Page 3 - July 6 2020
P. 3
Real estate/home story
Check News Canada
Newspaper readership is County NeighbourLink Friendly Caller program helps residents feel less isolated
truly multi-platform by Cassie Kushniruk County has developed the which launched in May, allows mentioned that when the County
For this reason, Yellowhead
posted the volunteer application
community members who are
for this program, they received a
The COVID-19 pandemic has
receive friendly, weekly phone
Program as a way to help local
made life stressful for many as NeighbourLink Friendly Caller feeling isolated the chance to "big response". "However, a lot of
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing people have been forced to residents feel less isolated and call check-ins from other the applications we received were
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, drastically modify their daily more in touch with one another. Yellowhead County residents. "It from outside Yellowhead County,
however, the routines to meet this new way of "We recognize that isolation is gives a chance for people to and we wanted volunteers local to
Yellowhead County."
majority of these life. While some have adapted something that people are facing, connect with each other in the Those interested in volunteering
community… build
well to these changes, others may and providing that chance to
readers are using that be experiencing feelings of connect with other people in the relationships, and have with the program, and are aged 14
digital content to loneliness or seclusion from the County is good for mental friendships with more people," +, are encouraged to call Day prizes...
supplement—not rest of the world as they are stuck health," said Yellowhead County said Yellowhead County FCSS Yellowhead County's Wildwood June 29: All Edson residents
office at 780-325-3782 or 1-800-
Community Outreach
FCSS Children's Program
in their homes with nowhere to
replace—readership go, nothing to do, and no one to Coordinator Jenna Truemner. Coordinator Karen Schatz. 814-3935. Volunteers will be are encouraged to show off
of a print edition of talk to. The Friendly Caller program, Schatz noted that this program provided with some guides for their amazing Canadian and
family pride by decorating
the newspaper. is especially important for having helpful, friendly their front yard, house or
seniors, who are "used to getting conversations, as well as balcony for Canada Day. The
information and support
first 150 entrants will be
In total, more than KID’S CORNER out and about but now are resources, if needed. Volunteers given a great Canada Day
feeling that this isolation is
gift bag and the winner in
Summers Drilling
half (52%) of extremely harsh". "This check-in will need to complete an each category will win a Summers Drilling
newspaper readers Meet Mya Mullin, who is six years old. Mya service is just a friendly call to application package complete grand prize of $250. Judging
will take place on June 29
with a criminal record and
check in with them to make sure
Water Well Drilling
access newspaper says her favorite food to eat is macaroni and they're doing okay and that they vulnerable sector check, as well and 30 and prizes will be Water Well Drilling
cheese, fruit and fresh vegetables. She enjoys
announced on July 1.
content from both playing with her Barbie's, going to the park, have someone to talk to so as an orientation to the program. No hatred, discrimination, or political
print and online and spending time with family. Maya is excited they're not so lonely," she said. "This program is flexible and it's views, and please keep your A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
something that [volunteers] can
to start grade one in September. Travel
decorations family-friendly. Register
Despite the County's efforts to
sources. holidays over the years have included going to advertise and promote this do at home," Truemner said. "It's your entry by Monday, June 22 at Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
New Brunswick to visit family and friends. She program, the County has not an opportunity to build drilling and water well r
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
has one dog and her favorite colour is purple,
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) her dream job is to become a doctor one day. received any calls for this relationships and make a positive
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper program as of yet. "We haven't difference in the County."
"We encourage people to
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by: had anyone reach out for this connect with Yellowhead County
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
service, but it is something we
reading is more consistent from morning to night. Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling think we can continue to offer FCSS if they know anyone that
might need to receive a friendly
Quality W
Quality Workork and promote even beyond call or volunteer for this
COVID-19," said Truemner.
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of On the plus side, Truemner opportunity," said Schatz.
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
4405 50 street
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, Serving Edson & District Since 1974 4405 50 street www 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones.
Edson Funeral Home
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematoriumoothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp. Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8O Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
Helping the world hear better
Serving Alberta since 1964
We're still here for you,e're still here for you,
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider You decide W
still offering our
HEARING EVALUATIONS 2 bedroom fully furnished, still offering our
personalized service.
completely outfitted with personalized service.
Please call for
Edson Clinic everything you need. Just Please call for
Wednesday, June 24 * 10:00am-1:00pm
an appointment.
Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin bring your personal items an appointment.
4836-7 Avenue and move in.
Attending We provide: $1600 a month Traditional Funeral Services,
Graveside Services and
Practitioner or without furnishings Cremation Options with a Crematorium
* Latest Technology - all FOR RENT on site in Edson.
Agnieszka digital hearing aid NEW MOBILE $1195 a month Cemetery Monuments.
Lehmann * Repairs to all models We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
2 bedroom, complete
Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period 2 bedroom, complete CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 Our Commitment Is To You.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Air Practitioner We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
with new furnishings. *Some conditions apply
with new furnishings.
