Page 4 - July 27 2020
P. 4
Wildwood Legion to discontinue operating Community Connector Bus
by Cassie Kushniruk "We are planning to disband the Transportation agreement to terminate the agreement on a
Project as of August 1, 2020. The Senior different date, this agreement would expire on
At Yellowhead County's Governance and Transportation Committee and the Wildwood December 31, 2020.
Priorities meeting on July 21, the Wildwood Legion will be eternally grateful for all of Councillor Shawn Berry thanked the
Legion informed Council of their decision to Yellowhead County's support throughout the Wildwood Legion for all the work they have
discontinue the Wildwood Community years." done with this service, and expressed support for
Connector Bus service due to insufficient "It is with heavy hearts and a very great terminating the agreement early.
funding. sadness that we have come to this decision," the Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky commented,
Recently, Mayor Jim Eglinski and two letter continued. "We realize that there will be "The loss of this service is going to be
Councillors met with the Executive of the many details that will have to be addressed and detrimental to the mobility of a lot of very rural
Wildwood Legion to discuss the operations of look forward to working with you on this seniors. I'm very disappointed that it has come to
the Wildwood Community Connector Bus. The transition to the best of our abilities." this, but I understand where the Legion is
outcome from that meeting was that the Barb Lyons, Director of Corporate and coming from. It's been a rough road this last little
Wildwood Legion no longer wishes to provide Planning Services, noted, "The current operating while. Volunteerism is dropping and it's hard to
this service in the community, and plans on agreement does require the Legion to provide get more and more funding, so it has been
selling the bus. notice prior to November 1 in any given year, difficult. I want to note that they provided a
In a letter sent to Yellowhead County, and the termination would be effective December service that very few people would actually think
representatives of the Wildwood Legion said, 31 of that same year." Unless there is a mutual of doing."
Mayor Eglinski closed, "I'd like to thank the
Legion in Wildwood. I think they provided a
Jasper RCMP Investigate Ice Explore valuable service to the area, going as far as
Edson to pick up passengers. They have been
struggling for a while …and with COVID, it's
Rollover in the Columbia Icefields just one of the small businesses that had to fold." TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
Columbia Icefields, Alta – At approximately 1 Detachment, the K Division Collision 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
p.m., July 18, 2020, members of the RCMP Reconstruction Analyst, Occupational Health and Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Jasper Detachment, with the assistance of the Safety as well as Transport Officers from Alberta Monday to Friday
Lake Louise and Banff RCMP Detachments Commercial Vehicle Enforcement will continue
responded to a rollover of an Ice Explorer all with the investigation.
terrain vehicle within the Columbia Icefields Efforts were being made to have the Ice
within the Athabasca Valley. Explorer removed from the scene for further We Need
Given the remote location, and the number of examination.
injured, Lake Louise and Jasper Fire As the next-of-kin notifications have been Feedback!
Departments were dispatched, along with Parks completed, RCMP were able to advise that the
Canada staff, and EMS from Jasper, Lake Louise victims of this fatality are a 24-year-old female Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
and Banff. from Canoe Narrows, Sask.; a 28-year-old accessory buildings on
There were 27 occupants in the vehicle. Three female from Edmonton; and a 58-year-old male Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
adults were confirmed deceased, along with a from India. The names of the victims will not be Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
number of other passengers critically injured. released. Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
As of late July 19, 2020, Alberta RCMP were
The injured were transported from the site of the
WE ARE OPEN rollover to the triage site by various helicopter able to confirm of the remaining occupants who Water Well Drilling 6628 17 Avenue
Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
were critically injured, only four were still
Water Well Drilling
companies contracted by Parks Canada. From
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS there, the injured were transported to various considered to be in critical but in stable
condition. One occupant was in serious but stable
area hospitals via STARS air ambulance ground
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
With the support of the K Division Collision Highway 93 remained open at this time, and A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Analyst, the Jasper RCMP detachment will the public was asked to stay clear of the area. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
continue the investigation into the cause of the The RCMP aere asking anyone with information drilling and water well repairs.
rollover. about the rollover to please call the Jasper RCMP
At this time, members of the RCMP Jasper Detachment at 780-852-3883.
To view details of the application, please contact the
Planning Department.
