Page 14 - December 9, 2019
P. 14
Yellowhead Synergy group discuss issues and happenings in the local area H ealth - Politics - Lifestyles
Reading the signs your child might be stressed out
...And how to help them overcome it
by Stuart Shanker, CEO The MEHRIT Centre, or their environment – might be adding If you suspect your child's stress levels are too
Ltd., considerably to their stress load. When we can high, there are different kinds of strategies you
identify and reduce the stressors in children's can try. One of the most effective is unscripted
Something quite remarkable is happening lives, we find that many of the problems they free play. It's no surprise that so many children
across Canada today: suddenly everyone is were demonstrating start to diminish and they seize this opportunity to build forts: this gives
talking about self-regulation. become much more receptive to adult assistance. them a chance to feel safe and secure. Some
They're not always sure they know what it That is the key to this revolution: a shift from children find sports really calming and some get
means, let alone what to do about it, but there is thinking in terms of controlling to regulating a this effect from music. Many children love yoga,
a widespread awareness that self-regulation is child. The assumption underlying the 'stern or doing art, reading, cooking or taking care of
one of those scientific breakthroughs that heralds discipline' approach to dealing with such animals. Every child is different and you may
a turning point in how we see and help children. problems is that a child is capable of acting have to experiment a little to find the activities
In the simplest terms, self-regulation refers to differently and only a lesson in the consequences that your child finds calming, but when you do, On November 28, the Yellowhead Synergy group met at the Best Western High Road Inn for their quarterly meeting, where they discussed recent issues and
the neural processes that control the energy of a poor choice will drive home the importance you'll know from the smile on his or her face and happenings within the local area. photo Cassie Kushniruk
expended to deal with a stressor and then of self-control. The problem is, one of the key the relaxed look of their body.
recover. When a child's stress levels are too high, systems that shuts down under excessive stress is There is never an age at which it's too late to by Cassie Kushniruk community investments in Edson, assisting local the applications for all of the licenses that are
various systems for thinking and metabolic the very one needed for exercising self-control. work on self-regulation with your child; and organizations such as the Edson & District issued through AER are [approved or rejected]”.
recovery are compromised. The signs of this Over the long term, the effect of punishing or never an age at which you can stop working on On November 28, community members, Community Learning Society, the Edson & Philippe Robert with the Edson Trappers
happening show up in the child's behaviour, or harshly chastising children who are overstressed these goals. The result is that your child will industry representatives and government officials District Recycling Society, Reflections, Edson Association stated that after a lot of
mood, or attention, or for that matter, physical is to exacerbate their problems in self-control. To develop the skills they'll need to deal with the of the Yellowhead Synergy group met at the Best Art in the Park and the Boys and Girls Club of “complaining” to the provincial government
well-being. And judging from the growing be sure, if you make the punishment harsh stressors they are going to encounter in the 21st Western High Road Inn to provide updates Edson & District, as well as Holy Redeemer regarding the culling of wolves to save the
numbers of problems that we're seeing in kids in enough, the child is likely to become quiet and century: stressors that, as this winter has taught concerning current issues facing surrounding High School and Parkland Composite High caribou population, the government has started a
these areas, it would seem that Canadian children perhaps compliant. But far from signifying that us, we can't even begin to imagine! communities and happenings within the local School. partnership with trappers in the areas where they
are dealing with far too much stress today. your message has 'finally gotten through', in too Dr. Stuart Shanker (D.Phil) is a Distinguished area. With the recent release of their budget, Chris want to do more wolf control. “They were
With all the reports coming in on the high many cases all that has happened is that the child Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Yellowhead County Councillor David Russell Menzies with AER mentioned that they are starting to put courses on for the trappers in those
stress levels our children are under, I began to has gone into a state that is known as 'freeze': Psychology, the CEO of The MEHRIT Centre, began by stating that the agriculture industry is expecting significant reductions in staff levels. areas,” he said.
