Page 10 - July 27 2020
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PAGE 10 MONDAY JULY 27, 2020 MONDAY JULY 13, 2020 PAGE 15
Local business owner hosts Sidewalk Jamboree sale to entice residents back to Main Street
by Cassie Kushniruk tattoos with all the health regulations."
To make the event as safe as possible, Pelke stated
Although the Chamber of Commerce's Summer that five blocks were closed off to give attendants the
Festival midway was cancelled this year due to opportunity to spread out and maintain physical
COVID-19, local business owner Leona Pelke distancing.
decided to independently host a Sidewalk Jamboree According to Pelke, the Jamboree was put together
summer sale from July 16-18 with participation from "really fast", but thanks to support from the Town of
local businesses. Edson and Alberta Health Services, the event was able
Over the course of the three-day Jamboree, local to come together.
businesses located along Main Street set up outdoor Pelke stated that she received a great response from
booths and offered various sales to encourage the public concerning the Jamboree, as it gave
residents to shop local. Additionally, there was both residents the opportunity to get out of the house
live and DJ'ed music, and children in attendance were without having to be in a crowd of people.
Pelke added, "The local businesses that
West Yellowhead MLA encouraged to draw pictures on Main Street using participated were all really happy with the amount of
Martin Long booths were set up during the event, Pelke stated that people that came down. They were happy to get the
Although popcorn, mini donut, and candy apple
people downtown, to show people that you can come
she was unable to secure any food trucks as many downtown and be safe, and to encourage them to
vendors have not renewed their insurance due to the come back into the small businesses and support
majority of events being cancelled this year. "The local."
biggest disappointment was that we couldn't get the Pelke stated that the she is looking on hosting a
Elephant Ear ladies; they had a prior commitment," similar event next month, focusing on back-to-school
she mentioned. sales. From July 16-18, a Sidewalk Jamboree sale was held on
Pelke noted, "With COVID, we were so tied for Pelke thanked the Town of Edson, AHS, the Main Street to encourage residents to shop local.
what we could offer. We couldn't even do sparkle participating businesses, and all the people that came Pictured is the Edson Craft Centre Potter Guild's booth
down to support the event. during the event. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
Helping the world hear better
Serving Alberta since 1964
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
Edson Clinic
Wednesday, July 22 * 10:00am-1:00pm
Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
4836-7 Avenue
Attending We provide:
* Latest Technology - all
Agnieszka digital hearing aid
Lehmann * Repairs to all models
Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period
Air Practitioner
#134-15277 Castledowns Road
Edmonton, AB
PAGE 10 MONDAY JULY 27, 2020 MONDAY JULY 13, 2020 PAGE 15
Local business owner hosts Sidewalk Jamboree sale to entice residents back to Main Street
by Cassie Kushniruk tattoos with all the health regulations."
To make the event as safe as possible, Pelke stated
Although the Chamber of Commerce's Summer that five blocks were closed off to give attendants the
Festival midway was cancelled this year due to opportunity to spread out and maintain physical
COVID-19, local business owner Leona Pelke distancing.
decided to independently host a Sidewalk Jamboree According to Pelke, the Jamboree was put together
summer sale from July 16-18 with participation from "really fast", but thanks to support from the Town of
local businesses. Edson and Alberta Health Services, the event was able
Over the course of the three-day Jamboree, local to come together.
businesses located along Main Street set up outdoor Pelke stated that she received a great response from
booths and offered various sales to encourage the public concerning the Jamboree, as it gave
residents to shop local. Additionally, there was both residents the opportunity to get out of the house
live and DJ'ed music, and children in attendance were without having to be in a crowd of people.
Pelke added, "The local businesses that
West Yellowhead MLA encouraged to draw pictures on Main Street using participated were all really happy with the amount of
Martin Long booths were set up during the event, Pelke stated that people that came down. They were happy to get the
Although popcorn, mini donut, and candy apple
people downtown, to show people that you can come
she was unable to secure any food trucks as many downtown and be safe, and to encourage them to
vendors have not renewed their insurance due to the come back into the small businesses and support
majority of events being cancelled this year. "The local."
biggest disappointment was that we couldn't get the Pelke stated that the she is looking on hosting a
Elephant Ear ladies; they had a prior commitment," similar event next month, focusing on back-to-school
she mentioned. sales. From July 16-18, a Sidewalk Jamboree sale was held on
Pelke noted, "With COVID, we were so tied for Pelke thanked the Town of Edson, AHS, the Main Street to encourage residents to shop local.
what we could offer. We couldn't even do sparkle participating businesses, and all the people that came Pictured is the Edson Craft Centre Potter Guild's booth
down to support the event. during the event. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
(approximately 5:10 am).
Helping the world hear better
Serving Alberta since 1964
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
Edson Clinic
Wednesday, July 22 * 10:00am-1:00pm
Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
4836-7 Avenue
Attending We provide:
* Latest Technology - all
Agnieszka digital hearing aid
Lehmann * Repairs to all models
Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period
Air Practitioner
#134-15277 Castledowns Road
Edmonton, AB