Page 11 - Februay 10 2020
P. 11
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
, 2020 PAGE 11
Edson Council agrees to amend council remuneration
by Cassie Kushniruk we're the only council that doesn't get benefits. And I agreed with the Mayor's recommendation. Councillor
think when we're talking about a diverse council that Gean Chouinard agreed for benefits, but “to not start
In 2019, Town Administration contracted an HR plays a huge role in the difference. I was wondering the phase-in until 2022.”
consultant to review the compensation of both could we see something about benefits?” Administration will return to Council with an
Council and out-of-scope staff to determine whether McComb replied, “Yes, that certainly is a amended Council Remuneration policy at a future
the Town is comparative or competitive with other possibility. You would likely be looking at between meeting.
municipalities. $4000-$5000 a year.”
The survey examined 10 urban municipalities of Derricott recommended that the best dynamic
comparable size and overall dynamic of Edson, would be to allow Council members to select
including Hinton, Whitecourt, Westlock, Morinville, whether or not they want to participate in benefits.
Rocky Mountain House, Drayton Valley, Jasper, “Those who would benefit most from the benefits
Olds, Ponoka, and Blackfalds. can choose that, and others who may already have
The results of this survey were presented at the benefits can receive that compensation in a different
January 14 Committee of the Whole meeting. model.”
During this time, it was identified that, for 2018, Mayor Kevin Zahara noted, “It's never comfortable
Council's salary numbers were neither comparative talking about your own pay. I fundamentally don't
nor competitive with any of the surveyed believe that politicians should be setting their own
municipalities. While Council's salary ranked at the pay, but we are way under where comparable
20th percentile, the Mayor's salary ranked at 0%, municipalities are. I think that we do need to adjust
indicating that it was the lowest in all the survey data this and that we should do it now, whether that's for
collected. this term or the next term.”
Although salary changes were introduced in 2019, Councillor Wilkinson stated, “I must say that our
these amounts have not changed very significantly. Mayor is grossly underpaid, because he is on all
The Mayor's 2019 salary amounts to $40,200/annum times.”
(just below the 25th percentile), and the Councillor's In response, Zahara said, “I ran knowing what the
2019 salary amounts to $24,600/annum (just above pay was. Being on Council, I thought I had a good
25th percentile). idea of what this position includes, but it's a lot more
During the January 28 Committee of the Whole work than I had anticipated and it has changed since
meeting, Town of Edson HR Manager Colin I first got onto Council. Having said that, I know
McComb said to Council, “What Administration what I'm getting paid and I'm happy to delay this for
seeks is policy direction to amend the Council the incoming Council.”
Remuneration Policy to set percentile targets for Zahara added, “I think the benefits question is
compensation, to set a schedule for external good. I think that would help for diversity. I know
remuneration reviews, and to apply annual marketing for myself personally, with a family, that would help
increases to keep pace with inflation between me, and may help others to run for Council in the
reviews.” future.”
Councillor Troy Sorenson stated, “These rates Councillor Currie and Deputy Mayor Baier also
haven't been adjusted in six years, and because of agreed that Mayor Zahara is underpaid for the
that we have one of the lowest rates of our peers. I'm amount of work he does on a daily basis. “I think
recommending that we proceed forward with the that now that we've made it public that our mayor is
mean average to correct the remuneration for three the lowest paid, it doesn't make it very competitive
reasons: it's slightly more competitive than the 50th or encourage anyone to run for it, so I think we really
percentile, it's easier to explain and justify to the need to make some changes to this,” added Baier.
public, and it almost perfectly aligns what we had Zahara responded, “I
Thank You!
budgeted in the 2020 budget.” don't think mayors in
Councillor Trevor Bevan recommended that communities of our size Thank You!
Council receive this information for the time being should be making $80,000
and instead look into it in 2021.“I'm not in any type a year either.We also want
of favor for an increase in this term,” he said. to ensure that those running The Paul Family would like to thank everyone for
Sorenson responded, “If this was any other aren't doing it for the
organization, we would immediately rectify the money, but that they're all the love and support on the passing of Carol Paul
situation without hesitation. The only reason we doing it because they have on January 5, 2020.
would postpone rectifying this situation is for a vision for the community,
political reasons, and I am not willing to do that.” so finding that appropriate A big Thank You to Tama Belcourt, Deborah
Councillor Janet Wilkinson disagreed with balance is important.” Longmore Gauchier, and crew for the beautiful
Sorenson's comment, stating that she knew exactly Zahara stated, “What I
what she was going to be paid when she ran for would like to see is lunch and the ladies at the Catholic Church.
Council. benefits or the choice to
Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier asked what amounts opt in to benefits this year, A Special Thank You to Bill Lauterbach for singing
have been budgeted for. CAO Mike Derricott and then phase in half of “Ave Maria.”
responded, “The amount that's currently budgeted for the salary increase for 2021
potential adjustment to Council remuneration is and a full phase-in for Also Thank You to the Edson Funeral Home.
$50,000.” 2022.
