Page 29 - March 18, 2019
P. 29


International Women's Day celebrated in Edson

by Cassie Kushniruk

“It's important that women and girls are
educated and are given a fair chance to access
education and have the same opportunities as
men,” said Edson and District Community
Learning Society Special Projects Coordinator
Sarah McPhee during the organization's annual
International Women's Day celebration on March
For over a century, International Women's Day
has been celebrated worldwide to recognize the
social, economic, political, and cultural
accomplishments of women across the world
while also acting as a call to action for gender
The 2019 campaign theme for International
Women's Day was 'Balance for Better' with the
guiding question being: “How can we forge a
more gender-balanced world?”
As a society focused on education, the Edson
and District Community Learning Society
understands the importance of providing quality
and life-long education to all community
members—especially women. “More than half of
our clients are local women who often want to
re-enter the workforce and need to update their
skills,” said McPhee. “When women get access
to education, the lives of their families are
improved and the economy is improved.”
Instead of introducing a speaker at this year's
event, the organization purchased screening For International Women's Day on March 8, local ladies gathered at the Red Brick to watch a powerful film
rights for 'Girl Rising', a powerful film which called 'Girl Rising', which follows the story of nine girls in nine different countries whose lives are significantly
follows the lives of nine girls in nine third-world impacted by education. Pictured is Robyne Wilock, who acted as the evening's MC. photo Cassie Kushniruk
countries whose lives have been forever changed
by the power of education. acted as the MC for the evening.
“With the money that we give to the As an extra treat for the ladies in attendance, an
organization for the screening rights, that also assortment of beautiful door prizes were drawn OBITUARY
goes into supporting women's education around following the film, followed by a few raffle LEE, Dennis Ansil
the world,” McPhee mentioned. prizes, all of which were donated by a variety of August 29, 1945 - March 4, 2019
The film explains some of the obstacles that businesses from around town.
tend to prohibit girls from receiving an education The funds raised through the purchase of raffle Born in Haddock,
in developing countries, such as poverty and tickets will be put towards the Edson Adult Alberta, Dennis Ansil Lee
cruel circumstances, including child marriage Learning Centre subsidy fund.“We want to passed away peacefully
March 4, 2019 in Jasper,
and slavery. remove as many barriers to education as Alberta surrounded by
Not only were audience members inspired by possible,” said McPhee.“We want to make sure friends after a long courageous battle with cancer.
the bravery, strength, and determination exuded that the education we provide is at a low or no Dennis moved to Jasper in 1987 and considered
by these girls as they struggled to receive an cost so local women can improve their skills.” Jasper his home, his close friends in the community
education, but they were also made aware of the McPhee closed, “Even though women in became his family.
power education can provide to girls and women Canada do have a lot of access to the same Dennis was an avid outdoor enthusiast who
across the world. opportunities as men, there's still room for enjoyed quadding and camping with friends.
“With the education we receive from this film, improvement. By showing a film like this, Dennis was always up to challenge his buddies to a
by talking about this in our community, and then women can still help girls in other countries that colourful game of crib and was the first to have
sharing more information as we can… we can don't have the same opportunities that we have coffee on with the boys. Those who knew Dennis
create a conversation that can inspire people to today.” knew him well and will miss his quick wit and
make some changes,” said Robyne Wilock who straight-shooting personality.
Dennis always talked of gold panning one day. We
Variety of programs offered by hope the gold is plentiful and the pain is gone where
you rest now.
We will all miss your friends and sharing stories
Pregnancy Care Centre with you whether over coffee in the shop or iced
cold Pilsner at the campsite.
Rest in Peace, Dennis.
by Deanna Mitchener D i r e c t o r N a t a l i e support, and a steps to Walters can be reached A celebrate of his life will take place in Jasper,
Walters. sexual health program, at 780-728-0060 or Alberta at the Athabasca Hotel on April 13 at 1 p.m.
There are so many “We are not a medical which is a 10-week
decisions to be made o f f i c e , ” Wa l t e r s p r o g r a m f o r
when one becomes clarified. “We're just a individuals dealing In Loving Memory of Larry IwaschukIn Loving Memory Larry Iwaschuk
pregnant, which is why collection of trained with sexual misuse, THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
the West Yellowhead peers who understand trauma or abuse. November 23, 1952 - March 21, 2002 SALES: 780-723-5787
Pregnancy Care Centre t h a t l i f e g e t s Another program We talk about him, because we’re proud
can be very helpful complicated and the focuses on life skills
with what they have to importance of having readiness for becoming We talk about him, because he deserves
offer. someone to talk with a parent. To be remembered.
The Centre's services during life's difficult T h e W e s t We talk about him, because even though
a r e c o m p l e t e l y junctures.” Yellowhead Pregnancy He’s not physically with us,
confidential and non- The West Yellowhead Care Centre is located He’s never far from our minds.
judgemental. “We're Pregnancy Care Centre at 202, 4924 1 Avenue We talk about him, because he’s a part of us,
very careful in both offers free pregnancy in Edson. A part that we could never ignore or disown.
hiring staff and training testing, pregnancy “My days to meet We talk about him, because we love him still,
volunteers to ensure options counselling, as w i t h c l i e n t s a r e And we always, will, forever.
that our clients will feel well as post abortion primarily Tuesdays and Nothing will ever change that.
safe and cared for every recovery and support. Wednesdays but I'm in
time they visit our T h e y a l s o o f f e r the office most days Forever loved and sadly missed
office,” said West miscarriage and infant and am totally flexible
Yellowhead Pregnancy loss recovery and to meet with clients Marion, Trevor and Family
Care Centre Executive support, adoption anytime,” said Walters.
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