Page 7 - December 23, 2019
P. 7

Residents join MP Soroka and staff

for constituency office reopening

immigration issues or Canada
Revenue Agency issues,” said
Soroka. “Not everything goes as
smoothly in government as people
automatically assume, so they come
Although Soroka has only
officially been Yellowhead MP for
about two weeks, he stated that his
new role is “interesting, exciting and
frustrating all at the same time”.
“There's a lot of dealing with the
opposition parties. They don't have
the same kind of mindset,” he said.
“I wonder if they're not more
concerned about what got them
elected, is why they always keep
pushing the same agenda.”
“The big thing is dealing with the
environment and all the
repercussions with that, and that if
you don't think these things through,
it could have dire consequences
On December 18, constituents in the Yellowhead riding joined newly elected MP Gerald Soroka and his staff for the
reopening of his constituency office in Edson. photo Cassie Kushniruk immediately,” Soroka continued.
“We're actually very close to a man-
by Cassie Kushniruk not only to meet Soroka, but also to “That to me is where I need to be, made recession that didn't need to
discuss various topics with him in a out with the people,” he said. happen. The current government
On December 18, Yellowhead casual setting and ask questions. The constituency office will be keeps borrowing more money. They
riding constituents joined newly Although Soroka stated that he will managed by Soroka's staff, those of just told us last week we're $7
elected MP Gerald Soroka and his not be in the constituency office very whom will be available to help billion deeper in debt than we
staff for the reopening of the often, he will be seen out and about resolve issues brought up by thought we were.”
constituency office located on Main around the different communities in constituents. “Behind the scenes, a MP Soroka's constituency office is
Street. the Yellowhead riding, engaging lot of people come in with issues located at 119-50 Street.
Constituents had the opportunity with people at community events. they're having, whether it's

Meet Your Local Edson Fire Fighter

by Natalie Rau Surrey, B.C. and moved here for work. skills and give back to my community”. She also
When asked about her favorite part of being a volunteers at the Edson Bargain Boutique so stop in
In this installment of “Meet Your Local Edson Fire firefighter, Amy stated it was, “the people, the and say hello next time you are there.
Fighter”, we focus on Fire Fighter Amy Waycott. atmosphere and knowing that we make a difference If you are interested in becoming an Edson
Amy has been an Edson Firefighter for two years in people's lives. Saving lives, being part of a team Firefighter, stop in at the Edson Fire Hall and see
now. She decided to join the fire department as she and knowing we have each others' backs.” Chief Tyler Robinson.
was new in town and wanted to meet people and get Amy wanted to be involved in volunteer work Stay tuned for more “Meet Your Local Edson Fire
involved with the community. She is originally from because, “it's an opportunity to gain experience, Fighter”!

Gerald Soroka

MP Yellowhead

This installment of “Meet Your Local Edson Fire Fighter” features Amy Waycott, who has been an Edson Fire Fighter for two years. photo Natalie Rau
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