Page 4 - December 9, 2019
P. 4

Working towards a better life for our friends and

neighbours throughout Yellowhead County

Elect guitar and enjoy other folks who are to meet Gladys Monty the famous
into old time country and gospel
WAYNE MURPHY music. bartender of 45 years who is the
backbone of the Wildwood Hotel.
I didn't get to visit with Craig Throughout my travels I visited
For Yellowhead Corser at his home in Shining Bank, with many “kids” that I once EDSON
For Yellowhead
coached in hockey or 4-H. Of
but we did have a good long chat on
the phone. Intelligent, astute and
course they are all 30-40 years old
County Mayor
County Mayor well read, this guy has a wealth of now, some with teenagers of their FUNERAL
knowledge and is always a good
own. It was so good to see all of
on December
on December source for political savvy. them. HOME
I got to sit down with Harry
In the end, I would like to thank all
16, 2019
16, 2019 Kimball, the past president of the the folks I visited, for the kind MUST BE
Legion in Cadomin. It was a good
welcome at their door. What I
enjoyed the most is that I knew
couple of hours to give me a brief
outline of the area's history and the someone in almost every RIGHT HAND PAGE
Since the beginning of 2019 I have two people are two of the hardest current goings on. community in the county and down
been working towards the working folks I know. It was great Of course in Robb I have had every back road. I look forward to
opportunity to serve the residents of to reconnect with them to see their many good visits with my friend representing this county as mayor UP FRONT
Yellowhead County as Mayor. “new” home. (which they moved Kevin Hampton and I thank him for and it will permit me the
Starting early in the year I wrapped into about a decade ago). his support and his unquestionable opportunity to introduce myself to
up my business obligations Rolling into a farmyard north of desire to make Robb a better all the residents I didn't get a chance
domestically and abroad and cleared Edson to say hello, I met Gary destination place. to meet during the election process.
my slate for the task at hand. Late Dickson. Gary and I had sat on the In Carrot Creek I had a chance to I would also like to thank Tracey
last spring I started attending rodeo committee back in the 80's. It visit with an old friend, Luke Van Parker, the Yellowhead County
County council meetings and was excellent to have a chance to Dyke, who signed my nomination Returning Officer, and her team for
governance and priority meetings in chat and catch up after three papers. A hard worker, a farmer and their commitment to the electoral
order to ensure I was experienced in decades. a handy horseman he is the process. And finally, I would like to
the municipal meeting process and And speaking of rodeo people, an embodiment of what it means to be thank the other candidates for
to ensure I was up to speed on the afternoon of hanging out with Jay a rural Albertan putting their names forward. It has
outstanding issues before council. Manning and catching up was just While in Wildwood I had the been a pleasure to get to know each
Regardless of the outcome on what this rural guy needed. The opportunity to have a visit with of you more, to discuss our
December 16th I have to say the great thing about Jay is you never Irwin Betcher and his crew as they similarities and differences and
process of running for mayor has have to wonder where he stands and were working on a new home. regardless of who wins on
been one of the most fulfilling and I believe that is one of the best Irwin has worked with me on December 16th I know all of us will
rewarding things I have done. I qualities a person can have. Being a several projects and I will say he is a work towards creating a better life
knocked on over 1,100 doors over hard worker and straight shooter, he superb craftman, total commitment for our friends and neighbors
the months leading up to the is the definition of a rural Albertan. to quality work, honest and hard throughout Yellowhead County.
election. I had the opportunity to Then there's Dale and Donna working. And I was also fortunate
attend the open house for the Area Worthing from the Pinedale area, paid advertisement page
Structure plan in Robb, I was some of the finest, kindest people I
invited to the Multiplex in Peers by know. There was a time I babysat WAYNE
Marion Huggins with the seniors their cow herd during calving season
group who meet there regularly to years ago so they could get away on Elect
introduce myself and answer business. We had a chance to get MURPHY
questions for those in attendance. I out and see his current herd and
was invited to the Niton Junction's although smaller in number, always
monthly birthday party at the good the excellent quality of animal you Yellowhead County Mayorellowhead County Mayor
old saloon. (for coffee and cake). I came to expect from the Worthing's.
was able to visit with Pat Robinson Just down the road is Ernie Klut.
Monday, December 16, 2019Monday, December 16, 2019
whom I hadn't had a chance to talk Another stand-up straight shooting on
to in years. Pat was one of the best farmer that has a lifetime of
councillors Yellowhead County ever knowledge and will share it if you Building relations with provincial ministers
had simply because he is straight up are prepared to listen. Quick and
honest. It was wonderful to friendly smile, but make no bones As much as I missed the
reconnect with folks I have known … tough as nails. opportunity to get out and visit
for over three decades and get to In Brule I got to visit with Ken more folks over the weekend I felt
meet many new people. I also was Groat. Again, it's been years since I it was important to meet with PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
able to meet with many folks in coached his son Ryan in hockey and some of the ministers in Calgary.
Evansburg at the Rural Crime just as long since Ken had been out
Prevention session. to trim and shoe the horses we use Most importantly was the chance Professional Digital
For most of the last two decades I to raise. Now here is a salt of the to talk with our Minister of
have been fully focused and earth, good old fashion rural Municipal Affairs. Kaycee Madu and Passport System
dedicated to the business interests Albertan whose family has been part his Chief of Staff Bill Bewick, and
that I was involved in. I believe in of the Brule landscape since the Press Secretary Timothy Gerwing. photos ready
complete commitment to whatever mountains pushed up. These will be highly valuable
endeavor is before you and in so When I got to Millers Lake I sat relationships for the Mayor of Minister Kaycee Madu and Wayne Murphy in minutes
doing I had drifted away from the down to have a good afternoon Yellowhead County to have.
community that provided me with coffee visit with Mariette and Troy Please remember to get out and while you wait...
the opportunities that created my Rolland. There's no one like
success. I must say I feel I lost a Mariette, who back in the day would vote on December 16.
little something with regards to my grab a 50 pound Loomis package
contact with my home community, under each arm and run up a flight
friends, and associates. Fortunately, of stairs. One of the hardest
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
it didn't take long to reconnect with working people I know. And of T
so many of the people that have had course Troy, who is a well-respected
an impact on my life. accountant in Edson, who 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
It started with Helen and Rick understands that we need
Eliuk of Hinton (Entrance). I had professional talent at the municipal
worked for the Eliuks for years as government level. DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-578780-723-5787
their accountant and also as part of Also in Millers Lake I had the
their operations. It's always opportunity to visit with Mrs.
unfortunate when life drifts you Rupert, who I often see at Fiddlers
apart from friends who have been Roost in Edmonton, a weekly music Wayne Murphy, Minister Kaycee Madu, and Chief of Staff Bill Bewick, Wayne Murphy,
such a big part of your life. These event where I often go and play Press Secretary Timothy Gerwing and Press Secretary Timothy Gerwing
paid advertisement page
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