Page 2 - January 7, 2019
P. 2
continued from front
continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
continued from front
continued from front
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE continued from front “We need this pipeline, yesterday!”
continued from front

Professional Digital continued from front continued from front
Passport System continued from front something for the people.” took the stage to talk about how the how there has been an increase in said.“Maybe it's because somebody
continued from front
photos ready continued from front For three hours, semi-trucks, pickup government sat by quietly while homelessness and suicide rates. “We stood up and did something for them;
in minutes continued from front trucks, small cars, and even a tractor events transpired that harmed need this pipeline, yesterday!,” he maybe we said something for them.”
“I'm hoping people go home today
drove through town, honking their Alberta's economy, such as the said. “This is just the ignition of a very
while you wait... continued from front horns in support of Edson's hard cancellation of the Northern Gateway raging fire that's about to come.” after being here and are a little more
The Weekly Anchore Weekly Anchor
Th continued from front working men and women in the oil and pipeline, and extension of the After the rally, Goodwin noticed the enthused that 'maybe we are going to
gas sector. Participants also attached equalization formula. “Why, three smiling faces of community members get back to work'. 'Maybe we are
continued from front
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front signs to their vehicles with sayings days before Christmas, are we at a and convoy participants. “There's a lot going to save my house, save my
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
such as 'No Carbon Tax' and 'Fuel isn't pipeline rally? Why are we so of smiling faces that weren't smiling truck, save my family',” said
D 780-723-5787 continued from front Made of Fairy Dust'. “We're showing desperate to show Canada what's when they came here,” he Goodwin. (SEE PAGE 24 FOR MORE PHOTOS)
continued from front today how passionate Edson is about happening in our province? We can't
what's going on in our province,” said afford to sit by quietly anymore. In
continued from front UCP candidate Martin Long, who was Alberta we just want to work,” Long
continued from front one of the many participants in the said.
continued from front convoy. Town of Edson Mayor Kevin
Local community members also Zahara opened up his speech by
continued from front came out to support the rally from the saying how proud he is to be Mayor of
continued from front streets by holding up signs with the Edson, a town who has shown
continued from front saying 'Build that Pipeline' and tremendous support for the oil and gas
cheering for their local oilfield industry in Alberta. “When the
workers who passed by in the convoy. announcement came that the [Trans
To prove how important this issue is Mountain Expansion] project was not
to those across Canada, people as far going to be moving forward, it was
a s B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a a n d like a light switch went off in our
Saskatchewan made the journey out to community,” he said. “Just before
support Alberta in Edson's rally. then everybody was looking forward
Goodwin mentioned how Alberta's to work. We actually saw the light at
struggling oil and gas industry has the end of the tunnel after the
even affected people as far as New recession. Then that announcement
Brunswick, “I have 20 people in my came on and everything changed.”
family that do fly-in jobs. They're not “Edson really is the centerpiece for
doing them anymore because there's the Trans Mountain expansion
no work.” project,” Mayor Zahara continued.
Many people came out to the rally in “We had the Trans Mountain pipeline
support of pipeline expansion projects through our community for decades,
that have been cancelled, such as the and we had not one single incident on
Trans Mountain Expansion project. that pipeline in our community. We
The Trans Mountain Pipeline runs care deeply about the environment in With signs reading “We Love Canadian Oil & Gas” and “Build that Pipeline”
through nearly one third of the this province, but we also want to -community members lined the streets of Edson to support the pro-pipeline
Yellowhead Riding and would have work hard and support our families convoy and rally on December 22. photo Cassie Kushniruk PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
been beneficial in improving Alberta's and our communities without
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
economy.“If you take a drive two handouts from the government. If you T
kilometers out of town, there's a want benefits from the resource sector 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
hundred kilometers of pipe laying of Alberta you need to support Edson Funeral Home
there that should be in the ground,” Alberta, and if you don't support DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 7
said Goodwin. “We'd have another Alberta and our resource sector, then
30,000 to 40,000 people back to work give that money back to us so we can
if that were to happen.” support our province.” Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
Yellowhead Flooring owner RJ During Yellowhead County Mayor A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
Campbell mentioned how these Gerald Soroka's speech, he stated that PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
cancelled projects not only affect thousands of miles of pipeline run
oilfield workers, but also local through the Yellowhead County, while 780-723-3575
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE businesses. “I see it affects my own only 500 km of rail runs through the
business because the phones aren't area. “Which way are you going to
ringing and people aren't coming in,” produce your product and get it to
he said. “It's to the point where I'm not market?” Soroka asked rhetorically.
Professional Digital Passport System photos buying presents for my kid for “The safest way to move it and the
because it's the land of opportunity nothing to do with there's not a need or Our CommitmentOur Commitment
ready in minutes while you wait... Christmas; I have to worry about most environmental way to move it
having money to pay the mortgage. It …is pipelines. But yet, we talk about
shouldn't be like that. I live in Alberta how we can't get them built. It's got

Professional Digital and people have a chance to work a want; it's because of all the negative
Is To You.
Passport System here.” publicity that's been put forward. Is To You.
Following the convoy, community That's the thing we need to start
photos ready members gathered at Centennial Park looking at; supporting our industry
in minutes to hear messages from several local because we need the industry.”
Alberta Party candidate Kristie
Before the speeches, the dignitaries Gomuwka thanked the men and
while you wait... gathered together to sing a rendition of women who work hard in the oil and
the Christmas classic 'Feliz Navidad', gas sector to providefor the Full Service
where they instead sang about community.
Alberta's oil and gas industry. The Edson and District Chamber of
MP Jim Eglinski started off the Commerce were also invited to speak Funeral Home Offering:
speeches by expressing the on the issue, “The people of Alberta
importance of capturing the attention have been pushed to extreme Traditional Funeral Services,
of the federal government through measures because our voices are not Graveside Services and
these rallies and how Canada must being heard or represented,” said Cremation Options with a Crematorium
unite to make a change. “We need to Darlene Chouinard with the Chamber.
get that message across to our “We have to find a solution—today's on site in Edson.
neighbors in Eastern Canada,” he said. demonstration shows us standing Cemetery Monuments.
“The Government of Canada is not together as Alberta.”
going to listen to us and we can unite The organizer from the Drayton We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! together as a strong country and make Valley pro-pipeline rally later took the
stage to mention how people are
sure that we get pipelines built.”
UCP candidate Martin Long then losing their homes and families, and
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson


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