Page 19 - July 15, 2019
P. 19
CAPP delegation presents to Town and County Councils
by Cassie Kushniruk added that the Keystone XL project
continues to fall behind with
On July 9, Town of Edson and requests for a full environmental
Yellowhead County councils review of the projects from the U.S.
received a delegation from the level.
Canadian Association of Petroleum “TransMountain Expansion is the
Producers (CAPP) with regards to most important of all of these
recent happenings in the oil and gas projects in my perspective because it
industry. signifies a new market entirely for
CAPP is a lobby organization that Canada, which is Asia,” McTaggart
acts as a “voice of Canada's said.
upstream oil, oil sands, and natural The natural gas market has been a
gas industry”. “CAPP is the largest more positive situation than oil for a
industry association in Canada,” number of reasons, said McTaggart.
said CAPP Community Engagement “We still have room in our
Advisor Kelly McTaggart during the mainlines, so we're not selling at as
July 9 Town Council meeting.“We much of a discount in terms of
represent 80% of the oil and gas differential compared to oil,” she
produced in Canada from coast to explained. “And then some of the
coast.” bottleneck issues have actually been On July 9, both Town and County Councils received a delegation from CAPP
regarding updates in the oil and gas industry. Pictured is CAPP Community
At this time, McTaggart presented resolved in northwestern Canada.” Engagement Advisor Kelly McTaggart presenting to County Council.
statistics depicting growth in the In terms of orphan wells, Alberta photo Dana McArthur
global energy mix from 2016 to has seen a 6%/year increase since
2040. “In the renewable section, this 2016. “It's very significant and it's East. “It's not moving forward for a McTaggart referenced Alberta
actually shows a 400% increase in very hard on municipalities where couple of reasons, but the first is natural gas producer Trident, who
renewables,” McTaggart pointed out they're seeing large area base that there was too much investment recently walked away from 4,700
that renewables do not have the closures and not foreseeing these uncertainty from TransCanada's wells in May. “In that case, there
capacity to meet current or growing companies going bankrupt and then perspective,” she said. was no forewarning and that's
global demands. “Renewables are all of sudden you lose the majority Deputy Town Mayor Janet something that CAPP is looking at
not blowing the energy sector out of of your tax base,” McTaggart said. Wilkinson asked, “In the last 12 is what are the mechanisms we can
the water by any means. There's a From a federal perspective, CAPP months what would be your biggest put in place to see this coming,”
rapid increase, but where we're has been paying close attention to coup?” McTaggart said. “They are being
seeing the most increase is natural Bill C-69 and Bill C-48, both of “Bill C-48 and Bill C-69,” bought up, but because the price is
gas. Oil is still the primary which have passed despite the McTaggart replied.“We've spent a so low right now, there's not a lot of
hydrocarbon source of energy, but standing committees' lot of time in Ottawa. Some of our money to go around so things are
natural gas is really the future.” recommendation. “It's very alarming stakeholders have actually testified happening a lot slower. As these
Currently, CAPP is fighting for to everyone in the west, especially in the hearing for those bills, timelines are drawn out, they
global customers for Canada, as the municipalities who want to get especially some of the become less desirable because some
U.S. transitioned from the country's infrastructure projects built,” municipalities in northeastern B.C.” of these wells are not in a condition
number one customer to its number McTaggart said. “We continue to Town Councillor Gean Chouinard to operate, so that is something that
one competitor. “We're looking at advocate on this.” asked if there is something in place is being considered.”
