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Newspaper readership is Town considers Property Tax Incentive

truly multi-platform bylaw for non-residential property owners

by Cassie Kushniruk discussed and consid- i n c e n t i v e . C A O look at refunding way to help our commu- Council at a future
Committee of the Whole
business licenses for nity out."
ered various criteria for Derricott replied, "I
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing On June 4, 2019, the inclusion in the bylaw. think we would simply those that applied this A draft bylaw will be meeting for review and
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, province introduced Bill "This [tax] exemption compare the previous calendar year as another brought forward to further discussion.
however, the 7 —the Municipal would apply to all new assessment to whatever
replaced it, and that
Government (Property developments, includ-
majority of these T a x I n c e n t i v e s ) ing additions and exemption would then
readers are using that Amendment Act— expansions and renova- be given to any new
digital content to which applies amend- tions, so both new and a s s e s s m e n t . F o r
ments to the taxation existing businesses example, if you had an
supplement—not provisions of the could benefit from the older building that was
replace—readership Municipal Government policy," explained CAO worth $300,000 that was
Mike Derricott. "Also, demolished and then
of a print edition of Under Bill 7, munici- that new development you replaced it with a
the newspaper. palities are allowed to must be of a permanent building of $600,000
grant tax incentives in nature intended to be a [value], you would be
the form of tax deferrals long-term structure, and given an exemption on
In total, more than or exemptions to non- obviously all Town the $300,000 of new
half (52%) of residential properties for development standards assessment that was
would need to be met as added to the property."
the purpose of encourag-
newspaper readers ing the development or part of this. Derricott noted, "This
access newspaper revitalization of these Derricott added, "Tax is a forward facing

content from both properties. incentives would also policy or program in
order to encourage
The availability of travel with the owner-
print and online these incentives must be ship of the property, so if development both in the
sources. governed by municipal a sale was to take place light of the challenging
bylaw. The bylaw must at some point within that economic circumstance
set out the criteria upon five-year period, those from the commodity
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) which applications for tax exemptions would prices that have affected
an incentive are consid-
remain on the property the economy of our
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper ered and must set out the regardless of owner- region, as well as the
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital process for such an ship." obvious impacts of the
reading is more consistent from morning to night. application. During the time for COVID-19 pandemic."
C o u n c i l l o r Tr o y
In the closed session questions and comments
o f t h e M a y 1 2 f r o m C o u n c i l , Sorenson commented, "I
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of Committee of the Whole Councillor Krystal Baier would recommend we
meeting, Town Council asked, "How do we make this geographi-
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, discussed establishing a determine the assess- cally specific. I can see a
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. Property Tax Incentive ment increases?" time where we would be
Bylaw for the Town of C A O D e r r i c o t t turning areas on and off
Edson to encourage replied, "The existing to encourage develop-
economic growth within assessment would be ment in certain areas,
the non-residential used to determine the and obviously certain
property sector by previous value of the areas don't need any
o ff e r i n g p r o p e r t y property." incentives at all."
owners a structured tax Councillor Gean C A O D e r r i c o t t
incentive to build or Chouinard asked if clarified, "At this point,
improve their properties. someone replacing a our intention would be to
A t t h e M a y 1 9 demolished building or recommend a two-year
regularly scheduled structure could also period with the intent of
m e e t i n g , C o u n c i l qualify for the tax this being really focused
on economic recovery
and resiliency coming
Summers Drilling out of the current
Summers Drilling
challenges that we are
Water Well Drilling stated, "The only way
Water Well Drilling
Councillor Chouinard
that I'd be in favor for the
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr next two years is we'd
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well have to include all of
Edson, because to me,
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r every piece of Edson is
Mayor Kevin Zahara
FOR RENT p r o v i d e d c l o s i n g
comments, "I really like
NEW MOBILE this. I think that we
should be doing things
like this to incentivize
development within our
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4405 50 street 780-963-1282 2 bedroom, complete community.
"I do think that a five-
with new furnishings.
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB www with new furnishings. year term is a lengthy
term for tax exemption,
and I would like to see
$1,800 a month that shortened to no
$1,800 a month
more than four years,"
$1,800 Security Deposit Zahara continued. "I
$1,800 Security Deposit
also think we should be
looking at things like
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