Page 28 - March 24 2020
P. 28
he Weekly ANCHOR
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
Avoid that Home-grown hockey star's
'Quarantine record stuns nationally
Fifteen'! by Shaylyn Thornton
by Shaylyn Thornton Big talent can come from small places, and
Tyra Meropoulis is proving that year after year as
With the unprecedented closures of fitness she finds success in women's hockey in Canada.
centers, and the cancellations of almost every 20-year-old Meropoulis played with Edson
sporting club and event in the Edson area due to Minor Hockey as a child and teen, and then spent
the Covid-19 pandemic, it is more important some time as a part of the St. Albert Slash in the
than ever to find ways to exercise while at home. Alberta Female Hockey League.
While we all push to make it through this
trying time, the Weekly Anchor will provide Following her stint in the AFHL, Meropoulis
some weekly ideas for easy activities you can try moved to Nova Scotia in 2018 to study business
at home. Take the challenge and try some of at St. Francis Xavier University and to join their
these exercises out this week! high-ranking hockey team.
This week, we will focus on some StFX is a team within the Atlantic University
bodyweight exercises – activities that require no Sport (AUS) conference, which is one of four
equipment and can be done just about anywhere. conferences within the USports league.
Legs – try the wall sit exercise. Keeping your Each year, USports awards one player the
knees directly above your ankles, slide your Brodrick Trophy for Player of the Year. For the
back down a wall until your thighs are parallel to 2019-2020 season, Edson's own Meropoulis took
the floor. Keep your back straight and sit against home the award.
the wall and stay there for up to 60 seconds per Meropoulis led not only her conference but
set. also the nation in both points and goals scored
Chest and back – try a good old-fashioned this season. Her 37 points and 26 goals scored
push-up. With your hands shoulder-width apart, made her an exceptional asset to the StFX team.
and your feet hip distance apart, keep your core Meropoulis' 26 goals also earned her a spot in
tightened and bend your elbows until your chest the AUS record books, as she ties for third for
reaches the floor. Then push back up, keeping most goals scored in a single season.
your elbows tucked close to your body. Push-ups Other notable accomplishments this season
are great because they can be easily adjusted include leading the USports league with game-
based on ability – feel free to prop yourself up winning goals (seven), as well as in short-handed
on your knees instead of your feet if that works goals (three). She was one of only three Atlantic
best for you! conference players who was able to score a hat
Shoulders and arms – try some arm circles! trick in the 2019/2020 season.
You may have tried these in a gym class in your Meropoulis' StFX team also took home the
life at some point, and honestly they are a great AUS Championship Banner and Cup. They were
exercise for every ability level. Stand with your scheduled to play in Nationals in PEI, however
arms extended out at your sides, and slowly due to COVID-19 the Women's Hockey
make clockwise circles. Imagine you are Championships were cancelled.
drawing circles with the tips of your fingers. Despite the early end to the season, it is clear
Start small and go until the circles are large, and that Tyra Meropoulis has an incredibly bright Edson's own Tyra Meropoulis received the
then reverse the movement and go counter- future, and this will certainly not be the last we Brodrick Trophy for Player of the Year at USports'
clockwise until the circles are small. hear from her. All-Canadian Awards gala on March 11.
Core – the flutter kick is a great core photo submitted USports
exercise. Lie faceup with your arms at your sides
and your palms facing down. Extend your legs
and lift your heels about 6 inches off the floor,
and begin to make quick, small kicks up and
down. These small flutter kicks activate your
core and make for a great workout. See if you
can go for a full minute, but don't be afraid to
stop sooner if needed.
These exercises are quick and totally doable
at home without any special equipment needed.
Every minute of exercise makes a difference in
both your physical and mental health.
Always remember to adjust exercises based
on your ability, there is absolutely no shame in
making a workout work for you!
If you aren't sure that a workout is right for
you, avoid it until you are able to ask a doctor or
health expert. Listen to your body and do what's
best for you.
Want to show off the exercises you are doing
at home? Send a photo to by Wednesday,
March 25 at 10 am and we will select a photo to
be featured in the following week's paper. Please
include the names of those participating and the
activity that they are doing. The Holy Redeemer Basketball Program continues to show that they are a force to be reckoned with. At a
Try out an exercise or two from this list, and tournament in Mayerthorpe on February 22nd both the Boys and Girls squads won the silver medal. After
check back next week for some fun yoga winning their first two games, both teams played for gold and came up a few points shy. Nonetheless, the
activities that you can do at home. silver medal is just another impressive piece of hardware the team can add to the HRH trophy case.
