Page 13 - July 6 2020
P. 13
Equipment Operator
Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment
Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of
both equipment and labour intensive tasks.
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24 PASSPORT
year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. PHOTOS & MORE
call for appointment to:all for appointment to:
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JUNE 6, 2020 PAGE 13 c Edson Farmers' Market
A detailed position description can be found in the job ~ Obituary ~ ~ Obituary ~
posting online. he Weekly ANCHOR to open on July 10 Hilda Dykema Maria Barbara Gervais
1932-2020 Edson, Alberta
Maria Barbara Gervais (nee
The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday Employment for 2020 season On Monday, June 29, 2020, Hilda Dufault), also well known as Nanny,
June 12, 2020. passed away at the Edson Healthcare started her journey at LaPasse, Ontario
by Cassie Kushniruk Centre at the age of 87 years. She has on January 14, 1929 and she was
gone to her home in heaven. called home on June 23, 2020 at 91
Hilda will be remembered and loved
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however Starting July 10, the Edson Farmers' Market will by her daughters Betty Tschritter and years. She was the third of eleven
children of Violet and David Dufault.
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. officially be open for the 2020 season. Sandra Forbes (Michael). Her She was a devoted wife to Dorion and
Thanks to requests from the community and granddaughters Kaila Forbes (Kevin a loving mother to Keith, Margaret,
Murray and Frank.She cherished all
Bisson), Catherine Forbes-Manary
Payroll Department advice from other markets on how to open during (Bryce), Kamara Forbes and Sarah Tschritter. Her great- her many grandchildren, great
grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
grandchildren Alexa, Dominic, Danica, Devon and Siara.
Yellowhead County the COVID-19 pandemic, the Edson Farmers' Sisters Helene Grensmann and Irma Engel and Brother Julius She finished her grade ten schooling in LaPasse before
Market will be open on Fridays at the Edson Legion
Email: from 11 am to 2 pm, hopefully until Christmas. Engel. Sisters-in-law Brunhilde Engel and Iris Engel. Many moving on to Ottawa for work. She was married on May 27,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
nieces and nephews.
1947 to Dorion after a short romance. Their family moved to
Edson Farmers' Market Treasurer Jan Ficht noted Hilda was predeceased by her husband Albert in 2004. Her Ardrossan Alberta in 1965, then Entrance, before settling in T
that they were unable to open the Farmers' Market parents August & Helene, brothers Edmund, Rudolph, the Edson Area.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for any earlier because they were unprepared. "It's a Reinhold & Ewald, sisters Olga, Marta & Emma. Sisters-in-law She is survived by her children Keith (Doreen) Gervais, 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of Klara and Gerda, bothers-in-law Wilhelm and Richard. Margaret (Clarence) Bowman, Murray (Dolly) Gervais and
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. very different approach under COVID guidelines, Hilda immigrated to Edson, Alberta, Canada from Germany Frank Gervais; her grandchildren Tammy, Clint, Dustin,
and a lot of us just didn't feel ready to take it on with her sister Helene in the mid 1950's. She met Albert Jesse, Allan, Darren, Murray, Wesley, Carla and Wade and
yet," she said. Dykema at church and they married in 1958 in Edson. In 1964 numerous great grandchildren, and great-great 780-723-5787
they were blessed by the arrival of daughter Betty and in 1966
grandchildren. She is survived by her siblings Majella
According to Ficht, the opening and closing times by the arrival of daughter Sandra. Hilda and Albert lived their Dufault, Rosemary Kelly and Nellie Winslow, nephews,
for the Farmers' Market were changed to better whole married life in Edson (other than the first few years in nieces and cousins.
Hinton). Hilda's life revolved around family and church. Hilda
accommodate for people's work lunch schedules. was an avid knitter, crocheter, sewer and loved to garden. She She was predeceased by her husband Dorion in 1997,
"We were told last year that we were missing part of also loved to sing and was in the church choir for many years. and seven brothers and sisters.
Maria was happiest playing cards (Auction 45) and
the lunch hours that working people have, so we Her greatest joy were her girls, her grand daughters and great holding babies. Through the years she worked hard and
grandchildren. When Albert passed away in 2004, Hilda stayed
wanted to make sure we were covering everything," on their acreage by Edson until she moved into Parkland Lodge enjoyed quilting, crocheting and reading as hobbies.
she explained. in Edson, July 1, 2012, where she resided until her death. Nanny was laid to rest on June 29, 2020 at the Hattonford
A funeral Service was held at the Edson-Peers Christian
In keeping with COVID-19 guidelines, there will
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY be significant changes to the Farmers' Market this Reformed Church on July 3, 2020 at 1:00PM, Interment Cemetery after a small ceremony with family and friends.
Arrangements made by the Foothills Memorial Chapel and
followed at the Glenwood Cemetery.
year. Ficht noted that one of the main changes will In lieu of flowers, donations in Hilda's memory may be made to: lunch served by Beaver Meadow Agriculture Society.
Donations may be made in memory of Maria to the
SENIOR LIFEGUARD be that only 50 people will be allowed in the Legion Parkland Lodge or Stollery Children's Hospital FDN Canadian Diabetes Association in lieu of flowers.
at one time, including vendors. She added, "There
4716 5 Ave.,
800, 8215 112 St., NW
Diabetes Canada, PO box 1224 Stn K, Toronto, ON M4P
LOCATION: YELLOWHEAD COUNTY INVITATION TO TENDER will be the usual spacing so that the vendors are Edson, AB T7E 1S8 Edmonton, AB T6G 9Z9 9Z9 1-800-226-8464
or another charity of your choice.
well-spaced from each other and people are not
A Division Of The Caring Group Corp.
Reporting directly to the Pool Manager and/or 2018 U/G Water Tank Installations bumping into each other along the way. There will FOOTHILLS MEMORIAL CHAPEL FOOTHILLS MEMORIAL CHAPEL
Edson 780.723.3575 Hinton 780.865.1234
only be one table per vendor so we can have a more
A Division Of The Caring Group Corp.
Program Coordinator, the Senior Lifeguard acts For Yellowhead County diverse market. There will be no sampling of food Edson 780.723.3575 Hinton 780.865.1234
as the supervisor on duty when scheduled with a Yellowhead County requests a tender submission from parties interested in and no sitting down to have a cup of coffee. It won't
be the social event that it usually is, but a lot of
Junior Guard, provides swimming instruction, performing the work identified below. people would just like to have a chance to get back GYPSD announces new Assistant Superintendent
lifeguards, completes pool maintenance and Sealed tender marked: TENDER NO. 2018 and buy fresh fruits, vegetables, baking, eggs, and
performs other administrative duties. Project: 2018 Underground stuff like that."
Water Tank Installations A new addition to the Edson Farmers' Market this GYPSD is pleased to announce that Kelly projects with a team of exceptional people who she
year is that there will be space for up to four vendors Smith has accepted the position of Assistant credits with the many successes achieved during
The salary range is currently $22.87 to $24.90 Will be received until 11:00 A.M, June 01, 2018 to set up outside. "We have a lot of open markets in Superintendent of Inclusive Learning and her tenure.
per hour. The hours of work are casual and will At the office of: Yellowhead County Alberta, so quite a lot of vegetable and fruit dealers Technology. Ms. Smith has been with the Division Growing up on Cape Breton Island is a source of
are familiar with doing it that way. It also means that
vary. 2716 – 1st Avenue we can have more vendors," Ficht explained. for 15 years and brings a wealth of experience from pride for Smith who claims "you have to go there
Edson, Alberta
her previous roles. Ms. Smith completed her
to understand." While she misses her island roots,
T7E 1N9 When asked why the Farmers' Market is so Bachelor's Degree at the University of Alberta in
For the following work: important to the community, especially during these she has found comfort in her home in Hinton
Applications will be accepted until the position is trying times, Ficht said, "It's an opportunity to 2005 with a major in elementary education and where she been an active member of the
filled. Please submit your application quoting the Underground water tank installations for firefighting purposes at Fulham, support our local producers. I think people aren't minor in educational psychology, then went on to community for the past 31 years.
Pinedale, and Highway 16 Rest Area.
complete her Master's Degree in Educational
Ms. Smith has been working with the Senior
position title to: travelling as far as they used to, so it's a nice Technology in 2017. Team in the capacity of Acting Assistant
opportunity to see what's available [locally]. It just
& Work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule contained within the brings the community together and lets them know Ms. Smith began her teaching career at Mountain Superintendent since November of 2019 and is
Scope of Work and the Special Provisions.
& OR mail to: 2716 – 1st Avenue, Edson, Copies of Specifications and contract document may be picked up at the office of of some of the wonderful products that are View School in Hinton. In 2015, she accepted a thrilled to be joining the team on a permanent
position as the Educational Technology Lead
basis. Ms. Smith would like to express her
Alberta, T7E 1N9 Yellowhead County on or after 9:00 A.M., May 14, 2018. Alternatively, you can available." Teacher where she worked with staff across the gratitude to Superintendent Lewis and the Board of Kelly Smith is the GYPSD's new
"The first few weeks are the real test to see how
send an e-mail requesting electronic documentation from either of the everything goes, and we'll be working closely with Division to leverage technology for learning. She Trustees for providing her with an opportunity to Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only administrators: or the Legion to try and make it as good of an became the Director of the Technology Department serve GYPSD in this leadership role. Learning and Technology.
candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. experience as possible," said Ficht. "Things could in September of 2017 and led several innovative
The Tender must be accompanied by a ten percent (10%) Bid Security as stated also change from a provincial point of view, so at
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be in the "Instruction to Bidders". Yellowhead County reserves the right to reject any or this point we're just following along with what's
utilized for these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance all tenders. The lowest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted.
with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. allowed to be done."
For further information, please contact Cory Chegwyn, Deputy Chief Public
Safety of Yellowhead County at (780) 723-4800, or Dean MacArthur, Manager of Pine Grove School students published!
Infrastructure Services at (780) 723-8643
We now carry Enchroma color vision glasses!
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
To place your ad in the u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Business Directory (approximately 5:10 am).
Call 780-723-5787
Equipment Operator
Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment
Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of
both equipment and labour intensive tasks.
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24 PASSPORT
year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan. PHOTOS & MORE
call for appointment to:all for appointment to:
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JUNE 6, 2020 PAGE 13 c Edson Farmers' Market
A detailed position description can be found in the job ~ Obituary ~ ~ Obituary ~
posting online. he Weekly ANCHOR to open on July 10 Hilda Dykema Maria Barbara Gervais
1932-2020 Edson, Alberta
Maria Barbara Gervais (nee
The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday Employment for 2020 season On Monday, June 29, 2020, Hilda Dufault), also well known as Nanny,
June 12, 2020. passed away at the Edson Healthcare started her journey at LaPasse, Ontario
by Cassie Kushniruk Centre at the age of 87 years. She has on January 14, 1929 and she was
gone to her home in heaven. called home on June 23, 2020 at 91
Hilda will be remembered and loved
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however Starting July 10, the Edson Farmers' Market will by her daughters Betty Tschritter and years. She was the third of eleven
children of Violet and David Dufault.
only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. officially be open for the 2020 season. Sandra Forbes (Michael). Her She was a devoted wife to Dorion and
Thanks to requests from the community and granddaughters Kaila Forbes (Kevin a loving mother to Keith, Margaret,
Murray and Frank.She cherished all
Bisson), Catherine Forbes-Manary
Payroll Department advice from other markets on how to open during (Bryce), Kamara Forbes and Sarah Tschritter. Her great- her many grandchildren, great
grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
grandchildren Alexa, Dominic, Danica, Devon and Siara.
Yellowhead County the COVID-19 pandemic, the Edson Farmers' Sisters Helene Grensmann and Irma Engel and Brother Julius She finished her grade ten schooling in LaPasse before
Market will be open on Fridays at the Edson Legion
Email: from 11 am to 2 pm, hopefully until Christmas. Engel. Sisters-in-law Brunhilde Engel and Iris Engel. Many moving on to Ottawa for work. She was married on May 27,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
nieces and nephews.
1947 to Dorion after a short romance. Their family moved to
Edson Farmers' Market Treasurer Jan Ficht noted Hilda was predeceased by her husband Albert in 2004. Her Ardrossan Alberta in 1965, then Entrance, before settling in T
that they were unable to open the Farmers' Market parents August & Helene, brothers Edmund, Rudolph, the Edson Area.
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for any earlier because they were unprepared. "It's a Reinhold & Ewald, sisters Olga, Marta & Emma. Sisters-in-law She is survived by her children Keith (Doreen) Gervais, 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of Klara and Gerda, bothers-in-law Wilhelm and Richard. Margaret (Clarence) Bowman, Murray (Dolly) Gervais and
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. very different approach under COVID guidelines, Hilda immigrated to Edson, Alberta, Canada from Germany Frank Gervais; her grandchildren Tammy, Clint, Dustin,
and a lot of us just didn't feel ready to take it on with her sister Helene in the mid 1950's. She met Albert Jesse, Allan, Darren, Murray, Wesley, Carla and Wade and
yet," she said. Dykema at church and they married in 1958 in Edson. In 1964 numerous great grandchildren, and great-great 780-723-5787
they were blessed by the arrival of daughter Betty and in 1966
grandchildren. She is survived by her siblings Majella
According to Ficht, the opening and closing times by the arrival of daughter Sandra. Hilda and Albert lived their Dufault, Rosemary Kelly and Nellie Winslow, nephews,
for the Farmers' Market were changed to better whole married life in Edson (other than the first few years in nieces and cousins.
Hinton). Hilda's life revolved around family and church. Hilda
accommodate for people's work lunch schedules. was an avid knitter, crocheter, sewer and loved to garden. She She was predeceased by her husband Dorion in 1997,
"We were told last year that we were missing part of also loved to sing and was in the church choir for many years. and seven brothers and sisters.
Maria was happiest playing cards (Auction 45) and
the lunch hours that working people have, so we Her greatest joy were her girls, her grand daughters and great holding babies. Through the years she worked hard and
grandchildren. When Albert passed away in 2004, Hilda stayed
wanted to make sure we were covering everything," on their acreage by Edson until she moved into Parkland Lodge enjoyed quilting, crocheting and reading as hobbies.
she explained. in Edson, July 1, 2012, where she resided until her death. Nanny was laid to rest on June 29, 2020 at the Hattonford
A funeral Service was held at the Edson-Peers Christian
In keeping with COVID-19 guidelines, there will
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY be significant changes to the Farmers' Market this Reformed Church on July 3, 2020 at 1:00PM, Interment Cemetery after a small ceremony with family and friends.
Arrangements made by the Foothills Memorial Chapel and
followed at the Glenwood Cemetery.
year. Ficht noted that one of the main changes will In lieu of flowers, donations in Hilda's memory may be made to: lunch served by Beaver Meadow Agriculture Society.
Donations may be made in memory of Maria to the
SENIOR LIFEGUARD be that only 50 people will be allowed in the Legion Parkland Lodge or Stollery Children's Hospital FDN Canadian Diabetes Association in lieu of flowers.
at one time, including vendors. She added, "There
4716 5 Ave.,
800, 8215 112 St., NW
Diabetes Canada, PO box 1224 Stn K, Toronto, ON M4P
LOCATION: YELLOWHEAD COUNTY INVITATION TO TENDER will be the usual spacing so that the vendors are Edson, AB T7E 1S8 Edmonton, AB T6G 9Z9 9Z9 1-800-226-8464
or another charity of your choice.
well-spaced from each other and people are not
A Division Of The Caring Group Corp.
Reporting directly to the Pool Manager and/or 2018 U/G Water Tank Installations bumping into each other along the way. There will FOOTHILLS MEMORIAL CHAPEL FOOTHILLS MEMORIAL CHAPEL
Edson 780.723.3575 Hinton 780.865.1234
only be one table per vendor so we can have a more
A Division Of The Caring Group Corp.
Program Coordinator, the Senior Lifeguard acts For Yellowhead County diverse market. There will be no sampling of food Edson 780.723.3575 Hinton 780.865.1234
as the supervisor on duty when scheduled with a Yellowhead County requests a tender submission from parties interested in and no sitting down to have a cup of coffee. It won't
be the social event that it usually is, but a lot of
Junior Guard, provides swimming instruction, performing the work identified below. people would just like to have a chance to get back GYPSD announces new Assistant Superintendent
lifeguards, completes pool maintenance and Sealed tender marked: TENDER NO. 2018 and buy fresh fruits, vegetables, baking, eggs, and
performs other administrative duties. Project: 2018 Underground stuff like that."
Water Tank Installations A new addition to the Edson Farmers' Market this GYPSD is pleased to announce that Kelly projects with a team of exceptional people who she
year is that there will be space for up to four vendors Smith has accepted the position of Assistant credits with the many successes achieved during
The salary range is currently $22.87 to $24.90 Will be received until 11:00 A.M, June 01, 2018 to set up outside. "We have a lot of open markets in Superintendent of Inclusive Learning and her tenure.
per hour. The hours of work are casual and will At the office of: Yellowhead County Alberta, so quite a lot of vegetable and fruit dealers Technology. Ms. Smith has been with the Division Growing up on Cape Breton Island is a source of
are familiar with doing it that way. It also means that
vary. 2716 – 1st Avenue we can have more vendors," Ficht explained. for 15 years and brings a wealth of experience from pride for Smith who claims "you have to go there
Edson, Alberta
her previous roles. Ms. Smith completed her
to understand." While she misses her island roots,
T7E 1N9 When asked why the Farmers' Market is so Bachelor's Degree at the University of Alberta in
For the following work: important to the community, especially during these she has found comfort in her home in Hinton
Applications will be accepted until the position is trying times, Ficht said, "It's an opportunity to 2005 with a major in elementary education and where she been an active member of the
filled. Please submit your application quoting the Underground water tank installations for firefighting purposes at Fulham, support our local producers. I think people aren't minor in educational psychology, then went on to community for the past 31 years.
Pinedale, and Highway 16 Rest Area.
complete her Master's Degree in Educational
Ms. Smith has been working with the Senior
position title to: travelling as far as they used to, so it's a nice Technology in 2017. Team in the capacity of Acting Assistant
opportunity to see what's available [locally]. It just
& Work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule contained within the brings the community together and lets them know Ms. Smith began her teaching career at Mountain Superintendent since November of 2019 and is
Scope of Work and the Special Provisions.
& OR mail to: 2716 – 1st Avenue, Edson, Copies of Specifications and contract document may be picked up at the office of of some of the wonderful products that are View School in Hinton. In 2015, she accepted a thrilled to be joining the team on a permanent
position as the Educational Technology Lead
basis. Ms. Smith would like to express her
Alberta, T7E 1N9 Yellowhead County on or after 9:00 A.M., May 14, 2018. Alternatively, you can available." Teacher where she worked with staff across the gratitude to Superintendent Lewis and the Board of Kelly Smith is the GYPSD's new
"The first few weeks are the real test to see how
send an e-mail requesting electronic documentation from either of the everything goes, and we'll be working closely with Division to leverage technology for learning. She Trustees for providing her with an opportunity to Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only administrators: or the Legion to try and make it as good of an became the Director of the Technology Department serve GYPSD in this leadership role. Learning and Technology.
candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. experience as possible," said Ficht. "Things could in September of 2017 and led several innovative
The Tender must be accompanied by a ten percent (10%) Bid Security as stated also change from a provincial point of view, so at
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be in the "Instruction to Bidders". Yellowhead County reserves the right to reject any or this point we're just following along with what's
utilized for these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance all tenders. The lowest or any other tender will not necessarily be accepted.
with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. allowed to be done."
For further information, please contact Cory Chegwyn, Deputy Chief Public
Safety of Yellowhead County at (780) 723-4800, or Dean MacArthur, Manager of Pine Grove School students published!
Infrastructure Services at (780) 723-8643
We now carry Enchroma color vision glasses!
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
To place your ad in the u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Business Directory (approximately 5:10 am).
Call 780-723-5787