China and India as the two most During the morning presentation to for companies to take over orphan
rapid growing economies in terms of County Council, Mayor Gerald wells. -with files Dana McArthur
changing their energy Soroka asked regarding planned
infrastructure,” said McTaggart. pipelines, "What do you think about
“We're also seeing a lot of rural the legal claims against these
areas get off coal for cooking and projects?" McTaggart responded, "I
onto natural gas and they're looking think people are entitled to their
for those products. What they're positions but if they are not bringing
looking for in terms of resources per a better solution forward it's not
day is more than we produce in all very productive."
of Canada, so it's a huge market.” Mayor Soroka added, "I think their
In terms of upstream capital position is we have renewable
investment, Canada had a strong energy and do not need oil and gas
year in terms of conventional assets, anymore." McTaggart replied it
said McTaggart. “It showed us really comes down to consumption
getting out of that recession,” she and renewable energy alone does
said. “Now because of pipeline not have the capacity to meet global
issues and capacity issues on our demands.
pipelines, we've seen a very strong County Councillor Wade Williams
decrease, which is continuing into asked, "How do you feel the
2019.” Enbridge Line 3 and Keystone XL
“Natural gas is doing a bit better in will help Canada? Are we just
Canada this year,” said McTaggart. giving the U.S. more of our products
“We actually faced times in 2018 for pennies on the dollar?"
where we dropped below zero McTaggart replied that the projects
[$Can/Mcf]. We haven't seen that in will help the price differential to
2019.” become smaller, but that
McTaggart then presented an TransMountain is critical to opening
update concerning the current state new markets.
of oil pipelines and pipeline County Councillor Shawn Berry
projects. Currently, pipeline capacity asked if the tanker ban would affect
out of Western Canada is full, so rail liquid natural gas tankers.
has been picking up some of that McTaggart replied that Bill C-48
slack. However, the provincial would not affect LNG shipments.
government is not moving forward In the evening presentation to
with the legislation to add additional Town Council, Councillor Troy
rail cars. Sorenson asked, “I recently saw a
“Enbridge Line 3 was the most presentation where they mentioned
positive pipeline in terms of what that Energy East pipeline might be
we were expecting to see,” converted to natural gas. Have you
McTaggart continued. “It was heard any more about this?”
supposed to be in service this spring. McTaggart replied that there isn't
It's been delayed a year, so they're anything on the table for Energy 8 year old Sanya Camillus enjoys colouring at the Edson library during a rainy
saying June 2020.” McTaggart day outing with her dad. photo Lara Felsing
CAPP delegation presents to Town and County Councils
by Cassie Kushniruk added that the Keystone XL project
continues to fall behind with
On July 9, Town of Edson and requests for a full environmental
Yellowhead County councils review of the projects from the U.S.
received a delegation from the level.
Canadian Association of Petroleum “TransMountain Expansion is the
Producers (CAPP) with regards to most important of all of these
recent happenings in the oil and gas projects in my perspective because it
industry. signifies a new market entirely for
CAPP is a lobby organization that Canada, which is Asia,” McTaggart
acts as a “voice of Canada's said.
upstream oil, oil sands, and natural The natural gas market has been a
gas industry”. “CAPP is the largest more positive situation than oil for a
industry association in Canada,” number of reasons, said McTaggart.
said CAPP Community Engagement “We still have room in our
Advisor Kelly McTaggart during the mainlines, so we're not selling at as
July 9 Town Council meeting.“We much of a discount in terms of
represent 80% of the oil and gas differential compared to oil,” she
produced in Canada from coast to explained. “And then some of the
coast.” bottleneck issues have actually been On July 9, both Town and County Councils received a delegation from CAPP
regarding updates in the oil and gas industry. Pictured is CAPP Community
At this time, McTaggart presented resolved in northwestern Canada.” Engagement Advisor Kelly McTaggart presenting to County Council.