Here, the Rebels girls team shows off their newest medals
he Weekly ANCHOR
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
Avoid that Home-grown hockey star's
'Quarantine record stuns nationally
Fifteen'! by Shaylyn Thornton
by Shaylyn Thornton Big talent can come from small places, and
Tyra Meropoulis is proving that year after year as
With the unprecedented closures of fitness she finds success in women's hockey in Canada.
centers, and the cancellations of almost every 20-year-old Meropoulis played with Edson
sporting club and event in the Edson area due to Minor Hockey as a child and teen, and then spent
the Covid-19 pandemic, it is more important some time as a part of the St. Albert Slash in the
than ever to find ways to exercise while at home. Alberta Female Hockey League.
While we all push to make it through this
trying time, the Weekly Anchor will provide Following her stint in the AFHL, Meropoulis
some weekly ideas for easy activities you can try moved to Nova Scotia in 2018 to study business
at home. Take the challenge and try some of at St. Francis Xavier University and to join their
these exercises out this week! high-ranking hockey team.
This week, we will focus on some StFX is a team within the Atlantic University
bodyweight exercises – activities that require no Sport (AUS) conference, which is one of four
equipment and can be done just about anywhere. conferences within the USports league.
Legs – try the wall sit exercise. Keeping your Each year, USports awards one player the
knees directly above your ankles, slide your Brodrick Trophy for Player of the Year. For the
back down a wall until your thighs are parallel to 2019-2020 season, Edson's own Meropoulis took
the floor. Keep your back straight and sit against home the award.
the wall and stay there for up to 60 seconds per Meropoulis led not only her conference but
set. also the nation in both points and goals scored
Chest and back – try a good old-fashioned this season. Her 37 points and 26 goals scored
push-up. With your hands shoulder-width apart, made her an exceptional asset to the StFX team.
and your feet hip distance apart, keep your core Meropoulis' 26 goals also earned her a spot in
tightened and bend your elbows until your chest the AUS record books, as she ties for third for
reaches the floor. Then push back up, keeping most goals scored in a single season.
your elbows tucked close to your body. Push-ups Other notable accomplishments this season
are great because they can be easily adjusted include leading the USports league with game-
based on ability – feel free to prop yourself up winning goals (seven), as well as in short-handed
on your knees instead of your feet if that works goals (three). She was one of only three Atlantic
best for you! conference players who was able to score a hat
Shoulders and arms – try some arm circles! trick in the 2019/2020 season.
You may have tried these in a gym class in your Meropoulis' StFX team also took home the
life at some point, and honestly they are a great AUS Championship Banner and Cup. They were
exercise for every ability level. Stand with your scheduled to play in Nationals in PEI, however
arms extended out at your sides, and slowly due to COVID-19 the Women's Hockey
make clockwise circles. Imagine you are Championships were cancelled.
drawing circles with the tips of your fingers. Despite the early end to the season, it is clear
Start small and go until the circles are large, and that Tyra Meropoulis has an incredibly bright Edson's own Tyra Meropoulis received the
then reverse the movement and go counter- future, and this will certainly not be the last we Brodrick Trophy for Player of the Year at USports'
clockwise until the circles are small. hear from her. All-Canadian Awards gala on March 11.
Core – the flutter kick is a great core photo submitted USports
exercise. Lie faceup with your arms at your sides
and your palms facing down. Extend your legs
and lift your heels about 6 inches off the floor,
and begin to make quick, small kicks up and
down. These small flutter kicks activate your
core and make for a great workout. See if you
can go for a full minute, but don't be afraid to
stop sooner if needed.
These exercises are quick and totally doable
at home without any special equipment needed.
Every minute of exercise makes a difference in
both your physical and mental health.
Always remember to adjust exercises based
on your ability, there is absolutely no shame in
making a workout work for you!
If you aren't sure that a workout is right for
you, avoid it until you are able to ask a doctor or
health expert. Listen to your body and do what's
best for you.
Want to show off the exercises you are doing
at home? Send a photo to by Wednesday,
March 25 at 10 am and we will select a photo to
be featured in the following week's paper. Please
include the names of those participating and the
activity that they are doing. The Holy Redeemer Basketball Program continues to show that they are a force to be reckoned with. At a
Try out an exercise or two from this list, and tournament in Mayerthorpe on February 22nd both the Boys and Girls squads won the silver medal. After
check back next week for some fun yoga winning their first two games, both teams played for gold and came up a few points shy. Nonetheless, the
activities that you can do at home. silver medal is just another impressive piece of hardware the team can add to the HRH trophy case.
Here, the Rebels girls team shows off their newest medals