Councillor Jacqui Currie commented, “In [the HR CouncillorsWilkinson,
consultant's] presentation, he mentioned that one of Sorenson, Currie, Bevan, Lorne Paul and Family
the main reasons that we're not at status quo is that and Deputy Mayor Baier check Fonts
We are working on the 28th Annual 2020 Regional Phone Directory
detailing businesses and fax information
for Edson and Yellowhead County
The phone and fax directory will be distributed through
Edson and Yellowhead County
To advertise in the 2020 Regional Phone Directory
give Sue-Ann a call at 780-723-5787
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
, 2020 PAGE 11
Edson Council agrees to amend council remuneration
by Cassie Kushniruk we're the only council that doesn't get benefits. And I agreed with the Mayor's recommendation. Councillor
think when we're talking about a diverse council that Gean Chouinard agreed for benefits, but “to not start
In 2019, Town Administration contracted an HR plays a huge role in the difference. I was wondering the phase-in until 2022.”
consultant to review the compensation of both could we see something about benefits?” Administration will return to Council with an
Council and out-of-scope staff to determine whether McComb replied, “Yes, that certainly is a amended Council Remuneration policy at a future
the Town is comparative or competitive with other possibility. You would likely be looking at between meeting.
municipalities. $4000-$5000 a year.”
The survey examined 10 urban municipalities of Derricott recommended that the best dynamic
comparable size and overall dynamic of Edson, would be to allow Council members to select
including Hinton, Whitecourt, Westlock, Morinville, whether or not they want to participate in benefits.
Rocky Mountain House, Drayton Valley, Jasper, “Those who would benefit most from the benefits
Olds, Ponoka, and Blackfalds. can choose that, and others who may already have
The results of this survey were presented at the benefits can receive that compensation in a different
January 14 Committee of the Whole meeting. model.”
During this time, it was identified that, for 2018, Mayor Kevin Zahara noted, “It's never comfortable
Council's salary numbers were neither comparative talking about your own pay. I fundamentally don't
nor competitive with any of the surveyed believe that politicians should be setting their own
municipalities. While Council's salary ranked at the pay, but we are way under where comparable
20th percentile, the Mayor's salary ranked at 0%, municipalities are. I think that we do need to adjust
indicating that it was the lowest in all the survey data this and that we should do it now, whether that's for
collected. this term or the next term.”
Although salary changes were introduced in 2019, Councillor Wilkinson stated, “I must say that our
these amounts have not changed very significantly. Mayor is grossly underpaid, because he is on all
The Mayor's 2019 salary amounts to $40,200/annum times.”
(just below the 25th percentile), and the Councillor's In response, Zahara said, “I ran knowing what the
2019 salary amounts to $24,600/annum (just above pay was. Being on Council, I thought I had a good
25th percentile). idea of what this position includes, but it's a lot more
During the January 28 Committee of the Whole work than I had anticipated and it has changed since
meeting, Town of Edson HR Manager Colin I first got onto Council. Having said that, I know
McComb said to Council, “What Administration what I'm getting paid and I'm happy to delay this for
seeks is policy direction to amend the Council the incoming Council.”
Remuneration Policy to set percentile targets for Zahara added, “I think the benefits question is
compensation, to set a schedule for external good. I think that would help for diversity. I know
remuneration reviews, and to apply annual marketing for myself personally, with a family, that would help
increases to keep pace with inflation between me, and may help others to run for Council in the
reviews.” future.”
Councillor Troy Sorenson stated, “These rates Councillor Currie and Deputy Mayor Baier also
haven't been adjusted in six years, and because of agreed that Mayor Zahara is underpaid for the
that we have one of the lowest rates of our peers. I'm amount of work he does on a daily basis. “I think
recommending that we proceed forward with the that now that we've made it public that our mayor is
mean average to correct the remuneration for three the lowest paid, it doesn't make it very competitive
reasons: it's slightly more competitive than the 50th or encourage anyone to run for it, so I think we really
percentile, it's easier to explain and justify to the need to make some changes to this,” added Baier.
public, and it almost perfectly aligns what we had Zahara responded, “I
Thank You!
budgeted in the 2020 budget.” don't think mayors in
Councillor Trevor Bevan recommended that communities of our size Thank You!
Council receive this information for the time being should be making $80,000
and instead look into it in 2021.“I'm not in any type a year either.We also want
of favor for an increase in this term,” he said. to ensure that those running The Paul Family would like to thank everyone for
Sorenson responded, “If this was any other aren't doing it for the
organization, we would immediately rectify the money, but that they're all the love and support on the passing of Carol Paul
situation without hesitation. The only reason we doing it because they have on January 5, 2020.
would postpone rectifying this situation is for a vision for the community,
political reasons, and I am not willing to do that.” so finding that appropriate A big Thank You to Tama Belcourt, Deborah
Councillor Janet Wilkinson disagreed with balance is important.” Longmore Gauchier, and crew for the beautiful
Sorenson's comment, stating that she knew exactly Zahara stated, “What I
what she was going to be paid when she ran for would like to see is lunch and the ladies at the Catholic Church.
Council. benefits or the choice to
Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier asked what amounts opt in to benefits this year, A Special Thank You to Bill Lauterbach for singing
have been budgeted for. CAO Mike Derricott and then phase in half of “Ave Maria.”
responded, “The amount that's currently budgeted for the salary increase for 2021
potential adjustment to Council remuneration is and a full phase-in for Also Thank You to the Edson Funeral Home.
$50,000.” 2022.
Councillor Jacqui Currie commented, “In [the HR CouncillorsWilkinson,
consultant's] presentation, he mentioned that one of Sorenson, Currie, Bevan, Lorne Paul and Family
the main reasons that we're not at status quo is that and Deputy Mayor Baier check Fonts
We are working on the 28th Annual 2020 Regional Phone Directory
detailing businesses and fax information
for Edson and Yellowhead County
The phone and fax directory will be distributed through
Edson and Yellowhead County
To advertise in the 2020 Regional Phone Directory
give Sue-Ann a call at 780-723-5787