Page 9 - December 21 2020
P. 9
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County survey reveals residents strongly believe

opportunities for home businesses should increase

by Shaylyn Thornton can find the full results on engagement opportunities to have their voices or by visiting the heard regarding the new Land Use Bylaw.
Residents of Yellowhead County were given the Yellowhead County website or social media A report summarizing the results of the survey
opportunity to share their opinions on various page. has now been posted on the County's website for
land use and development issues in the County Residents are encouraged to review the survey residents to review.
back in October. results and keep an eye out for future
The public survey, which was the second
released by the Yellowhead County Planning
Department, asked residents and business owners
whether they agreed or disagreed with specific Yellowhead County adopts 2021 Interim Budget
land use statements. It saw nearly 580 responses,
which Planning and Public Engagement Officer by Shaylyn Thornton Foundation for seniors housing, and these
Ostap Fedynets said was "pretty incredible." requisitions are beyond County control,"
Fedynets was surprised with how much At the December 8 regular Yellowhead County explained Lyons. "The tax rate for these items
consensus there was on several issues. "It gives Council Meeting, Council was presented with the must be set to raise the amount of the requisitions
us very clear information on where we can opportunity to adopt their 2021 Interim Budget. leaving the overall tax rate subject to change."
improve our regulations," he said. Budget deliberations were held at the County's The amount of these requisitions will not be
Most of the respondents were from around the Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting on known by the County until March of 2021. They
Edson area, however there was good turnout for November 17, 2020, although budget preparation will then be included in the 2021 Final Budget
the hamlets as well, especially after the team began in August. which will be adopted in April 2021.
reached out to prominent community members Using the Council's Strategic Plan and The provincial assessment model was completed
and asked them to encourage residents in their Administration's best estimates for 2021 in October 2020. The major proposed changes for
area to complete the survey. operations, the budget was developed. 2021 were not implemented, however some Event Reminder
One of the biggest takeaways from the survey "2020 was an extremely difficult year for the changes were put in place and the County was
is that most residents strongly believe that municipality as we dealt with COVID-19, the advised that their tax revenue is likely to decrease
opportunities for home businesses should be struggling Alberta economy and the possible by approximately $530,000 in 2021. May 9: For mental health week, join
increased. In response, the County will consider impacts of the provincial assessment model This decrease has been built into the 2021 Interim the Town of Edson for Darkness to
lowering development permit requirements for review," said Director of Corporate & Planning Budget, however new assessment values are not Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
certain kinds of home-based businesses, Services Barb Lyons. "In light of these items the obtained until the end of February and will have to the community and place luminaries or
depending on their location and potential impact 2021 Interim Budget was developed with a very be updated for the 2021 Final Budget. a simple candle outside your home to
to neighbours. conservative approach to hold costs as reasonable The total 2021 Interim Budget is $113,399,624.
The survey also found that most residents do as possible and to ensure no municipal property This consists of: u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
not find parking at County businesses to be an tax increase." - Operations $43,724,355 (approximately 5:10 am).
issue. The County plans to examine whether their This meant that no new programs were added in - Capital projects $12,100,061
minimum parking requirements are placing any 2021 and the annual Cost of Living Adjustment to - Requisitions $28,577,969
unnecessary burden on new business all remuneration was not included. The Capital - Contribution to reserves $8,064,115
development. After responses showed that budget was also significantly decreased. While - Contribution to local government $4,663,741
residents think landscaping for businesses could 2020's Capital budget was approximately $64 - Amortization $16,269,383
be improved, the County may also revise its million, 2021's Capital budget is approximately Councillor Dawn Mitchell addressed Lyons and
landscaping requirements for new commercial $12 million. CAO Jack Ramme regarding the decrease in
and industrial projects. "That might be one of the While the County is keeping the municipal tax rate Capital budget. "Is this some of the lowest capital
funding you have seen?" she asked. Lyons and
trade-offs. Lower parking requirements for the same, this does not mean that the overall tax
additional landscaping improvements," said rate will remain the same in 2021. "The overall tax Ramme confirmed it was.
Council voted unanimously to adopt the 2021
Fedynets. rate also contains rates for requisitions from the Interim Budget.
The survey also looked at how Yellowhead province for school tax, and from the Evergreen
County can better inform their residents and
found that many residents use social media for
County updates.
While most of the responses to the different
land use statements showed a clear consensus,
statements on storage containers (also known as
sea-cans) in hamlets saw varied results.
"This was a question people were divided on.
There were equal numbers of residents who felt
they shouldn't be allowed in hamlets at all, some
said they should only be allowed if their
appearance is improved, and some said they
should be allowed with no restrictions," said
With a lack of clear resident consensus on
storage containers in hamlets and a few other
issues, the project team will bring these matters
to their Steering Committee made up of local
residents, business owners, and County
Councillors to discuss a reasonable compromise.
So far public engagement for this project has
consisted of two surveys, two in-person meetings
with local residents and business owners, and the
project's Steering Committee. Currently the
project team is working to put all the information
they've collected together into a draft of the new
Land Use Bylaw.
Following the draft, more public engagement
will be requested to garner input on the specific
changes being proposed. The bylaw will then be
revised again and a final draft will be presented
to Council for a vote in Spring 2021.
For more detail on survey responses, including
how residents felt about tourism-based uses,
secondary suites, RVs, and other land uses, you
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