Page 11 - August 3 2020
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Evansburg RCMP issue Safety Advisory for Tubing on Pembina River

RCMP release on taking. tubing.
- Dress appropriately for the weather, including - Bring a charged cell phone and store it
Entwistle, Alta. – With the coming of fantastic the use of a wet suit when necessary. Remember properly.
weather and the August long weekend, the sunscreen, water supplies and bug spray We encourage people to enjoy the river, but ask
Evansburg RCMP are issuing a public safety - Do not consume alcohol prior to, or during that they do so responsibly.
warning about tubing on the Pembina River.
Disembark at the provincial park!
The July 24 weekend saw the Evansburg
Detachment respond to a couple of calls to
service about overdue tubers who missed exiting
the river at the Provincial Park. A response by the
RCMP to save stranded tubers ties up resources
that may be needed for a high priority call
Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week The river does not run in a circle or loop back.
Call for information 712-6788 If you're planning on tubing on the river, do not
Call for information 712-6788
www. enter at the Provincial Park Campgrounds. The
Email: Park is where you must exit the river. If you float
past the park, you will be stranded. You will not
Awesome Ash is looking for an adult lap to curl be able to exit until approximately reaching
up in. Ash is nearly 3 year old fluffy male kitty Sangudo, which is an 8-hour float.
who is a bit unsure of those young kiddo types
and is looking for a mature establishment to call Visitors and residents of the area who are
his own. Ash likes to give hugs and is all purrs wishing to tube the Pembina River are reminded
when it comes to a good snuggle. Fill out an to take extra steps and be prepared for their
adoption form on and journey as follows:
add Ash to your family.
- Wear a life jacket A group of local Edson bicycle riders, dubbed team Suscrofas, set out at 10 a.m. from the south end of the
- Know the area, review maps and plan for the old ferry location on Rosevear Road on July 25 to support the MS Bike Tour which was cancelled. Instead
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a Event Reminder
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need length of your journey of the usual MS ride from Leduc to Camrose, team members old and new, and many local friends joined
you more than ever! - Notify a responsible person where you are the ride in Yellowhead County. The Team road 56.4 km and raised $17,498.00 to bring awareness and
help finding a cure for MS. Vivian Williams said, “We all know someone fighting the MS battle. With Covid
Sponsored by: going, who you are with, and the route you plan and MS Leduc to Camrose ride being cancelled, we were thrilled to do a Virtual Ride right in Yellowhead May 9: For mental health week, join
County.” Over the past years the SusScrofas have raised over $150,000.00. submitted Lori Stang the Town of Edson for Darkness to
4 Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
413 50 St.,13 50 St.,
780-723-622080-723-6220 the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
Tribute to Clint Coleman: from Lucy Miller Robinson and Family u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
Clint Coleman and our mother Lucy Miller
Robinson were partners for forty years, starting in
1980 and ending in 2020 with Clint's death.
In the earlier years of Clint raising his family in
Jasper, we saw him when he dropped in for a visit
or to check his barn horses on pasture here at
Niton. What was always clear to us was that Clint
was a cowboy. From his horse smarts and handling,
his knot and rope skills, to his use of a lariat, no
audience was more delighted nor horse more
surprised, than when Clint's loop settled around
Dusty's neck, after he'd decided that being caught
in the spring wasn't his first choice. At the Edson
Rodeo, the awe and excitement of watching Clint
and Earl win the Packhorse Race or dancing at the
Silver Slipper during Edmonton rodeo, we watched
how Clint's blue eyes sparkled as he sashayed by
with a pretty woman as his dance partner. As
Waylon sang, “Amanda, light of my life”.
In 1980, Clint and Lucy left Alberta for the
Cariboo Goldfields where they spent almost twenty
years as active members of the gold mining
community in Likely, BC. Clint Coleman in front of his Riding Stables in Jasper. Clint was a horseman, skilled equipment operator,
As a partner in a gold company with Tony Rizzi, blacksmith and welder as well as a great storyteller throughout his life.
Clint's skills as an equipment operator, blacksmith
and welder, as well as tour guide were used to Mom to suggest he wash up or even shower before as her purchase of two Belgian colts, Clint was
operate, maintain, and promote gold mining. As a supper. Clint's responses, ready and well-planned, back in the horse business. Although unimpressed
company man, Clint's honesty, patience, and were either to quote his favourite poet Robert with their names Rhett and Butler, Clint went on to
knowledge of gold movement and sluice box Service, “I do not wash my hands and face, I just pig train them to drive and pull his wagon named
mechanics resulted in him doing the company's around the place” or as his brother Ormand liked to “Wagon's West”, that he'd fabricated out of an old
clean-ups and placer gold recovery. say, “I don't take nothin' that don't belong to me”. camp trailer frame. Several saddle horses also
Clint's love of learning and reading meant that he Supper was usually followed with visiting, including became better mounts after Clint and son Mile's
spent many winter evenings pouring over his Clint's weekly Bridge with fellow card game training. A highlight of those years was time spent
collection of BC Ministry of Mines Annual Reports enthusiasts. camping at the site of the former Miller Ranch
to deepen his understanding of geology, history, Clint enjoyed his shop where as he said, “He could south of Carrot Creek. With the team and wagon
and possibilities of what was in the ground always control the heat”. There he repaired his and and several saddle horses, many friends, family
regarding placer gold mining. others' equipment. He also worked on many members, and other visitors enjoyed those outings.
Clint and Lucy's home was the “go to” place to restoration projects for the Likely Historical Society. In March, 2018, after some strokes, Clint went
stop for coffee, to find out who was mining and Old placer gold monitors, boilers, and crosses for one into the Edson hospital and then into continuing
where, and to discuss the mining season's gold of the historic graveyards, all benefitted from his care. Mom's regular routine became visiting him
plants, operations, as well as hopes and dreams. labours. In the off-season, Clint designed and most afternoons. Clint passed away on Thursday,
Many “want-to-be” gold miners enjoyed Clint's fabricated weather vanes and other decorative July 9th, 2020, at 88 years of age, with Lucy, our
tutorials and panning lessons. Whether tourists, ironworks which he and Lucy sold at craft fairs from mom at his side.
friends, or investors, all were welcomed into Clint Smithers to Kelowna. Sadly, in 1996, Clint's shop And so to Clint, from Lucy and the Robinsons, we
and Lucy's home. burned down which meant the loss of much of his were blessed to know you and have you in our
After work, the evenings often started with Clint tools, welders, and many other treasures. family. You will be remembered. Happy Trails old
sitting down in his chair with his favourite With gold prices down, later in 1996, Clint returned cowboy.
companion, Jack Daniels. This much savoured to Alberta, “God's Country”, where he once again set
daily dram was often followed by him waiting for up a shop to continued his iron work. (For additional information and pictures see
Back in Niton, with the use of Lucy's farm, as well
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