Page 23 - January 7, 2019
P. 23


Missing horse found after three month search

by Cassie Kushniruk Thomas noticed a difference in her put posters up. I never stopped at
personality compared to before she all.”
After three tense months of went missing, “She seemed like her Local communities and
anxious anticipation and endless heart had been broken; her head communities across the world have
search, Molly, a six year-old, was hanging down, she hid in the responded to Thomas' efforts by
pregnant Clydesdale mare that went corner, and she didn't want any showing support and relaying words
missing from a home in the interaction.” of encouragement over email and
Entwistle/Evansburg area, was Although Molly's health was phone. A kind stranger even set up a
found on Christmas Eve. generally well upon returning home, GoFundMe account to garner
When Molly disappeared in Thomas is currently treating her for money as a reward for anyone who
September, owner Cindy Thomas an infection on her front legs, could find Molly.
braced for the worse: that her presumably caused by standing in a Thomas thanked everyone who
beautiful draft horse was sold for dirty stall. “We're almost done has been part of the help in her
slaughter. “The draft is where the fighting it now,” Thomas said, search for her Molly, “They were
money is,” she said in an interview adding that Molly is also being the ones who kept me going
back in September. treated for a bad case of ulcers as a through it because it was really
However, while Thomas and her result of stress. tough.”
husband were on their way to visit Currently, Molly's physical and To avoid situations like this in the
their daughter in Calgary on mental health continue to progress future, Thomas has done her best to
December 24, she received a each day now that she is home with increase security measures around
message from her neighbor telling her family, and she is set to give her home, including adding
her that her beloved horse was in birth in March. “Every single day I padlocks to all the gates accessible
their yard. “She came into their see improvement,” Thomas said. by road and installing security
back gate when they were out,” “She's perkier, she's stretched out, cameras around her property.
Thomas said. she's not so sore anymore, and she's Although no reason has been
As soon as Thomas was reunited getting her exercise. She's got discovered as to why Molly was
with her horse, she had reason to sparkle in her eyes again.” returned the day before Christmas,
believe that someone had been From the day Molly disappeared Thomas theorized that “maybe
taking care of her for the last three until now, Thomas has not stopped someone had a change of heart and
months she was gone. “She came doing everything in her power to figured it was a great way to make
back clean; not even a piece of find Molly, whether that be reaching it up [to us].”
snow anywhere on her body,” out to people on social media or When asked why this horse is so
Thomas said. “She was pretty well hanging up flyers around town. important to Thomas and her
taken care of. They knew how to “Every single day I would post,” family, she replied, “She is one of
take care of horses.” she said. “I've got posters up and the family. They are a part of our
When Molly returned home, I've contacted people in whole world and a part of
Australia—like across the world to everything we do.” Molly was found after three month search.


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Robin Corser (Friends of the Library), Jesse Kirillo (Repsol), Debbie Burgess (Friends of the Library), Ann Steffes (Friends of the Library) and Brigitte De
Corte (Friends of the Library) gathered in the entrance of the Edson Public Library on December 20 to receive a donation in the amount of $3,000 from
Repsol. The money will be used for new children's furniture and books. photo Deanna Mitchener

5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson

The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor

Robin Corser (Friends of the Library), Dion Drader (TransCanada Pipeline), Brigitte De Corte (Friends of the Library), Ann Steffes (Friends of the Library) and
Debbie Burgess (Friends of the Library) gathered in the entrance of the Edson Public Library on December 20, 2018 to receive a donation in the amount of
$1,000 from TransCanada Pipeline. The money will be used for new children's furniture and books. photo by Deanna Mitchener
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