Page 3 - January 20 2020
P. 3
Town considers installing lighted pedestrian crosswalks
by Cassie Kushniruk Avenue and Edson Drive,” Zahara continued. of action on the provincial government's part
“Edson Drive has high traffic volumes and on these pedestrian crossings. We've had
During the January 14 Committee of the there are a lot of kids crossing from schools fatalities and this has been going on for
Whole Meeting, Town Council discussed the into the Tiffin neighborhood.” decades.”
possibility of installing lighted pedestrian cross Zahara added, “If we budget $120,000 to get “I just sent a letter to our MLA suggesting that
walks at six different locations in town. all six locations done, I would take half out of they need to move up the traffic lights at 4th
Following the 2019 Strategic Planning the Public Safety Initiative Fund and the rest Ave and 56th Street, and if they are able to do
Session, Council directed Administration to from the Energy Reserve account, where we that, then we would step up to the plate and
research and price options for the installation of have a lot of money sitting that isn't being used. start installing some of these pedestrian
lighted pedestrian cross walks. The Community I think it's better to get it all done at once than crossings at some locations along the
& Protective Services department conducted a drag this for a multi-year project.” highway,” Zahara continued.
review of the community and identified several Councillor Troy Sorenson suggested Zahara noted, “There's no timeline for the
locations for the installation of these cross proceeding immediately with locations one and A&W location, so I think we have to make the
walks. two and installing one or two crossings decision to do something here because it's a
Each location is ordered based on priority and annually for the following years. priority to our residents. I would fully support
includes: (1) the trail crossing on Edson Drive, Councillor Janet Wilkinson commented, “I putting pedestrian crossing lights at that
(2) the crosswalk located at 3rd Ave and 56th would like to go ahead with all the ones we location as an interim basis. The little
Street, (3) the hospital traffic circle at 6th Ave could possibly go ahead with. This is going to crosswalks that they put there prior to the last
and 40th Street, (4) the existing crosswalk at save people's lives, so it's well worth it.” election has created a more dangerous situation
13th Ave and Westhaven Drive, (5) the east With regards to the crosswalk located at 3rd in our community.”
airport boundary at 6th Ave and 57th Street, (6) Ave and 56th Street, Councillor Trevor Bevan Councillor Currie commented, “I think it's the
and the ravine trail crossing at 6th Ave and asked, “If the traffic lights go in… is that going job of the province, but it's been 10+ years and
43rd Street. to hamper traffic flow through there?” they haven't done it. Ultimately, it is us that
According to Director of Protective Services Schram replied, “I think it's imperative that have to make a decision.”
Alan Schram, the trail crossing on Edson Drive those signals are there regardless of the traffic With regards to the crosswalk at the hospital
is considered the highest priority because the lights because there are a ton of pedestrians traffic circle, Currie stated, “As somebody that
crosswalk is at a bend and there is a large crossing there.” crosses there daily, that is the most dangerous
traffic volume coming in from Highway 748. Councillor Jacqui Currie asked if there would in sense of speed. You think it's high visibility
This is followed by the crosswalk on 3rd be an option to install a couple of these but most people don't see you because they're
Avenue and 56th Street, which is used to cross pedestrian cross walks on the highway, and driving too fast.”
from the Edson Daycare Society to the then remove them once the province installs the Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier suggested
Galloway Station Museum. “We did a traffic permanent lights. forming a grassroots group within the town to
count there with our portable advisor in the In response, Mayor Zahara said, “I think that's lobby the government, “because that's what
summertime and we were averaging about something Council has to give direction to we've seen has been successful for other areas
2800 vehicles per day,” said Schram. “We have Administration.” around the province”.
a lot of daycare people crossing at that location, Zahara added, “I'm very disturbed on the lack BILL MITCHELL
and most of those pedestrians are parents and NORTH NEW TRUCK SALES
small children.”
“Our third location was the hospital traffic Multi-Use Facility Joint Steering Committee
circle, and that is tagged as a medium priority Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
[because] there is a large traffic volume with re-evaluates Griffiths Park site 24210 114 Avenue
40th street and the traffic heading to the Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
hospital,” said Schram.
Schram mentioned that one of the concerns by Cassie Kushniruk within the budget we've agreed to, and the Website:
with this crosswalk was the limited visibility. more funds that go to site prep and servicing,
“The Community Protective Services On January 15, the Yellowhead County and the less we will have for the actual amenities
department did an initiative this fall by thinning Town of Edson Multi-Use Recreation Facility that will be used by residents.” Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
out some of the branches to open up that Joint Steering Committee met to evaluate the Zahara continued, “As such, the Steering Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
visibility, and it did have a big improvement.” geotechnical results for the Griffiths Park Committee and Councils are exercising due
The fourth location of 13th Ave and location, as well as next steps for the project. diligence by re-examining the current Repsol
Summers Drilling
Westhaven Drive is considered a medium According to a statement released by the site and looking at ways that we can make it Summers Drilling
priority as there is a high traffic volume of Town of Edson, the Steering Committee has work. We are also looking at alternative sites
Water Well Drilling
approximately 2800 vehicles per day. The decided to explore other sites for the project to and will compare the projected site preparation Water Well Drilling
existing crosswalk is also currently utilized by ensure best value for tax payer investment. and servicing costs of all of them, including
school children from Poplar Place trailer park. “The geotechnical results showed that Griffiths Park, before making a final decision.”
The east airport boundary on 6th Ave and 57th significantly more investment could be needed Zahara mentioned that choosing the Repsol
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Street is considered a medium priority as a on site preparation than originally anticipated,” site could add a year or more to the A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
result of average traffic and pedestrian volume. stated Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara. construction timeline. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
The sixth and final location on 6th Ave and “We want to ensure that we maximize the The next Steering Committee meeting is drilling and water well repairs.
43rd Street is tagged as the lowest priority due amount of amenities located within the facility scheduled for late February.
to seasonal pedestrian traffic in the summer.
The estimated cost per standard crossing
ranges from $14,500 to $16,500, with an
additional $2500 cost for installation. In total, EVENT Happy
the estimated cost per crossing ranges from REMINDER
“We think this is a project that really falls well Visit the FCSS
4405 50 streeteet
under our Public Safety Initiative Fund,” said Parentlink Centre 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Schram. “We have a current balance of from 9 am to 11 Stony Plain, AB www
$107,000 in that account.” am on January 21
Schram mentioned that this would ideally be a for an
multi-year project, with one or two of these opportunity to January 23y 23
crossings installed every year. “This can also have an ages and
give us the opportunity to review the priorities stages
Ted and ed and
of the locations annually,” he said. developmental T
Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “I agree screen done with
Linda Ice
with the majority of these locations with the your child. There Linda Ice
exception of number five (hospital traffic will also be an
circle). I think there's lots of visibility there, so opportunity to
I would put that as a low priority.” talk with AHS
Love your family
“I think another location would be 16th professionals. Love your family
Town considers installing lighted pedestrian crosswalks
by Cassie Kushniruk Avenue and Edson Drive,” Zahara continued. of action on the provincial government's part
“Edson Drive has high traffic volumes and on these pedestrian crossings. We've had
During the January 14 Committee of the there are a lot of kids crossing from schools fatalities and this has been going on for
Whole Meeting, Town Council discussed the into the Tiffin neighborhood.” decades.”
possibility of installing lighted pedestrian cross Zahara added, “If we budget $120,000 to get “I just sent a letter to our MLA suggesting that
walks at six different locations in town. all six locations done, I would take half out of they need to move up the traffic lights at 4th
Following the 2019 Strategic Planning the Public Safety Initiative Fund and the rest Ave and 56th Street, and if they are able to do
Session, Council directed Administration to from the Energy Reserve account, where we that, then we would step up to the plate and
research and price options for the installation of have a lot of money sitting that isn't being used. start installing some of these pedestrian
lighted pedestrian cross walks. The Community I think it's better to get it all done at once than crossings at some locations along the
& Protective Services department conducted a drag this for a multi-year project.” highway,” Zahara continued.
review of the community and identified several Councillor Troy Sorenson suggested Zahara noted, “There's no timeline for the
locations for the installation of these cross proceeding immediately with locations one and A&W location, so I think we have to make the
walks. two and installing one or two crossings decision to do something here because it's a
Each location is ordered based on priority and annually for the following years. priority to our residents. I would fully support
includes: (1) the trail crossing on Edson Drive, Councillor Janet Wilkinson commented, “I putting pedestrian crossing lights at that
(2) the crosswalk located at 3rd Ave and 56th would like to go ahead with all the ones we location as an interim basis. The little
Street, (3) the hospital traffic circle at 6th Ave could possibly go ahead with. This is going to crosswalks that they put there prior to the last
and 40th Street, (4) the existing crosswalk at save people's lives, so it's well worth it.” election has created a more dangerous situation
13th Ave and Westhaven Drive, (5) the east With regards to the crosswalk located at 3rd in our community.”
airport boundary at 6th Ave and 57th Street, (6) Ave and 56th Street, Councillor Trevor Bevan Councillor Currie commented, “I think it's the
and the ravine trail crossing at 6th Ave and asked, “If the traffic lights go in… is that going job of the province, but it's been 10+ years and
43rd Street. to hamper traffic flow through there?” they haven't done it. Ultimately, it is us that
According to Director of Protective Services Schram replied, “I think it's imperative that have to make a decision.”
Alan Schram, the trail crossing on Edson Drive those signals are there regardless of the traffic With regards to the crosswalk at the hospital
is considered the highest priority because the lights because there are a ton of pedestrians traffic circle, Currie stated, “As somebody that
crosswalk is at a bend and there is a large crossing there.” crosses there daily, that is the most dangerous
traffic volume coming in from Highway 748. Councillor Jacqui Currie asked if there would in sense of speed. You think it's high visibility
This is followed by the crosswalk on 3rd be an option to install a couple of these but most people don't see you because they're
Avenue and 56th Street, which is used to cross pedestrian cross walks on the highway, and driving too fast.”
from the Edson Daycare Society to the then remove them once the province installs the Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier suggested
Galloway Station Museum. “We did a traffic permanent lights. forming a grassroots group within the town to
count there with our portable advisor in the In response, Mayor Zahara said, “I think that's lobby the government, “because that's what
summertime and we were averaging about something Council has to give direction to we've seen has been successful for other areas
2800 vehicles per day,” said Schram. “We have Administration.” around the province”.
a lot of daycare people crossing at that location, Zahara added, “I'm very disturbed on the lack BILL MITCHELL
and most of those pedestrians are parents and NORTH NEW TRUCK SALES
small children.”
“Our third location was the hospital traffic Multi-Use Facility Joint Steering Committee
circle, and that is tagged as a medium priority Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
[because] there is a large traffic volume with re-evaluates Griffiths Park site 24210 114 Avenue
40th street and the traffic heading to the Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
hospital,” said Schram.
Schram mentioned that one of the concerns by Cassie Kushniruk within the budget we've agreed to, and the Website:
with this crosswalk was the limited visibility. more funds that go to site prep and servicing,
“The Community Protective Services On January 15, the Yellowhead County and the less we will have for the actual amenities
department did an initiative this fall by thinning Town of Edson Multi-Use Recreation Facility that will be used by residents.” Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
out some of the branches to open up that Joint Steering Committee met to evaluate the Zahara continued, “As such, the Steering Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
visibility, and it did have a big improvement.” geotechnical results for the Griffiths Park Committee and Councils are exercising due
The fourth location of 13th Ave and location, as well as next steps for the project. diligence by re-examining the current Repsol
Summers Drilling
Westhaven Drive is considered a medium According to a statement released by the site and looking at ways that we can make it Summers Drilling
priority as there is a high traffic volume of Town of Edson, the Steering Committee has work. We are also looking at alternative sites
Water Well Drilling
approximately 2800 vehicles per day. The decided to explore other sites for the project to and will compare the projected site preparation Water Well Drilling
existing crosswalk is also currently utilized by ensure best value for tax payer investment. and servicing costs of all of them, including
school children from Poplar Place trailer park. “The geotechnical results showed that Griffiths Park, before making a final decision.”
The east airport boundary on 6th Ave and 57th significantly more investment could be needed Zahara mentioned that choosing the Repsol
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Street is considered a medium priority as a on site preparation than originally anticipated,” site could add a year or more to the A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
result of average traffic and pedestrian volume. stated Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara. construction timeline. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
The sixth and final location on 6th Ave and “We want to ensure that we maximize the The next Steering Committee meeting is drilling and water well repairs.
43rd Street is tagged as the lowest priority due amount of amenities located within the facility scheduled for late February.
to seasonal pedestrian traffic in the summer.
The estimated cost per standard crossing
ranges from $14,500 to $16,500, with an
additional $2500 cost for installation. In total, EVENT Happy
the estimated cost per crossing ranges from REMINDER
“We think this is a project that really falls well Visit the FCSS
4405 50 streeteet
under our Public Safety Initiative Fund,” said Parentlink Centre 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Schram. “We have a current balance of from 9 am to 11 Stony Plain, AB www
$107,000 in that account.” am on January 21
Schram mentioned that this would ideally be a for an
multi-year project, with one or two of these opportunity to January 23y 23
crossings installed every year. “This can also have an ages and
give us the opportunity to review the priorities stages
Ted and ed and
of the locations annually,” he said. developmental T
Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “I agree screen done with
Linda Ice
with the majority of these locations with the your child. There Linda Ice
exception of number five (hospital traffic will also be an
circle). I think there's lots of visibility there, so opportunity to
I would put that as a low priority.” talk with AHS
Love your family
“I think another location would be 16th professionals. Love your family