province, how are we going to designed to deliver.” to review the rest of the assessments that deal with * Latest Technology - all
When asked how the review will impact cost share “large scale industrial facilities”.
newspaper readers ensure the prosperity of tomorrow? How are we agreements between municipalities, Madu replied, Many municipalities have raised concerns about digital hearing aid
going to ensure the development of future oil and gas
access newspaper wells?” “Municipal agreements will continue to be in the province's closed-door review of the assessment; Agnieszka models
When asked how the provincial assessment model
content from both review will affect the education property tax, Madu existence. If, for example, there is a reduction in however, Madu stated that “RMA [and AUMA] have Lehmann * Repairs to all models
revenue, of course the new agreement will [need to] been involved from day one”. “They have
print and online stated, “The provincial government funds K-12 reflect the new reality. I am a big fan of representatives who are some of their finest chief Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period
sources. education, so the provincial government would have intermunicipal collaborations and I do think they are administrative officers that participate in this Air Practitioner
to deal with that particular impact.” very, very helpful, but we cannot [use] those conversation and consultation,” he said. “The
“I want to be clear that municipalities need to know agreements not to do the right thing.” suggestion out there that they have not been part of Edmonton
Madu stated that this review is not an opportunity this consultation is untrue.”
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) that the entire province is going through a difficult for municipalities to raise taxes to make up for lost
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper #134-15277 Castledowns Road
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital The Rolling Barrage motorcycles rolled through Edson Edmonton, AB
reading is more consistent from morning to night.
by Dawn Olsvik Scott Casey, President who heard about the ride, 1-855-258-9429
of Military Minds Inc and made a motion and the
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of On August 18, 2020 founder of The Rolling Executive made a
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, dozens of motorcycles Barrage, said, “This year unanimous decision to
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. rolled through Edson as w e w i l l s e e donate $500. The riders
part of The Rolling approximately 400 were running behind
Barrage. The riders are riders. The beauty of the schedule so Legion reps
part of the over 130,000 ride is riders may ride for met them at their
person community one day or they can book refuelling stop to present Edson Funeral Home
known as Military Minds for the full pull. We had the cheque.
Inc. one rider that rode with us Casey said, “I am
The ride is a community at the starting point and always appreciative of
builder and secondly a peeled of 20 minutes later donations that are Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematoriumoothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
fundraiser with the goal to go to work.” p r e s e n t e d t o t h e
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp. Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
of bringing awareness First Vice President of organization and when a A
surrounding PTSD with the Royal Canadian new contributor comes to PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8O Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
the Combat veteran and Legion Joe Wynne us, we are happy for two 7
f i r s t r e s p o n d e r Branch 51, Bobbi Foulds, reasons. Firstly, the
communities. message is getting out The Edson Legion made a donation of $500 to Military Minds Inc. (MMI) when the Rolling
there and secondly, our Barrage came through Edson on August 18, 2020. Shown in photo is MP for Yellowhead, Gerald
vets and first responders Soroka; Edson Legion 1st Vice President Bobbi Foulds; Poppy Chairman Larry Williams; MMI
feel the energy that founder Cpl Scott Casey (ret); Branch President Wendy Williams; and Sergeant-at-arms John
Coes. photo Dawn Olsvik
comes with community.” We're still here for you,e're still here for you,
MP for Yellowhead,
Gerald Soroka, was also
still offering our
on hand to welcome the still offering our
riders. “I think it's a very
good cause that they are
personalized service.
riding for. PTSD is a very personalized service.
i m p o r t a n t i s s u e ,
Please call for
You decide especially to our military Please call for
personnel,” he said. “To
bring awareness and
an appointment.
2 bedroom fully furnished, attention to this, as well an appointment.
as to help with the funds
completely outfitted with to make sure these kinds
of programs not only
everything you need. Just e x i s t b u t a l s o b e
bring your personal items enhanced throughout this Traditional Funeral Services,
whole process, makes me
and move in. very proud and pleased Graveside Services and
that they are able to do
FOR RENT $1600 a month this and make that Cremation Options with a Crematorium
difference within our
on site in Edson.
NEW MOBILE or without furnishings military community. I Cemetery Monuments.
would like to commend
$1195 a month all the riders for their We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
dedication to this ride,
2 bedroom, complete CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 and I much appreciate Our Commitment Is To You.
