Page 2 - January 27 2020
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Professional Digital PAGE 2 MONDAY JANUARY 27, 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
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photos ready continued from front County FCSS seeks funding for children's program
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Chefs; Family Field Trips and
while you wait... continued from front Movie Nights; Kids Getaway and costs. The Awesome Summer program is and how they'd hate to guardians and pick programming
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PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE continued from front Summer Awesome Adventure Adventure Camps cost is see it go. I would be very much in that works." 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
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Councillor Cherniawsky said,
$45,000/year. The County Kids favour that we try to find this
Camps; along with other short term
preschool program requires two money and keep the program "Everyone says they don't want to
continued from front
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front and one-off programs throughout staff, whereas other programs could going." raise taxes but how long can we 780-723-5787
the year for families and children in
Councillor Lavone Olson said, sustain that with our transfer
operate with one staff, although it
ready in minutes while you wait... continued from front the community. would decrease program capacity "Are there some of these programs stations, community halls, and with
continued from front
"The intent of the Children's
due to industry ratios and that are more valuable than others everything going up every year?
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T continued from front Program is to provide children ages increasing participation of higher and can we cut some of these? I am We have one of the lowest mill rates The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
continued from front 6-12 and their families with needs children," Robinson said. not in favour of raising taxes, we —a half a percent would cover this.
opportunities for them to build
In a heartfelt statement Councillor might be short on our budget This is a drop in the bucket to some
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front knowledge, skills and confidence, Shawn Berry said, "I want to see already." of the projects coming up."
enabling them to make healthy these programs stay in place. Kids Councillor David Russell said, Councillor Berry added, "If we
7 choices and provide a foundation are special and if we can do "The benefits of this program to our take $168,000 and make this the
for positive family experiences,"
programs like this that offer residents is very obvious. Have we amount of money we'd throw kids
stated Robinson. "The Children's
Program is a pure FCSS program, positive outcomes that send them in looked at the entire FCSS program under the bus for, we should be PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
positive directions for their entire to find wiggle room to make this ashamed. There are all kinds of
in terms of providing programming lives, then accept my emotional work?" ways we can cut to find this
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! that focuses on preventing distress plea and please fund this program." Read stated, "If council says 'no money."
and promoting the wellbeing of
Mayor Jim Eglinski, "As a former
Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky new money' then Administration
children and the family unit." supported Councillor Berry's would look to prioritize within a police officer and detachment Professional Digital Passport System photos
"Participating children in the statement, "I see firsthand the budget envelope, then we would commander we had a lot programs ready in minutes while you wait...
programs overwhelmingly state impact of these programs. It's come back and council can choose to work with kids and it paid off in
that they feel more confident after another download from the what to do." dividends. We need to take this into
participating in programs, have province but I am one hundred Councillor Williams added, "I am consideration and we need to
increased self esteem, and feel percent in support of this program." not in favour of raising taxes and challenge our staff on where we can
better about themselves post Christopher Read, Director of some of these programs should be come up with this funding. If we
program," said Robinson. Community Services, clarified, more parent driven than County don't want to cut, then the program
In 2019 the Children's Program "Just to be clear the Province has driven. I think we need to look at is cut, and we will have to pay the
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! staffing cost was $151,272 and stated these services are very tighten the belt here." consequences."
programming expenses were
Christopher Read summarized
$16,986. The amount of funding valuable, but as outcomes for Councillor Anthony Giezen said,
Diversion funding have changed "For me this is about looking for that council would like to see many
5 that has been lost from contracts we have been very lucky to efficiencies. I am not in favour of of these services maintained but did DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
earmarked for the Children's
continue to get this funding. This raising taxes or going into our not want to see taxes raised or the
780-723-578780-723-5787 Program is $123,975. program fits into the FCSS reserves. We have to put more of budget reopened. "We have support 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
"Even though funding will cease
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
mandate, it didn't fit in Diversion this back onto the parents and and clarity to bring back what you
March 31, families are requesting
have asked us for.”
i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g and we were lucky to be
grandfathered. We are not going to
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor programming post March 31," said get additional FCSS funding from 780-723-5787
the province.”
"Typically, programming such as J a c k R a m m e , C h i e f THIS WEEK’S FEATURE
Kounty Kids Preschool, and School Administrative Officer added, "We
b a s e d a n d a f t e r s c h o o l need to know how you want to fund Mint Homes Ltd. The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
programming runs through May this and your choices are to cut
each year, starting up again each something or to raise taxes."
fall. If all services were to stop Councillor Dawn Mitchell asked,
March 31 when contract funding "Have we looked at the amounts
stops, this leaves families without parents pay for some of these
services for the remainder of the programs?" Fees for service brings
school year, which is particularly in about $7,000 per year, stated
difficult for children enrolled in Robinson. "We want to make this
preschool, who require consistency accessible for as many families as
and routine to support their learning possible. Increases to fees would
and development," stated bring in minimal extra."
Robinson. Mayor Jim Eglinski said, "I spoke
"There are some distinct services
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE and programs that have their own to several residents who spoke very
Professional Digital passionately about how good the
Passport System
Professional Digital
photos ready Professional Digital PASSPORT Three bedrooms and two full bathrooms. This very
appealing bungalow has a unique right angle garage.
in minutes Passport System PHOTOS & MORE PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE The covered wraparound veranda adds character and
Passport System
while you wait... DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! charm and allows one to enjoy the views from the
photos ready
photos ready country styled interior. The garage has access to the
in minutes
in minutes The Weekly Anchor laundry/mud room. A vaulted ceiling and elegant
fireplace accentuate the great room and dining room
while you wait... areas. A corner walk-in pantry and
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a family eating bar is featured is For these plans
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson this spacious kitchen. PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson 780-723-5787
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor 7 Member of National Home Warranty Program The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Phone: 780-723-2330
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! Email: D 780-723-5787
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Fax: 780-723-5068

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