Page 8 - May 6, 2019
P. 8
Annual Grouch's Ball in support of Evansview School
by Deanna Mitchener
This year marked the 15th Anniversary of the
Annual Grouch's Ball which took place in
Evansburg on April 27 as an annual fundraiser for
Evansview School.
The event also gave recognition to Maxine Lappe
who created The Grouch's Ball. Jackie McKinnon
with the organizing committee, said, “The Grouch's
Ball was created back 2005 by Maxine Lappe.
Maxine died in a car accident this past year so it
only seemed fitting for us to recognize her.”
"In celebration of these 15 years, let's take you
back to the beginning of it. Picture it, Evansburg,
2005. Home to 879 people, 29 dogs, 41 cats, and 1
Grouch. Probably not too different than it is now,
with one exception —a woman filled with vision.
That woman was Maxine Lappe. With one of her
two children remaining in Evansview School,
Maxine recognized a need for “more” for the
students. More experiences, more activities, more
field trips, more fun. All of which required money.
Like everything, all she needed was an idea that
Summers Drilling
appealed to the people of Evansburg and the Over 120 people braved the weather to come out in support of the Annual Grouch's Ball which took place Summers Drilling
surrounding area. An idea to offer them an in Evansburg on April 27 as an annual fundraiser for Evansview School.
Water Well Drilling
opportunity to help enhance the children's school Water Well Drilling
experience. She knew it had to be big enough,
grand enough, fancy enough, and different enough attending this year with a snow storm hitting that and then a dance. Funds raised are used for many
to get people out of their houses and comfort zones, day. About 120 people were in attendance things such as field trips for every class, free hot
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
and into some fancy shoes and a giving mood. compared to last year's near sell-out of 180 guests. lunch days, reading prizes, and swimming for the A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Maxine's golden idea was The Grouch's Ball. And Those that did attend enjoyed the evening and were whole school," said McKinnon. "It also pays for in- Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
what an idea it was," said McKinnon during the a great support. school activities such as Science in Motion, puppet drilling and water well repairs.
event. "I would like to thank each and every one of you shows, magic shows and motivational speakers.
Everyone joined a toast in honour of Maxine for being here tonight. You buying a ticket and We've even taken the whole school on a field trip
Lappe for her life and her golden idea of The coming, whether it's your first time or whether together. The Parent Advisory Council tries to book
Grouch's Ball. you're here year after year, means the world to us different things every year."
"Over the years, The Grouch's Ball has become an and our little school. As Principal Matt Kolotyluk "We have also purchased more Chromebooks for
event that people look forward to each year. It's a highlighted, your support does so many things for our school as well as a new portable PA system that
time for us to get together and relax, eat, share our little school, so thank you," stated McKinnon. can be used for monthly assembly, as well as a
many laughs, and most importantly support our “The Grouch's Ball is Evansview School's major basketball pep-rally and the track meet,” added
school and the amazing kids in it," said McKinnon fundraiser. Most years it's our only fundraiser. The McKinnon.
4405 50 streeteet
to the audience. ball is always the last weekend in April and Thanks went to everyone for their support 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
The weather played some havoc on people consists of a buffet dinner, a silent and live auction, through donations, volunteering, and attending. Stony Plain, AB
Over 300 in attendance at
Wild Sheep Foundation banquet
by Cassie Kushniruk activities, such as mountain angling,
horseback riding, white water
With over 300 people in rafting, and videography.
attendance and an excellent WSFA Yellowhead Chapter
selection of auction items up for President Luke Vandergust added
bid, the 14th annual Wild Sheep that the Chapter also makes
Foundation of Alberta (WSFA) – donations to Camp He Ho Ha and
Yellowhead Chapter Show and Sale provides biology scholarships to
was the place to be on April 13. Edson youth.
Throughout the evening, The WSFA serves to promote and
attendants were treated to a enhance increasing populations of
delicious banquet at the Edson indigenous wild sheep in Alberta
Legion, followed by a live and through the funding of programs
silent auction and a dance. that support responsible wildlife
A few big-ticket items were up for management, conservation
bid during the auction, including a education, youth involvement, and
South African hunt for 2, a Tahr the preservation of hunting heritage.
hunt in New Zealand, a 1 day For more information on the
sturgeon fishing pass, and a Foundation and their current
browning gun safe. projects visit
Every year, the Yellowhead
Chapter hosts this banquet as a
fundraising means to keep wild
sheep on the mountains and to
continue supporting the foundation's
various programs, such as the
annual WSFA Youth Hunter Sheep
Since 2003, the WSFA has been
hosting the Youth Hunter Sheep
Camps to teach youth ages 11 to 17
about the outdoors and the skills
needed to enjoy it.
