Page 7 - July 15, 2019
P. 7
Residents recount Niton Junction/Carrot Creek flooding Edson Funeral Home
continued from page 6
During an interview with The Weekly Anchor County has experienced flooding issues in was probably another four feet higher.”
on July 9, Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald several area of the county due to extreme “It was more widespread as well,” Delueew Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
Soroka stated, “The old Hwy 16 near Carrot weather conditions that affected bridges and added. “The McLeod was way higher and it
Creek is washed out and will take several weeks roads resulting in major repairs and replacement wasn't just localized to Carrot Creek and Peers. A A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
to repair but residents can go around the other of bridges and culverts. lot more people were affected by it.” PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
way for the time being. The north of Niton Carrot Creek resident David Delueew Delueew mentioned that even the 1986 flood 780-723-3575
where the museum is, it was under several feet mentioned that the County's recent flooding was was not as severe at the flood that occurred in
of water so there is definitely going to be some less extensive than the flood that occurred in the 1954. “I wasn't around then but what I hear is
destruction there.” area in 1986. “I know it was worse because it that the river itself actually changed course,” he
Over the past several years, Yellowhead took out a bridge at the highway,” he said. “It said.
Our Commitment
Our Commitment
Is To You.
Is To You.
Full Service
Funeral Home Offering:
Traditional Funeral Services,
Graveside Services and
Cremation Options with a Crematorium
Several roads in the Niton and Carrot Creek area were impassable due to on site in Edson.
overland flooding from the heavy rains. Cemetery Monuments.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Debris washed downstream in several of the creeks in the Niton region
chocking bridges. The County will be undertaking extensive cleanup of the
affected areas.
The historic Niton School building on RR130 north of Niton was under several
feet of water from flooding of the nearby creek.
One of the County’s side by sides being helicoptered over a flooded area so Fields and farm equipment were also subject to the flooding from heavy rains
EMS personnel could offer assistance to nearby residents. that caused a local state of emergency in the Niton region. photo Dana
Residents recount Niton Junction/Carrot Creek flooding Edson Funeral Home
continued from page 6
During an interview with The Weekly Anchor County has experienced flooding issues in was probably another four feet higher.”
on July 9, Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald several area of the county due to extreme “It was more widespread as well,” Delueew Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
Soroka stated, “The old Hwy 16 near Carrot weather conditions that affected bridges and added. “The McLeod was way higher and it
Creek is washed out and will take several weeks roads resulting in major repairs and replacement wasn't just localized to Carrot Creek and Peers. A A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
to repair but residents can go around the other of bridges and culverts. lot more people were affected by it.” PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
way for the time being. The north of Niton Carrot Creek resident David Delueew Delueew mentioned that even the 1986 flood 780-723-3575
where the museum is, it was under several feet mentioned that the County's recent flooding was was not as severe at the flood that occurred in
of water so there is definitely going to be some less extensive than the flood that occurred in the 1954. “I wasn't around then but what I hear is
destruction there.” area in 1986. “I know it was worse because it that the river itself actually changed course,” he
Over the past several years, Yellowhead took out a bridge at the highway,” he said. “It said.
Our Commitment
Our Commitment
Is To You.
Is To You.
Full Service
Funeral Home Offering:
Traditional Funeral Services,
Graveside Services and
Cremation Options with a Crematorium
Several roads in the Niton and Carrot Creek area were impassable due to on site in Edson.
overland flooding from the heavy rains. Cemetery Monuments.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Debris washed downstream in several of the creeks in the Niton region
chocking bridges. The County will be undertaking extensive cleanup of the
affected areas.
The historic Niton School building on RR130 north of Niton was under several
feet of water from flooding of the nearby creek.
One of the County’s side by sides being helicoptered over a flooded area so Fields and farm equipment were also subject to the flooding from heavy rains
EMS personnel could offer assistance to nearby residents. that caused a local state of emergency in the Niton region. photo Dana