Edmonton Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
$1,800 a month
#134-15277 Castledowns Road $1,800 a month
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
Edmonton, AB $1,800 Security Deposit medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
$1,800 Security Deposit
1-855-258-9429 and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
Check News Canada
Newspaper readership is County NeighbourLink Friendly Caller program helps residents feel less isolated
truly multi-platform by Cassie Kushniruk County has developed the which launched in May, allows mentioned that when the County
For this reason, Yellowhead
posted the volunteer application
community members who are
for this program, they received a
The COVID-19 pandemic has
receive friendly, weekly phone
Program as a way to help local
made life stressful for many as NeighbourLink Friendly Caller feeling isolated the chance to "big response". "However, a lot of
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing people have been forced to residents feel less isolated and call check-ins from other the applications we received were
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, drastically modify their daily more in touch with one another. Yellowhead County residents. "It from outside Yellowhead County,
however, the routines to meet this new way of "We recognize that isolation is gives a chance for people to and we wanted volunteers local to
Yellowhead County."
majority of these life. While some have adapted something that people are facing, connect with each other in the Those interested in volunteering
community… build
well to these changes, others may and providing that chance to
readers are using that be experiencing feelings of connect with other people in the relationships, and have with the program, and are aged 14
digital content to loneliness or seclusion from the County is good for mental friendships with more people," +, are encouraged to call Day prizes...
supplement—not rest of the world as they are stuck health," said Yellowhead County said Yellowhead County FCSS Yellowhead County's Wildwood June 29: All Edson residents
office at 780-325-3782 or 1-800-
Community Outreach
FCSS Children's Program
in their homes with nowhere to
replace—readership go, nothing to do, and no one to Coordinator Jenna Truemner. Coordinator Karen Schatz. 814-3935. Volunteers will be are encouraged to show off
of a print edition of talk to. The Friendly Caller program, Schatz noted that this program provided with some guides for their amazing Canadian and
family pride by decorating
the newspaper. is especially important for having helpful, friendly their front yard, house or
seniors, who are "used to getting conversations, as well as balcony for Canada Day. The
information and support
first 150 entrants will be
In total, more than KID’S CORNER out and about but now are resources, if needed. Volunteers given a great Canada Day
feeling that this isolation is
gift bag and the winner in
Summers Drilling
half (52%) of extremely harsh". "This check-in will need to complete an each category will win a Summers Drilling
newspaper readers Meet Mya Mullin, who is six years old. Mya service is just a friendly call to application package complete grand prize of $250. Judging
will take place on June 29
with a criminal record and
check in with them to make sure
Water Well Drilling
access newspaper says her favorite food to eat is macaroni and they're doing okay and that they vulnerable sector check, as well and 30 and prizes will be Water Well Drilling
cheese, fruit and fresh vegetables. She enjoys
announced on July 1.
content from both playing with her Barbie's, going to the park, have someone to talk to so as an orientation to the program. No hatred, discrimination, or political
print and online and spending time with family. Maya is excited they're not so lonely," she said. "This program is flexible and it's views, and please keep your A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
something that [volunteers] can
to start grade one in September. Travel
decorations family-friendly. Register
Despite the County's efforts to
sources. holidays over the years have included going to advertise and promote this do at home," Truemner said. "It's your entry by Monday, June 22 at Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
New Brunswick to visit family and friends. She program, the County has not an opportunity to build drilling and water well r
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
has one dog and her favorite colour is purple,
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) her dream job is to become a doctor one day. received any calls for this relationships and make a positive
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper program as of yet. "We haven't difference in the County."
"We encourage people to
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by: had anyone reach out for this connect with Yellowhead County
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
service, but it is something we
reading is more consistent from morning to night. Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling think we can continue to offer FCSS if they know anyone that
might need to receive a friendly
Quality W
Quality Workork and promote even beyond call or volunteer for this
COVID-19," said Truemner.
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of On the plus side, Truemner opportunity," said Schatz.
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
4405 50 street
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, Serving Edson & District Since 1974 4405 50 street www 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones.
Edson Funeral Home
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematoriumoothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp. Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8O Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
Helping the world hear better
Serving Alberta since 1964
We're still here for you,e're still here for you,
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider You decide W
still offering our
HEARING EVALUATIONS 2 bedroom fully furnished, still offering our
personalized service.
completely outfitted with personalized service.
Please call for
Edson Clinic everything you need. Just Please call for
Wednesday, June 24 * 10:00am-1:00pm
an appointment.
Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin bring your personal items an appointment.
4836-7 Avenue and move in.
Attending We provide: $1600 a month Traditional Funeral Services,
Graveside Services and
Practitioner or without furnishings Cremation Options with a Crematorium
* Latest Technology - all FOR RENT on site in Edson.
Agnieszka digital hearing aid NEW MOBILE $1195 a month Cemetery Monuments.
Lehmann * Repairs to all models We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
2 bedroom, complete
Registered Hearing * 30 day trial period 2 bedroom, complete CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 Our Commitment Is To You.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Air Practitioner We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
with new furnishings. *Some conditions apply
with new furnishings.
Edmonton Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
$1,800 a month
#134-15277 Castledowns Road $1,800 a month
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
Edmonton, AB $1,800 Security Deposit medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
$1,800 Security Deposit
1-855-258-9429 and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm