Page 7 - December 16, 2019
P. 7

YCFD members honoured with Lifesaving Award

Two Yellowhead County Fire Department (YCFD) members recognized with Lifesaving Award for their valiant actions during an emergency incident

submitted Yellowhead County

On Sunday, November 17, YCFD crews
responded to an early morning collision on
Highway 16. In the process of tending to
their duties, the emergency responders and
several civilians would see their safety
threatened by yet another crash.
Lt. Curtis Robinson and Fire Fighter
(FF) James (Jim) Akers were tending to a
Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC) on an
extremely icy section of Highway 16
when an out-of-control tractor trailer
veered off the highway and struck a
Ledcor pickup-truck as well as a firetruck.
The tractor trailer flipped and landed on
the Ledcor pickup truck, which then burst
into flames. Yellowhead County Council along with Yellowhead County Fire Department Fire Fighter James (Jim) Akers
Thanks to the quick reaction of Lt. (middle left) and Lt. Curtis Robinson (middle right) who were both recognized with Lifesaving Awards for
Robinson and FF Akers, the civilian driver their valiant actions during an emergency incident on Hwy 16.
of the original MVC and a Ledcor
employee were able to get out of the out-
of-control tractor's way. Lt. Robinson,
along with an RCMP member, then
retrieved the tractor's driver as the trailer
was ablaze.
Lt. Robinson and FF Akers directed all
individuals to move to a safe area off of
the icy highway. Once more units arrived
on scene, Lt. Robinson and FF Akers
proceeded to assist in the efforts to control
and extinguish the Ledcor pick-up truck
and tractor trailer fire.
For their courageous efforts under
duress, both men were awarded the
Lifesaving Award. This award is presented
to firefighters for performing acts in the
line of duty, through prompt and alert
action and at great personal risk, which
specifically result in saving a human life.
The blaze that broke out as a result of the multi-vehicle collision which took place on an extremely icy
section of Highway 16.
County Fire Department responds to Mutual Aid Call

Yellowhead County Fire Department (YCFD) and Edson Fire Department jointly battled a local blaze

submitted Yellowhead oriented mentality, YCFD and the Edson looks forward to ensure the safety of y o u r l o c a l f i r e
County YCFD remains a Fire Department. collaborating with our communities. department today!
confident force that is Yellowhead County is n e i g h b o u r i n g If you or someone We're always hiring,
O n M o n d a y , willing and able to committed to assisting municipalities, and is you know is eager to and our communities
Gerald Soroka D e c e m b e r 9 , a t protect local assets. i t s n e i g h b o u r s , always keen to lend a s e r v e t h e l o c a l rely on committed
approximately 3:50
M o r e o v e r , especially during h a n d w h e n a n community—don't i n d i v i d u a l s f o r
MP Yellowhead am, some 20 YCFD Yellowhead County is difficult times that emergency call for it. hesitate, reach out to protection against the
members (along with proud of the work require emergency Thank you to all who
1 0 p i e c e s o f demonstrated by the mutual aid. risked their lives to
apparatus) responded joint response of Yellowhead County
to a blaze at Edson's
Chrysler Dodge Jeep Thank You!
d e a l e r s h i p . T h e We would like to thank all of our
Thank You!!
dealership's office and
showroom area were Thank You family and friends for the food,
c o n s u m e d b y a flowers and cards.
Parkland Lodge Auxiliary would like to thank everyone for their
significantly-sized Parkland Lodge Auxiliary would like to thank everyone for their
donations of baking, monetary and silent auction/products for our
fire and crews battled donations of baking, monetary and silent auction/products for our
Christmas Tea, Bake Sale and Silent Auction held December 7. Sorry for
with the blaze for Christmas Tea, Bake Sale and Silent Auction held December 7. Sorry for We would also like to thank the
the mix-up on the cut-off time for the auction. Special thanks to
hours to gain control the mix-up on the cut-off time for the auction. Special thanks to
everyone who braved the snowstorm to join us.
of the situation. everyone who braved the snowstorm to join us. doctors and nurses for the care they
Thanks to the Lodge staff we had lots of refreshments and awesome
Y e l l o w h e a d Thanks to the Lodge staff we had lots of refreshments and awesome gave Grant when he was in the
broken glass dessert. Adison, Maya and Mason are three student
County's council and broken glass dessert. Adison, Maya and Mason are three student
volunteers that helped with the refreshments and they did a super job.
administrative staff volunteers that helped with the refreshments and they did a super job. Hospital.
Without the support of the people of Edson we couldn’t give our seniors
proudly thank the Without the support of the people of Edson we couldn’t give our seniors
the extras that they deserve.
volunteer fire fighters the extras that they deserve.
Winners of the door prizes of a calendar and mug were Judy A, Ann R
that make up the bulk Winners of the door prizes of a calendar and mug were Judy A, Ann R He will be missed by us all.
and Hilda D. This is our last fundraiser of the year and thanks to
of YCFD. With their and Hilda D. This is our last fundraiser of the year and thanks to
everyone we accomplished our goal.
valiant effort, quick everyone we accomplished our goal.
response, and team Have a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year. The MacMillans
Have a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year.
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