2 bedroom, complete
Our Commitment Is To You.
everything they have
with new furnishings.
with new furnishings. *Some conditions apply done as well.” We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
$1,800 a month
$1,800 a month
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
$1,800 Security Deposit medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
$1,800 Security Deposit
and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
June 29: All Edson residents
are encouraged to show off
their amazing Canadian and
family pride by decorating
their front yard, house or
balcony for Canada Day. The
first 150 entrants will be
given a great Canada Day
gift bag and the winner in
each category will win a
grand prize of $250. Judging
will take place on June 29
and 30 and prizes will be
announced on July 1.
No hatred, discrimination, or political
views, and please keep your
decorations family-friendly. Register
your entry by Monday, June 22 at
Check News Canada
Edson Clinic up and running,
please need to resume service.
July 22, August 26, September
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY AUGUST 24, 2020 PAGE 3 23, October 28, November 25
Newspaper readership is Interview with Municipal Affairs Minister on O&G assessment review and Temporary For December
will be the 15th. So Every fourth
"There is no doubt that there's going to be impact on municipal tax revenue": Minister Madu
truly multi-platform continued from page 2 continued from front economic time right now,” Madu said. “In the last revenue. “I think we need to look inwards,” he said. Helping the world hear better Wednesday of the month. Please
Serving Alberta since 1964
send proof so I can proof read
municipalities that will be impacted by this particular
continued page 10
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
five years, our province has seen an enormous “To ensure that we are living within our means, we
review …to explain how we got here. I think by the
end of the meeting they were satisfied and wanted amount of economic stagnation as a consequence of need to trim services where it needs to be trimmed and then the tear sheet there
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing more information, and were thankful that I was able factors that are within our control and factors that are and focus on efficient local government
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, to make it to Edson to meet with the regional beyond our control. The factors that are within our administration. At the end of the day, I am confident HEARING EVALUATIONS after.
control are policies that the previous government and that if we do that and if [municipalities] do that, we
however, the leaders.” the federal government [dropped] on the most critical are going to be able to live through this particular
Madu noted that a review of the assessment model
majority of these for oil and gas properties is supposed to take place sector of our economy.” period until we rebuild our economy and restore
Madu continued, “Since becoming Minister of Alberta's prosperity.”
readers are using that every 3-5 years, however, “Alberta has not done this Municipal Affairs, I have received countless On August 18, Premier Jason Kenney announced a Edson Clinic
since 2005”. “The [Progressive Conservative Party
digital content to of Canada] and the NDP were responsible for that, numbers of letters, emails, and phone calls about the $1.1 billion municipal stimulus package that “every Wednesday, August 26 * 10:00am-1:00pm
supplement—not but what is important is that we are going to do what need for municipalities to live within their means. single municipality in this province is going to Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
Free money from oil and gas is over, and so we can no receive”, said Madu. Of that $1.1 billion, Madu
we should have done 15 years ago. There is no doubt
replace—readership that there's going to be impact on municipal tax longer afford to live …as if we are in the 1990s or stated that $500 million will be used for municipal 4836-7 Avenue
of a print edition of revenue, but to say that because there is going to be an early 2000s. My message to municipal leaders is this: expenses and an additional $600 million will be used BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
until we rebuild our economy, until we rebuild our oil for operating expenses, which he hopes will be able
the newspaper. impact on municipal revenue…and not do the right and gas sector, and until we figure out …the impact of to help these municipalities avoid raising taxes in
thing, I don't think that is the right thing to do.”
“In the case of the struggling oil and gas sector, [we the COVID-19 pandemic, there is need for local response to the assessment review. Attending We provide:
Once this particular review is completed, Madu
government to really focus on local priorities
In total, more than need] incentives for [people] to invest in Alberta,” …programs and policies that local governments were stated that there will be opportunity for the province Practitioner
Madu said. “If by our own policies we don't have
half (52%) of …investments in our province, how are we going to designed to deliver.” to review the rest of the assessments that deal with * Latest Technology - all
When asked how the review will impact cost share “large scale industrial facilities”.
newspaper readers ensure the prosperity of tomorrow? How are we agreements between municipalities, Madu replied, Many municipalities have raised concerns about digital hearing aid
going to ensure the development of future oil and gas
access newspaper wells?” “Municipal agreements will continue to be in the province's closed-door review of the assessment; Agnieszka models
When asked how the provincial assessment model
content from both review will affect the education property tax, Madu existence. If, for example, there is a reduction in however, Madu stated that “RMA [and AUMA] have Lehmann * Repairs to all models
revenue, of course the new agreement will [need to] been involved from day one”. “They have
print and online stated, “The provincial government funds K-12 reflect the new reality. I am a big fan of representatives who are some of their finest chief Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period
sources. education, so the provincial government would have intermunicipal collaborations and I do think they are administrative officers that participate in this Air Practitioner
to deal with that particular impact.” very, very helpful, but we cannot [use] those conversation and consultation,” he said. “The
“I want to be clear that municipalities need to know agreements not to do the right thing.” suggestion out there that they have not been part of Edmonton
Madu stated that this review is not an opportunity this consultation is untrue.”