investigate what some of the common culprits quiet on the outside, but if you could peer inside Ltd., and founder and Science Director of the “just as much on the ropes in this region as the “Currently we have about 1160 people who are Darlene Chouinard with the Edson & District
might be and was surprised by what I found. For their brain you'd see that their alarm system is on Self-Regulation Institute. - Troy Media oil and gas industry is right now”. “I've talked to employed at AER, which they are looking to Chamber of Commerce reminded attendees of a
example, noise has become a major problem: not high alert. In this state, they're not actually three different generational farmers in the last reduce to about 970.” few upcoming events for December, including
just in terms of volume, but also reverberation processing a word of what you're saying: they're few months who are shutting down,” he said. Councillor Russell commented, “For the last the Santa Parade starting at Parkland High
and the presence of low-frequency sounds. just marshalling the energy to escape at the first The County is asking that everyone stay off the Synergy meetings that we've had, the AER School on December 6, the political forum at the
Another big problem is something known as opportunity. fields in order to preserve the crops underneath. representatives have said repeatedly that the Galloway Station Museum on December 10, the
'visual noise': how much clutter or visual In our work with parents and teachers, we have “Whether [farmers] harvest [their crops] for their focus of the AER is to speed up the approval Chamber Small Business Christmas Party on
distraction there is. The typical school classroom identified five key goals to enhancing self- own purposes or harvest it for insurance process for oil and gas industries. If you reduce December 13, and the Kids' Christmas movie on
turns out to have high levels of both of these regulation in children: purposes, it has to be harvested in the spring,” by 20% how is that going to affect the speed up December 15.
kinds of stressors and efforts to reduce auditory 1. Learn how to read the signs of when a child Russell mentioned. for the oil and gas industry?” The next Yellowhead Synergy meeting will be
and visual noise are resulting in significant is over-stressed. Charlene Parker representing Shell Canada Menzies replied that one of the main projects held on February 13, 2020 from 7 pm to 9 pm.
improvements in children's behaviour and 2. Identify the stressors. stated that although they are not currently the AER is working on is their OneStop Community members are welcome to attend.
attention. 3. Reduce the stressors. operating in the Edson area, Shell continues their application, which “is going to be where all of
We are only at the early stages of 4. Help the child learn to identify what it feels
understanding what all these stressors might be, like to be calm and what it feels like to be Gerald Soroka TC Energy and NGTL projects contribute $8 million to County economy
but we are already beginning to understand that agitated. MP Yellowhead
things that we may not think twice about – e.g., 5. Help children learn strategies for returning Pipeline project updates presented at Yellowhead Synergy meeting
kids' sleep, eating, exercise and leisure activities, to being calm when they become agitated.
by Cassie Kushniruk 30MW unit addition at the Wolf Lake pipeline will be coming up for the following year
Compressor Station site approximately 40 km with construction planned following summer
TC Energy and NGTL projects have southwest of Edson. “We anticipate that if 2021 and a projected 2022 in-service date. “The
contributed more than $8 million to Yellowhead everything goes smoothly, we'll be in service by Elk River project is currently in regulatory
County's economy in 2019 through local about April 1 of 2020,” Thomson said. review,” Thomson said. “We are expecting a
spending, stated TC Energy Public Affairs With regards to the McLeod River North recommendation from the CER by March, which
Project Lead Cole Thompson during the quarterly Project, which involves two sections of 48-inch would allow us to get our licenses in place by
Yellowhead Synergy meeting on November 28. natural gas pipeline, Thomson stated that May or June of next year.”