This year's Youth Camp will be
held from July 4 to July 7, and Just a few of the items for the auction at
youth will have the opportunity to the Wild Sheep Foundation banquet.
participate in some exciting outdoor
Annual Grouch's Ball in support of Evansview School
by Deanna Mitchener
This year marked the 15th Anniversary of the
Annual Grouch's Ball which took place in
Evansburg on April 27 as an annual fundraiser for
Evansview School.
The event also gave recognition to Maxine Lappe
who created The Grouch's Ball. Jackie McKinnon
with the organizing committee, said, “The Grouch's
Ball was created back 2005 by Maxine Lappe.
Maxine died in a car accident this past year so it
only seemed fitting for us to recognize her.”
"In celebration of these 15 years, let's take you
back to the beginning of it. Picture it, Evansburg,
2005. Home to 879 people, 29 dogs, 41 cats, and 1
Grouch. Probably not too different than it is now,
with one exception —a woman filled with vision.
That woman was Maxine Lappe. With one of her
two children remaining in Evansview School,
Maxine recognized a need for “more” for the
students. More experiences, more activities, more
field trips, more fun. All of which required money.
Like everything, all she needed was an idea that
Summers Drilling
appealed to the people of Evansburg and the Over 120 people braved the weather to come out in support of the Annual Grouch's Ball which took place Summers Drilling
surrounding area. An idea to offer them an in Evansburg on April 27 as an annual fundraiser for Evansview School.
Water Well Drilling
opportunity to help enhance the children's school Water Well Drilling
experience. She knew it had to be big enough,
grand enough, fancy enough, and different enough attending this year with a snow storm hitting that and then a dance. Funds raised are used for many
to get people out of their houses and comfort zones, day. About 120 people were in attendance things such as field trips for every class, free hot
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
and into some fancy shoes and a giving mood. compared to last year's near sell-out of 180 guests. lunch days, reading prizes, and swimming for the A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Maxine's golden idea was The Grouch's Ball. And Those that did attend enjoyed the evening and were whole school," said McKinnon. "It also pays for in- Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
what an idea it was," said McKinnon during the a great support. school activities such as Science in Motion, puppet drilling and water well repairs.
event. "I would like to thank each and every one of you shows, magic shows and motivational speakers.
Everyone joined a toast in honour of Maxine for being here tonight. You buying a ticket and We've even taken the whole school on a field trip
Lappe for her life and her golden idea of The coming, whether it's your first time or whether together. The Parent Advisory Council tries to book
Grouch's Ball. you're here year after year, means the world to us different things every year."
"Over the years, The Grouch's Ball has become an and our little school. As Principal Matt Kolotyluk "We have also purchased more Chromebooks for
event that people look forward to each year. It's a highlighted, your support does so many things for our school as well as a new portable PA system that
time for us to get together and relax, eat, share our little school, so thank you," stated McKinnon. can be used for monthly assembly, as well as a
many laughs, and most importantly support our “The Grouch's Ball is Evansview School's major basketball pep-rally and the track meet,” added
school and the amazing kids in it," said McKinnon fundraiser. Most years it's our only fundraiser. The McKinnon.
4405 50 streeteet
to the audience. ball is always the last weekend in April and Thanks went to everyone for their support 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
The weather played some havoc on people consists of a buffet dinner, a silent and live auction, through donations, volunteering, and attending. Stony Plain, AB
Over 300 in attendance at
Wild Sheep Foundation banquet
by Cassie Kushniruk activities, such as mountain angling,
horseback riding, white water
With over 300 people in rafting, and videography.
attendance and an excellent WSFA Yellowhead Chapter
selection of auction items up for President Luke Vandergust added
bid, the 14th annual Wild Sheep that the Chapter also makes
Foundation of Alberta (WSFA) – donations to Camp He Ho Ha and
Yellowhead Chapter Show and Sale provides biology scholarships to
was the place to be on April 13. Edson youth.
Throughout the evening, The WSFA serves to promote and
attendants were treated to a enhance increasing populations of
delicious banquet at the Edson indigenous wild sheep in Alberta
Legion, followed by a live and through the funding of programs
silent auction and a dance. that support responsible wildlife
A few big-ticket items were up for management, conservation
bid during the auction, including a education, youth involvement, and
South African hunt for 2, a Tahr the preservation of hunting heritage.
hunt in New Zealand, a 1 day For more information on the
sturgeon fishing pass, and a Foundation and their current
browning gun safe. projects visit
Every year, the Yellowhead
Chapter hosts this banquet as a
fundraising means to keep wild
sheep on the mountains and to
continue supporting the foundation's
various programs, such as the
annual WSFA Youth Hunter Sheep
Since 2003, the WSFA has been
hosting the Youth Hunter Sheep
Camps to teach youth ages 11 to 17
about the outdoors and the skills
needed to enjoy it.
This year's Youth Camp will be
held from July 4 to July 7, and Just a few of the items for the auction at
youth will have the opportunity to the Wild Sheep Foundation banquet.
participate in some exciting outdoor