Assistance Calls top list of You may submit written comments by emailing:;
by mailing:
Edson RCMP calls for July 13-19 4405 50 street Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
4405 50 street
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
submitted Edson RCMP harassment/criminal harassment, 4 If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
impaired operation of motor P notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
Pet of the Weeket of the Week
vehicles, 3 lost/found property, 6
With 20 occurrences, Assistance
We are following all AHS Calls topped the list of weekly mental health acts, 8 mischief or Call for information 712-6788all for information 712-6788 objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
Email: edsonanimalrescue@hotmail.commail:
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
damage, 1 missing person/request to
occurrences for the Edson RCMP
recommendations during from July 13-19. locate, 5 municipal bylaws, 1 sudden SINATRA Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
This dapper young fellow is 4 years old and full
death, 14 suspicious persons or
Other occurrences included 7
will be recorded and shared.
of love to give. Sinatra loves to chill with his
this pandemic alarms/false alarms, 3 animal calls, vehicles, 15 theft complaints, 8 favorite human and is good with kids, cats and
traffic collisions, 18 traffic
6 assaults, 4 cause disturbances, 1
dogs with a proper, slow introduction. Sinatra is
complaints, 4 trespassing, 3 uttering
child welfare, 1 drugs, 4 fail to
seeking the quiet and zen of a slower paced
comply with conditions, 2 threats against person, and 1 household to keep up his boyish charm. Find out
how to adopt Sinatra by visiting
We encourage calling for an false/abandoned 911 calls, 1 family wellbeing check.
relations, 1 firearms act, 1
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
appointment at 780.725.3185 message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
- but walk-ins still accepted - EVENT REMINDER: Sponsored by: you more than ever!
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.) July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor Adventure
Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10, which includes snacks,
413 50 St.,13 50 St.,
drinks, and swag. Register online at Only 24 spots are available. For more 4
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society information, call 780-723-4403. COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed, 780-723-622080-723-6220
which means no bussing to the site will be available.
Wildwood Legion to discontinue operating Community Connector Bus
by Cassie Kushniruk "We are planning to disband the Transportation agreement to terminate the agreement on a
Project as of August 1, 2020. The Senior different date, this agreement would expire on
At Yellowhead County's Governance and Transportation Committee and the Wildwood December 31, 2020.
Priorities meeting on July 21, the Wildwood Legion will be eternally grateful for all of Councillor Shawn Berry thanked the
Legion informed Council of their decision to Yellowhead County's support throughout the Wildwood Legion for all the work they have
discontinue the Wildwood Community years." done with this service, and expressed support for
Connector Bus service due to insufficient "It is with heavy hearts and a very great terminating the agreement early.
funding. sadness that we have come to this decision," the Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky commented,
Recently, Mayor Jim Eglinski and two letter continued. "We realize that there will be "The loss of this service is going to be
Councillors met with the Executive of the many details that will have to be addressed and detrimental to the mobility of a lot of very rural
Wildwood Legion to discuss the operations of look forward to working with you on this seniors. I'm very disappointed that it has come to
the Wildwood Community Connector Bus. The transition to the best of our abilities." this, but I understand where the Legion is
outcome from that meeting was that the Barb Lyons, Director of Corporate and coming from. It's been a rough road this last little
Wildwood Legion no longer wishes to provide Planning Services, noted, "The current operating while. Volunteerism is dropping and it's hard to
this service in the community, and plans on agreement does require the Legion to provide get more and more funding, so it has been
selling the bus. notice prior to November 1 in any given year, difficult. I want to note that they provided a
In a letter sent to Yellowhead County, and the termination would be effective December service that very few people would actually think
representatives of the Wildwood Legion said, 31 of that same year." Unless there is a mutual of doing."
Mayor Eglinski closed, "I'd like to thank the
Legion in Wildwood. I think they provided a
Jasper RCMP Investigate Ice Explore valuable service to the area, going as far as
Edson to pick up passengers. They have been
struggling for a while …and with COVID, it's
Rollover in the Columbia Icefields just one of the small businesses that had to fold." TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
Columbia Icefields, Alta – At approximately 1 Detachment, the K Division Collision 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
p.m., July 18, 2020, members of the RCMP Reconstruction Analyst, Occupational Health and Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Jasper Detachment, with the assistance of the Safety as well as Transport Officers from Alberta Monday to Friday
Lake Louise and Banff RCMP Detachments Commercial Vehicle Enforcement will continue
responded to a rollover of an Ice Explorer all with the investigation.
terrain vehicle within the Columbia Icefields Efforts were being made to have the Ice
within the Athabasca Valley. Explorer removed from the scene for further We Need
Given the remote location, and the number of examination.
injured, Lake Louise and Jasper Fire As the next-of-kin notifications have been Feedback!
