Page 4 - January 23, 2017
P. 4

Youth arrested in thefts from vehicles investigation

Faces criminal charges of theft, mischief, trespassing at night, and possession of marihuana and cocaine

Edson RCMP have made an arrest in a case of media pages,” states Cst. Alex Ayres of the Edson 48th Street from 4th Avenue to 10th Avenue, to
‘car hopping’ in the Town of Edson. On January RCMP Detachment. “We want to remind the contact or attend the Edson RCMP Detachment
14th, 2017 an observant local business owner public to not only ensure their vehicles are locked to report the crime and any missing items. Police
noticed a man looking in to and trying the door at all times, but to contact us immediately when have recovered property that is believed to have
handles of vehicles around his business and you witness suspicious activity or have become been stolen from vehicles in this area and are
called 911 to report it to Police. the victim of a crime. As evident in this matter, seeking to ensure they are returned to their
The information, which included a detailed the promptness of which we received detailed rightful owners.
description of the man’s clothing and his last information was crucial in making an arrest.” A youth, who cannot be named, is expected to
direction of travel, allowed Police to act quickly Edson RCMP are asking vehicle owners who face criminal charges of theft, mischief,
and make thorough patrols in the area. This led have had their vehicles rummaged through, trespassing at night, and possession of marihuana
Police to witnessing a man matching the especially those in the area around and between and cocaine.
description crouching between vehicles and then
attempting to gain entry to them. Police quickly
apprehended the man and recovered a number of Advertising Bench RFP awarded
suspected stolen items from him.
“We know these crimes have a huge impact on
the community, especially with the frequency of by Adrienne Tait There is no use going back but we can at least
which they are posted about on local social move forward.”
The Advertising bench RFP was awarded to Councillors Bevan and Wilkinson both pointed
Royal Exposure at the regular council meeting out that Royal Exposure's proposal includes
on Tuesday. hiring local people. Wilkinson also addressed
Community services director Jim Desautels Boyce's concerns regarding references and said
told council that reference checks had been despite positive references being provided by
completed on Royal Exposure, all of them Alpine council had seen photos of benches that
DUCT CLEANING favourable. were in disrepair.
Councillor Brian Boyce spoke against the
The Royal Exposure proposal called for less
Furnace & Water Heater recommendation restating his earlier objections benches overall, and the exact locations have not
to awarding the RFP to an out of town company
yet been determined, but Desautels said the town
Repairs & Replacements and saying he believed that administration had aims to make the benches more functional,
Financing Available OAC not tried hard enough to work with local accessible, and aesthetically pleasing. “The
company Alpine Exposure. Boyce said, “I think
philosophy we are working with is that the
780-728-4584 this process was flawed from the start.” benches will be first and foremost benches. They
With regards to councillor Boyce's concerns
will be placed in areas that make sense for that the resolution by council to have pedestrians to use them. They will be functional,
Conveniently located to serve administration attempt to work with Alpine had safe, ergonomic, and handicap friendly. From
never been resolved or rescinded Councillor
how things look now to how they look a year
Edson, Niton Junction, Chouinard said, 'I am not pleased, but this matter from now, I'm expecting a marked departure.
Wildwood, Evansburg, has drug out for some time. It was a fair process Stay tuned!” said Desautels.
Mayerthorpe, Entwistle and it was open for anyone who wanted to bid.

Thank You

The Fulham Community Centre would like to thank
The Fulham Community Centre would like to thank
Boss Truck Services, Bernies Carpentry, Gering Gravel Sales,
Boss Truck Services, Bernies Carpentry, Gering Gravel Sales,
Jerry Ford, JRF Oilfield Services,
Jerry Ford, JRF Oilfield Services,
PKE Water Store & More, and The Diesel Shop
PKE Water Store & More, and The Diesel Shop
for their continued support of the Xmas Gift Card Fundraiser.
for their continued support of the Xmas Gift Card Fundraiser.
We would also like to thank all the individuals that support
We would also like to thank all the individuals that support
our ongoing gift card
our ongoing gift card
fundraiser thoughout the year.
fundraiser thoughout the year.

Fulham Community Centre

The Fulham Community Centre would like to thank
The Fulham Community Centre would like to thank
Alternate Choice Water Hauling, Boss Truck Services,
Alternate Choice Water Hauling, Boss Truck Services,
and Yellowhead Vac Truck Services
for their continued
and Yellowhead Vac Truck Services for their continued
support and donation of trucking and water hauling to the
support and donation of trucking and water hauling to the
Fulham Community Outdoor Skating Rink. Without your photo Deanna Mitchener
Fulham Community Outdoor Skating Rink. Without your
generous support, we would not have such a great rink. Marg Byrt with Doris Straub who turned 91 on January 15. Marg says, "
generous support, we would not have such a great rink.
Doris always looked after our crib games for many years and she has
Fulham Community Centre Fulham Community Centre decided to retire from it. So, we thank her for all the years she look after it
and we what to wish her a very happy birthday as well." The cabin plays
crib every Monday night at 7 p.m. and players are welcome.
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