statistics depicting growth in the In terms of orphan wells, Alberta photo Dana McArthur
global energy mix from 2016 to has seen a 6%/year increase since
2040. “In the renewable section, this 2016. “It's very significant and it's East. “It's not moving forward for a McTaggart referenced Alberta
actually shows a 400% increase in very hard on municipalities where couple of reasons, but the first is natural gas producer Trident, who
renewables,” McTaggart pointed out they're seeing large area base that there was too much investment recently walked away from 4,700
that renewables do not have the closures and not foreseeing these uncertainty from TransCanada's wells in May. “In that case, there
capacity to meet current or growing companies going bankrupt and then perspective,” she said. was no forewarning and that's
global demands. “Renewables are all of sudden you lose the majority Deputy Town Mayor Janet something that CAPP is looking at
not blowing the energy sector out of of your tax base,” McTaggart said. Wilkinson asked, “In the last 12 is what are the mechanisms we can
the water by any means. There's a From a federal perspective, CAPP months what would be your biggest put in place to see this coming,”
rapid increase, but where we're has been paying close attention to coup?” McTaggart said. “They are being
seeing the most increase is natural Bill C-69 and Bill C-48, both of “Bill C-48 and Bill C-69,” bought up, but because the price is
gas. Oil is still the primary which have passed despite the McTaggart replied.“We've spent a so low right now, there's not a lot of
hydrocarbon source of energy, but standing committees' lot of time in Ottawa. Some of our money to go around so things are
natural gas is really the future.” recommendation. “It's very alarming stakeholders have actually testified happening a lot slower. As these
Currently, CAPP is fighting for to everyone in the west, especially in the hearing for those bills, timelines are drawn out, they
global customers for Canada, as the municipalities who want to get especially some of the become less desirable because some
U.S. transitioned from the country's infrastructure projects built,” municipalities in northeastern B.C.” of these wells are not in a condition
number one customer to its number McTaggart said. “We continue to Town Councillor Gean Chouinard to operate, so that is something that
one competitor. “We're looking at advocate on this.” asked if there is something in place is being considered.”
China and India as the two most During the morning presentation to for companies to take over orphan
rapid growing economies in terms of County Council, Mayor Gerald wells. -with files Dana McArthur
changing their energy Soroka asked regarding planned
infrastructure,” said McTaggart. pipelines, "What do you think about
“We're also seeing a lot of rural the legal claims against these
areas get off coal for cooking and projects?" McTaggart responded, "I
onto natural gas and they're looking think people are entitled to their
for those products. What they're positions but if they are not bringing
looking for in terms of resources per a better solution forward it's not
day is more than we produce in all very productive."
of Canada, so it's a huge market.” Mayor Soroka added, "I think their
In terms of upstream capital position is we have renewable
investment, Canada had a strong energy and do not need oil and gas
year in terms of conventional assets, anymore." McTaggart replied it
said McTaggart. “It showed us really comes down to consumption
getting out of that recession,” she and renewable energy alone does
said. “Now because of pipeline not have the capacity to meet global
issues and capacity issues on our demands.
pipelines, we've seen a very strong County Councillor Wade Williams
decrease, which is continuing into asked, "How do you feel the
2019.” Enbridge Line 3 and Keystone XL
“Natural gas is doing a bit better in will help Canada? Are we just
Canada this year,” said McTaggart. giving the U.S. more of our products
“We actually faced times in 2018 for pennies on the dollar?"
where we dropped below zero McTaggart replied that the projects
[$Can/Mcf]. We haven't seen that in will help the price differential to
2019.” become smaller, but that
McTaggart then presented an TransMountain is critical to opening
update concerning the current state new markets.
of oil pipelines and pipeline County Councillor Shawn Berry
projects. Currently, pipeline capacity asked if the tanker ban would affect
out of Western Canada is full, so rail liquid natural gas tankers.
has been picking up some of that McTaggart replied that Bill C-48
slack. However, the provincial would not affect LNG shipments.
government is not moving forward In the evening presentation to
with the legislation to add additional Town Council, Councillor Troy
rail cars. Sorenson asked, “I recently saw a
“Enbridge Line 3 was the most presentation where they mentioned
positive pipeline in terms of what that Energy East pipeline might be
we were expecting to see,” converted to natural gas. Have you
McTaggart continued. “It was heard any more about this?”
supposed to be in service this spring. McTaggart replied that there isn't
It's been delayed a year, so they're anything on the table for Energy 8 year old Sanya Camillus enjoys colouring at the Edson library during a rainy
saying June 2020.” McTaggart day outing with her dad. photo Lara Felsing