This estimated figure includes the months of construction has been hampered slightly due to With this particular project, Thomson
January through September and covers the areas the wet construction season, but that they are mentioned that Edson and Hinton would
of Hinton, Edson and Evansburg. “What we're “powering through and doing everything we can potentially see some flow through opportunities
trying to do is generate as much benefit for the to make it happen”. with service providers potentially being brought Waiting for Cassie
community at an economic level as possible,” Under the 2021 System Expansion Project, in from the Edson/Hinton area, “however, you
said Thomson. Thomson stated that a section dubbed 'Colt' will are in the same vicinity now as Red Deer and to look at this story
“With this local spend number, we are looking connect the two pipelines sections Bannister is Rocky Mountain House, so it's going to be a
at a local trajectory of towards $11 million by the constructing as part of the McLeod River North little bit more competitive in what's defined as
end of the year,” Thomson stated. “It works out project. “There's opportunity for feedback at this local for these opportunities,” he said.
to about $1 million a month of business being time because we're still about 9 months away “Something that we just started consolation on
generated in Yellowhead County.” These from fully starting construction,” he said. “We today is the Emerson Creek Compressor Station
numbers include everything from local expect an in-service milestone in 2021 and going north of town,” mentioned Thomson. “We
accommodations and safety gear to the workforce construction to start in August.” are looking at a greenfield site for our
TC Energy sources locally. “The next pipeline section [of the Edson compressor station. Surveying and
During this time, Thomson also presented the Mainline Loop No.2] connects to the very environmental studies are currently underway for
Yellowhead Synergy group with updates southern end of the Robb section and it's called this location; however, we haven't determined
concerning TC Energy's current and future Dismal Creek,” Thomson said. “Dismal Creek whether it's fully feasible yet. If it is deemed
pipeline projects in the local area. starts near the Wolf Lake Compressor Station feasible, it would be a 60MW compressor site, so
In Yellowhead County, Thomson stated that the and would utilize the existing open camp site that there would be two 30MW units. If we proceed
Saddle West Expansion Project—a 30MW Wolf Lake has been using. That campsite doesn't with this, based on current regulatory timeframe
compressor unit with cooler additions at the have enough beds, so the camp provider has been estimates, we would be looking at a 2023 in-
existing Swartz Compressor Station site—has engaging with community members and service date.”
been completed as of September. permitting authorities to expand their footprint to For more information about TC Energy's
Currently in construction in the local area is the accommodate up to 600 at that location.” projects in the local area, visit the local office or
Clearwater West Expansion project, which is a Thomson stated that the Elk River section of phone 780-723-8700.
Yellowhead Synergy group discuss issues and happenings in the local area H ealth - Politics - Lifestyles
Reading the signs your child might be stressed out
...And how to help them overcome it
by Stuart Shanker, CEO The MEHRIT Centre, or their environment – might be adding If you suspect your child's stress levels are too
Ltd., considerably to their stress load. When we can high, there are different kinds of strategies you
identify and reduce the stressors in children's can try. One of the most effective is unscripted
Something quite remarkable is happening lives, we find that many of the problems they free play. It's no surprise that so many children
across Canada today: suddenly everyone is were demonstrating start to diminish and they seize this opportunity to build forts: this gives
talking about self-regulation. become much more receptive to adult assistance. them a chance to feel safe and secure. Some
They're not always sure they know what it That is the key to this revolution: a shift from children find sports really calming and some get
means, let alone what to do about it, but there is thinking in terms of controlling to regulating a this effect from music. Many children love yoga,
a widespread awareness that self-regulation is child. The assumption underlying the 'stern or doing art, reading, cooking or taking care of
one of those scientific breakthroughs that heralds discipline' approach to dealing with such animals. Every child is different and you may
a turning point in how we see and help children. problems is that a child is capable of acting have to experiment a little to find the activities
In the simplest terms, self-regulation refers to differently and only a lesson in the consequences that your child finds calming, but when you do, On November 28, the Yellowhead Synergy group met at the Best Western High Road Inn for their quarterly meeting, where they discussed recent issues and
the neural processes that control the energy of a poor choice will drive home the importance you'll know from the smile on his or her face and happenings within the local area. photo Cassie Kushniruk
expended to deal with a stressor and then of self-control. The problem is, one of the key the relaxed look of their body.
recover. When a child's stress levels are too high, systems that shuts down under excessive stress is There is never an age at which it's too late to by Cassie Kushniruk community investments in Edson, assisting local the applications for all of the licenses that are
various systems for thinking and metabolic the very one needed for exercising self-control. work on self-regulation with your child; and organizations such as the Edson & District issued through AER are [approved or rejected]”.