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) that the entire province is going through a difficult for municipalities to raise taxes to make up for lost
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper #134-15277 Castledowns Road
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital The Rolling Barrage motorcycles rolled through Edson Edmonton, AB
reading is more consistent from morning to night.
by Dawn Olsvik Scott Casey, President who heard about the ride, 1-855-258-9429
of Military Minds Inc and made a motion and the
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of On August 18, 2020 founder of The Rolling Executive made a
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, dozens of motorcycles Barrage, said, “This year unanimous decision to
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. rolled through Edson as w e w i l l s e e donate $500. The riders
part of The Rolling approximately 400 were running behind
Barrage. The riders are riders. The beauty of the schedule so Legion reps
part of the over 130,000 ride is riders may ride for met them at their
person community one day or they can book refuelling stop to present Edson Funeral Home
known as Military Minds for the full pull. We had the cheque.
Inc. one rider that rode with us Casey said, “I am
The ride is a community at the starting point and always appreciative of
builder and secondly a peeled of 20 minutes later donations that are Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematoriumoothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
fundraiser with the goal to go to work.” p r e s e n t e d t o t h e
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp. Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
of bringing awareness First Vice President of organization and when a A
surrounding PTSD with the Royal Canadian new contributor comes to PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8O Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
the Combat veteran and Legion Joe Wynne us, we are happy for two 7
f i r s t r e s p o n d e r Branch 51, Bobbi Foulds, reasons. Firstly, the
communities. message is getting out The Edson Legion made a donation of $500 to Military Minds Inc. (MMI) when the Rolling
there and secondly, our Barrage came through Edson on August 18, 2020. Shown in photo is MP for Yellowhead, Gerald
vets and first responders Soroka; Edson Legion 1st Vice President Bobbi Foulds; Poppy Chairman Larry Williams; MMI
feel the energy that founder Cpl Scott Casey (ret); Branch President Wendy Williams; and Sergeant-at-arms John
Coes. photo Dawn Olsvik
comes with community.” We're still here for you,e're still here for you,
MP for Yellowhead,
Gerald Soroka, was also
still offering our
on hand to welcome the still offering our
riders. “I think it's a very
good cause that they are
personalized service.
riding for. PTSD is a very personalized service.
i m p o r t a n t i s s u e ,
Please call for
You decide especially to our military Please call for
personnel,” he said. “To
bring awareness and
an appointment.
2 bedroom fully furnished, attention to this, as well an appointment.
as to help with the funds
completely outfitted with to make sure these kinds
of programs not only
everything you need. Just e x i s t b u t a l s o b e
bring your personal items enhanced throughout this Traditional Funeral Services,
whole process, makes me
and move in. very proud and pleased Graveside Services and
that they are able to do
FOR RENT $1600 a month this and make that Cremation Options with a Crematorium
difference within our
on site in Edson.
NEW MOBILE or without furnishings military community. I Cemetery Monuments.
would like to commend
$1195 a month all the riders for their We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
dedication to this ride,
2 bedroom, complete CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 and I much appreciate Our Commitment Is To You.
2 bedroom, complete
Our Commitment Is To You.
everything they have
with new furnishings.
with new furnishings. *Some conditions apply done as well.” We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
$1,800 a month
$1,800 a month
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
$1,800 Security Deposit medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
$1,800 Security Deposit
and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
June 29: All Edson residents
are encouraged to show off
their amazing Canadian and
family pride by decorating
their front yard, house or
balcony for Canada Day. The
first 150 entrants will be
given a great Canada Day
gift bag and the winner in
each category will win a
grand prize of $250. Judging
will take place on June 29
and 30 and prizes will be
announced on July 1.
No hatred, discrimination, or political
views, and please keep your
decorations family-friendly. Register
your entry by Monday, June 22 at