Departments were dispatched, along with Parks completed, RCMP were able to advise that the
Canada staff, and EMS from Jasper, Lake Louise victims of this fatality are a 24-year-old female Council will hold an online meeting to consider a proposed development for
and Banff. from Canoe Narrows, Sask.; a 28-year-old accessory buildings on
There were 27 occupants in the vehicle. Three female from Edmonton; and a 58-year-old male Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm through a meeting online
adults were confirmed deceased, along with a from India. The names of the victims will not be Council has the authority to issue development permits in the Direct Control
number of other passengers critically injured. released. Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
As of late July 19, 2020, Alberta RCMP were
The injured were transported from the site of the
WE ARE OPEN rollover to the triage site by various helicopter able to confirm of the remaining occupants who Water Well Drilling 6628 17 Avenue
Plan 962 4000, Block 2, Lot 11
were critically injured, only four were still
Water Well Drilling
companies contracted by Parks Canada. From
WITH EXTRA SAFETY PRECAUTIONS there, the injured were transported to various considered to be in critical but in stable
condition. One occupant was in serious but stable
area hospitals via STARS air ambulance ground
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
With the support of the K Division Collision Highway 93 remained open at this time, and A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Analyst, the Jasper RCMP detachment will the public was asked to stay clear of the area. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
continue the investigation into the cause of the The RCMP aere asking anyone with information drilling and water well repairs.
rollover. about the rollover to please call the Jasper RCMP
At this time, members of the RCMP Jasper Detachment at 780-852-3883.
To view details of the application, please contact the
Planning Department.
Assistance Calls top list of You may submit written comments by emailing:;
by mailing:
Edson RCMP calls for July 13-19 4405 50 street Planning—Town of Edson, PO Box 6300, Edson AB T7E 1T7;
4405 50 street
or by hand delivering to the Civic Centre drop off box at the
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
front door entrance.
Submissions must be received by the Town ONE WEEK prior to the Zoom
Meeting for Councils consideration.
submitted Edson RCMP harassment/criminal harassment, 4 If no objection to the development is received within the time prescribed in this
impaired operation of motor P notice, then the decision by Council will proceed without further notice. If an
Pet of the Weeket of the Week
vehicles, 3 lost/found property, 6
With 20 occurrences, Assistance
We are following all AHS Calls topped the list of weekly mental health acts, 8 mischief or Call for information 712-6788all for information 712-6788 objection to the development is received, then a public hearing will be held at
the date, time and place specified in this notice.
Email: edsonanimalrescue@hotmail.commail:
To watch the online meeting live, please visit
damage, 1 missing person/request to
occurrences for the Edson RCMP
recommendations during from July 13-19. locate, 5 municipal bylaws, 1 sudden SINATRA Personal information contained in submissions are collected under the Alberta
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). This meeting
This dapper young fellow is 4 years old and full
death, 14 suspicious persons or
Other occurrences included 7
will be recorded and shared.
of love to give. Sinatra loves to chill with his
this pandemic alarms/false alarms, 3 animal calls, vehicles, 15 theft complaints, 8 favorite human and is good with kids, cats and
traffic collisions, 18 traffic
6 assaults, 4 cause disturbances, 1
dogs with a proper, slow introduction. Sinatra is
complaints, 4 trespassing, 3 uttering
child welfare, 1 drugs, 4 fail to
seeking the quiet and zen of a slower paced
comply with conditions, 2 threats against person, and 1 household to keep up his boyish charm. Find out
how to adopt Sinatra by visiting
We encourage calling for an false/abandoned 911 calls, 1 family wellbeing check.
relations, 1 firearms act, 1
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
appointment at 780.725.3185 message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
- but walk-ins still accepted - EVENT REMINDER: Sponsored by: you more than ever!
(Please note that calls will be answered only until 8 pm.) July 30: Edson Youth Interagency invites youth ages 10-15 for Outdoor Adventure
Day at Willmore Park from 12 pm to 4 pm. The cost is $10, which includes snacks,
413 50 St.,13 50 St.,
drinks, and swag. Register online at Only 24 spots are available. For more 4
Please follow us on Facebook at Edson Food Bank Society information, call 780-723-4403. COVID-19 'day camp' guidelines will be followed, 780-723-622080-723-6220
which means no bussing to the site will be available.