Page 31 - February 11, 2019
P. 31
by Lara F elsing Vanier Community Catholic School supplied
sensory activities for children and caregivers to
Pine Grove School was abuzz as the location enjoy while they answered questions regarding
for the 7th annual Kid Fest indoor festival for the programs and opportunities their school has
families and their preschool children. to offer. "Sensory play is a very important part of
The free event held on Saturday, February 3 a child's early Development," said PALS
welcomed youngsters, parents, and caregivers to Facilitator Christina Gauchier. "It provides
participate in interactive crafts and sensory opportunities for children to get messy and
activities, have questions answered by experts, explore different kinds of play."
and collect information and promotional items at Hosted by Edson & Area Early Childhood
a variety of display booths. Matters Coalition, Kid Fest is a four hour drop-
Musical entertainment was provided at in event combining important issues such as
11 :OOam and 1:OOpm for everyone's enjoyment, health and education with social activities and
with local singer and educator Robyne Wilock play.
leading youngsters through songs like the fun- Two-and-a-half year-old Ben Kooner had a
filled verses of "If you're happy and you know great time running and jumping on tumble mats
it..." and soft equipment with a handful of other
In addition to the assortment of activity centres children of all ages. "My wife told me about Kid
that included gymnastics and music activities, Fest", said Ben's father Chris. "There's been lots
there were several booths set up to answer of info about things I didn't previously know
parent's and caregiver's questions about health, about, like the gymnastics club. We've gotten a
recreation, schools and community lot out of it."
organizations; all with a focus on healthy For more information about Kid Fest please
relationships and development for young contact
children and families. at the 7th annual Kids Fest. photo Lara Felsing
Early Childhood
Matters Chairperson
Anna Vander
Haeghe, Coalition
member Kristie
Gomuwka and
volunteer Keira
Gomuwka welcome
families to the 7th
annual Kid Fest at
Pine Grove School.
photo Lara Felsing
Here's My Card ••• To place your Business Card here contact
Business and Professional Directory our Sales Representative at 780-723-5787
Dr. Meagan Hawkshaw, BSc, OD Ill§ Investors
Optometrist --Group
Darlene Chouinard,
5015 4th Avenue Consultant
T7E 1V2
Phone: 780-723-2700 IN FOCUS EYE CARE
where the focus is on you
Fax: 780-723-4642
Office 4710 4th Avenue, Edson, AB Office. (780) 723-7526 Cell. (780) 723-0443
Sun 1609 - 55 Street 2DnD39 Alberta lt4
Life Financial PO Box 6831 Excavating/Demolition/Site Clean Up
Edson, AB T7E 1V2
Tel: 780-725-4460
Myrna Norquay, cFr•, cw• Fax: 780-725-4461
Advisor Cell: 780-865-0070
Member, Million Dollar Round Table
Member, Advocis Quolifyi,. 780-712·0237
~Q Edson, AB
Mutual funds distributed by
Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. CFP. MDRT"
by Lara F elsing Vanier Community Catholic School supplied
sensory activities for children and caregivers to
Pine Grove School was abuzz as the location enjoy while they answered questions regarding
for the 7th annual Kid Fest indoor festival for the programs and opportunities their school has
families and their preschool children. to offer. "Sensory play is a very important part of
The free event held on Saturday, February 3 a child's early Development," said PALS
welcomed youngsters, parents, and caregivers to Facilitator Christina Gauchier. "It provides
participate in interactive crafts and sensory opportunities for children to get messy and
activities, have questions answered by experts, explore different kinds of play."
and collect information and promotional items at Hosted by Edson & Area Early Childhood
a variety of display booths. Matters Coalition, Kid Fest is a four hour drop-
Musical entertainment was provided at in event combining important issues such as
11 :OOam and 1:OOpm for everyone's enjoyment, health and education with social activities and
with local singer and educator Robyne Wilock play.
leading youngsters through songs like the fun- Two-and-a-half year-old Ben Kooner had a
filled verses of "If you're happy and you know great time running and jumping on tumble mats
it..." and soft equipment with a handful of other
In addition to the assortment of activity centres children of all ages. "My wife told me about Kid
that included gymnastics and music activities, Fest", said Ben's father Chris. "There's been lots
there were several booths set up to answer of info about things I didn't previously know
parent's and caregiver's questions about health, about, like the gymnastics club. We've gotten a
recreation, schools and community lot out of it."
organizations; all with a focus on healthy For more information about Kid Fest please
relationships and development for young contact
children and families. at the 7th annual Kids Fest. photo Lara Felsing
Early Childhood
Matters Chairperson
Anna Vander
Haeghe, Coalition
member Kristie
Gomuwka and
volunteer Keira
Gomuwka welcome
families to the 7th
annual Kid Fest at
Pine Grove School.
photo Lara Felsing
Here's My Card ••• To place your Business Card here contact
Business and Professional Directory our Sales Representative at 780-723-5787
Dr. Meagan Hawkshaw, BSc, OD Ill§ Investors
Optometrist --Group
Darlene Chouinard,
5015 4th Avenue Consultant
T7E 1V2
Phone: 780-723-2700 IN FOCUS EYE CARE
where the focus is on you
Fax: 780-723-4642
Office 4710 4th Avenue, Edson, AB Office. (780) 723-7526 Cell. (780) 723-0443
Sun 1609 - 55 Street 2DnD39 Alberta lt4
Life Financial PO Box 6831 Excavating/Demolition/Site Clean Up
Edson, AB T7E 1V2
Tel: 780-725-4460
Myrna Norquay, cFr•, cw• Fax: 780-725-4461
Advisor Cell: 780-865-0070
Member, Million Dollar Round Table
Member, Advocis Quolifyi,. 780-712·0237
~Q Edson, AB
Mutual funds distributed by
Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. CFP. MDRT"