recovery are compromised. The signs of this Over the long term, the effect of punishing or never an age at which you can stop working on On November 28, community members, Community Learning Society, the Edson & Philippe Robert with the Edson Trappers
happening show up in the child's behaviour, or harshly chastising children who are overstressed these goals. The result is that your child will industry representatives and government officials District Recycling Society, Reflections, Edson Association stated that after a lot of
mood, or attention, or for that matter, physical is to exacerbate their problems in self-control. To develop the skills they'll need to deal with the of the Yellowhead Synergy group met at the Best Art in the Park and the Boys and Girls Club of “complaining” to the provincial government
well-being. And judging from the growing be sure, if you make the punishment harsh stressors they are going to encounter in the 21st Western High Road Inn to provide updates Edson & District, as well as Holy Redeemer regarding the culling of wolves to save the
numbers of problems that we're seeing in kids in enough, the child is likely to become quiet and century: stressors that, as this winter has taught concerning current issues facing surrounding High School and Parkland Composite High caribou population, the government has started a
these areas, it would seem that Canadian children perhaps compliant. But far from signifying that us, we can't even begin to imagine! communities and happenings within the local School. partnership with trappers in the areas where they
are dealing with far too much stress today. your message has 'finally gotten through', in too Dr. Stuart Shanker (D.Phil) is a Distinguished area. With the recent release of their budget, Chris want to do more wolf control. “They were
With all the reports coming in on the high many cases all that has happened is that the child Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Yellowhead County Councillor David Russell Menzies with AER mentioned that they are starting to put courses on for the trappers in those
stress levels our children are under, I began to has gone into a state that is known as 'freeze': Psychology, the CEO of The MEHRIT Centre, began by stating that the agriculture industry is expecting significant reductions in staff levels. areas,” he said.
investigate what some of the common culprits quiet on the outside, but if you could peer inside Ltd., and founder and Science Director of the “just as much on the ropes in this region as the “Currently we have about 1160 people who are Darlene Chouinard with the Edson & District
might be and was surprised by what I found. For their brain you'd see that their alarm system is on Self-Regulation Institute. - Troy Media oil and gas industry is right now”. “I've talked to employed at AER, which they are looking to Chamber of Commerce reminded attendees of a
example, noise has become a major problem: not high alert. In this state, they're not actually three different generational farmers in the last reduce to about 970.” few upcoming events for December, including
just in terms of volume, but also reverberation processing a word of what you're saying: they're few months who are shutting down,” he said. Councillor Russell commented, “For the last the Santa Parade starting at Parkland High
and the presence of low-frequency sounds. just marshalling the energy to escape at the first The County is asking that everyone stay off the Synergy meetings that we've had, the AER School on December 6, the political forum at the
Another big problem is something known as opportunity. fields in order to preserve the crops underneath. representatives have said repeatedly that the Galloway Station Museum on December 10, the
'visual noise': how much clutter or visual In our work with parents and teachers, we have “Whether [farmers] harvest [their crops] for their focus of the AER is to speed up the approval Chamber Small Business Christmas Party on
distraction there is. The typical school classroom identified five key goals to enhancing self- own purposes or harvest it for insurance process for oil and gas industries. If you reduce December 13, and the Kids' Christmas movie on
turns out to have high levels of both of these regulation in children: purposes, it has to be harvested in the spring,” by 20% how is that going to affect the speed up December 15.
kinds of stressors and efforts to reduce auditory 1. Learn how to read the signs of when a child Russell mentioned. for the oil and gas industry?” The next Yellowhead Synergy meeting will be
and visual noise are resulting in significant is over-stressed. Charlene Parker representing Shell Canada Menzies replied that one of the main projects held on February 13, 2020 from 7 pm to 9 pm.
improvements in children's behaviour and 2. Identify the stressors. stated that although they are not currently the AER is working on is their OneStop Community members are welcome to attend.
attention. 3. Reduce the stressors. operating in the Edson area, Shell continues their application, which “is going to be where all of
We are only at the early stages of 4. Help the child learn to identify what it feels
understanding what all these stressors might be, like to be calm and what it feels like to be Gerald Soroka TC Energy and NGTL projects contribute $8 million to County economy
but we are already beginning to understand that agitated. MP Yellowhead
things that we may not think twice about – e.g., 5. Help children learn strategies for returning Pipeline project updates presented at Yellowhead Synergy meeting
kids' sleep, eating, exercise and leisure activities, to being calm when they become agitated.
by Cassie Kushniruk 30MW unit addition at the Wolf Lake pipeline will be coming up for the following year
Compressor Station site approximately 40 km with construction planned following summer
TC Energy and NGTL projects have southwest of Edson. “We anticipate that if 2021 and a projected 2022 in-service date. “The
contributed more than $8 million to Yellowhead everything goes smoothly, we'll be in service by Elk River project is currently in regulatory
County's economy in 2019 through local about April 1 of 2020,” Thomson said. review,” Thomson said. “We are expecting a
spending, stated TC Energy Public Affairs With regards to the McLeod River North recommendation from the CER by March, which
Project Lead Cole Thompson during the quarterly Project, which involves two sections of 48-inch would allow us to get our licenses in place by
Yellowhead Synergy meeting on November 28. natural gas pipeline, Thomson stated that May or June of next year.”
This estimated figure includes the months of construction has been hampered slightly due to With this particular project, Thomson
January through September and covers the areas the wet construction season, but that they are mentioned that Edson and Hinton would
of Hinton, Edson and Evansburg. “What we're “powering through and doing everything we can potentially see some flow through opportunities
trying to do is generate as much benefit for the to make it happen”. with service providers potentially being brought Waiting for Cassie
community at an economic level as possible,” Under the 2021 System Expansion Project, in from the Edson/Hinton area, “however, you
said Thomson. Thomson stated that a section dubbed 'Colt' will are in the same vicinity now as Red Deer and to look at this story
“With this local spend number, we are looking connect the two pipelines sections Bannister is Rocky Mountain House, so it's going to be a
at a local trajectory of towards $11 million by the constructing as part of the McLeod River North little bit more competitive in what's defined as
end of the year,” Thomson stated. “It works out project. “There's opportunity for feedback at this local for these opportunities,” he said.
to about $1 million a month of business being time because we're still about 9 months away “Something that we just started consolation on
generated in Yellowhead County.” These from fully starting construction,” he said. “We today is the Emerson Creek Compressor Station
numbers include everything from local expect an in-service milestone in 2021 and going north of town,” mentioned Thomson. “We
accommodations and safety gear to the workforce construction to start in August.” are looking at a greenfield site for our
TC Energy sources locally. “The next pipeline section [of the Edson compressor station. Surveying and
During this time, Thomson also presented the Mainline Loop No.2] connects to the very environmental studies are currently underway for
Yellowhead Synergy group with updates southern end of the Robb section and it's called this location; however, we haven't determined
concerning TC Energy's current and future Dismal Creek,” Thomson said. “Dismal Creek whether it's fully feasible yet. If it is deemed
pipeline projects in the local area. starts near the Wolf Lake Compressor Station feasible, it would be a 60MW compressor site, so
In Yellowhead County, Thomson stated that the and would utilize the existing open camp site that there would be two 30MW units. If we proceed
Saddle West Expansion Project—a 30MW Wolf Lake has been using. That campsite doesn't with this, based on current regulatory timeframe
compressor unit with cooler additions at the have enough beds, so the camp provider has been estimates, we would be looking at a 2023 in-
existing Swartz Compressor Station site—has engaging with community members and service date.”
been completed as of September. permitting authorities to expand their footprint to For more information about TC Energy's
Currently in construction in the local area is the accommodate up to 600 at that location.” projects in the local area, visit the local office or
Clearwater West Expansion project, which is a Thomson stated that the Elk River section of phone 780-723-8700.