Page 12 - November 16 2020
P. 12
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Edson homelessness pilot project introduced at Town Council Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry
by Jordan Rae with the building of the pods. recognized that with their COVID-19 one-time grant, but that at this point he was A
In relation to funding, the group reserve they would potentially be able to not in support of providing ongoing
During the November 10 Committee of requested that the annual $6,000 set aside offer more support than the $6,000 request. operational costs. He also said that he
the Whole meeting, a presentation was for the operation of the Out of the Cold Mayor Kevin Zahara brought up the idea would only vote to approve the grant and ENERGY EDUCATION IN ACTION
made to Town Council regarding a shelter project be diverted to this new of a one-time grant, which would allow the permits if they had a specific timeline for
proposed pilot project between the Edson project, which they anticipate to be a more group to get the project underway, instead the pilot and clear goals that could be
Friendship Centre and the Edson & District viable and sustainable solution to of having to round up donations and apply measured to determine how successful the
Recycling Society. emergency evening shelter currently in for grants, which could push the project project is or isn't.
OPINION Erica Snook-Pennings, a Registered Edson. start date. Councillor Trevor Bevan also supported
Social Worker with the EFC and leader of The Out of the Cold shelter project “It's November 10th and we don't have a the one-time grant, stating, “This is a long
the Housing+ Program, appeared via Zoom involved a small seacan located at the lot of time before it's going to be -30 ongoing situation we've had for many
to explain the project along with EDRS airport, with a heated portable washroom outside,” said Zahara. “We don't have time years and it's just not getting any better. We
Robin Campbell Manager Anne Auriat, RCMP Staff nearby. The shelter would only be to waste to wait for grants and donations. I have a chance to make it better, and to
President of the Coal Association of Canada Sergeant Christian Delisle, and Christine unlocked on nights when the weather was know this group, and if they don't need the move our community forward.”
Gilham of Alberta Health Services. colder than -30 with the windchill and money they won't take it, or they'll put it Agreeing with her fellow Council
The pilot, dubbed “Shelterpod,” would would remain unlocked for the entire night. towards something that is really going to members, Councillor Jacqui Currie noted
be a space where homeless people could Due to the size of the shelter, and with help this population.” that while she would be confident in this
continued from page 6 access a safe, private room when they are COVID-19 restrictions in place, only two Zahara suggested the one-time grant be group's ability to fundraise, she wasn't sure
unable to find other solutions. With the users would be able to fit inside. for $60,000, provided via the town's they would be able to do so and offer a
approval of the Edson Recycling Board, If approved, the Out of the Cold shelter COVID reserve fund. The Town would January 2021 project completion date. This
their 'plastics' building will be partially would not be an ongoing resource and then keep the $6,000 dollars set aside, in one-time grant could help alleviate that
converted into five separate small rooms. would be replaced by Shelterpods. case operational funds are needed pressure and move the project forward in a
These rooms will be large enough to house In addition to providing a safe place for throughout the pilot project term. The timely matter.
one person and will provide a safe, secure, the homeless to sleep, the Shelterpods will group would potentially have to apply to Decisions on project funding and
and warm location for them to sleep be available for year-round use. The use these funds if they were needed in the required adjustments to permitted use with
without the threat of personal violence, anticipated ongoing annual cost for future. the Recycling Depot will be determined at
theft of belongings, or freezing to death. operation is $14,400, but the group made it Discussion went back and forth on a future council meeting.
Information provided by the presenters clear that at this point they would be whether the grant should be
showed that Edson has a significant grateful to have the previously allocated solely for capital use or if
population of individuals who are and unused $6,000 diverted to this new using it operationally would
experiencing homelessness. This number project. be acceptable as well.
averages anywhere from 50 - 80 people Snook-Pennings also asked for COVID Councillor Gean Chouinard
throughout the year, with the Housing Plus funding consideration as well, noting that said that if the Council goes
Event Remindereminder
program seeing an increase in their client she would accept anything the Council forward with a grant, they
base since the start of the pandemic. Many could offer. The group plans to pursue should let the group use it Event R
of these people sleep outside in the grants and fundraising to help with their “how they see fit, with no
elements; through rainstorms, costs, including their capital costs of strings attached.”
thunderstorms, snowstorms, and the frigid moving forward with the project. Their “I think let's get this
temperatures of winter. initial one-time cost to create a turn-key started,” said Councillor May 9: For mental health week, join 9: For mental health week, join
The group requested that the current solution is estimated at $64,000. Janet Wilkinson. “We can't the Town of Edson for Darkness to Town of Edson for Darkness to
permitted use for the Recycle Depot be The group estimated that with the just keep doing nothing and Light
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join – Mental Health Awareness. Join
amended to allow for this pilot to occur Town's approval, and as long as their grant talk about it. We have to do
under Article 5 - Use and Management. funding and fundraising goes well, they something. We have to start the community and place luminaries or community and place luminaries or
Auriat said that the lease between the could have Shelterpod up and running by that preventative measure.” a simple candle outside your home to simple candle outside your home to
Town and the Recycling Society would January 2021. Councillor Troy Sorensen u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
need to be adjusted as well. These changes The Council discussed the requests and said he was in support of a
would allow the group to move forward (approximately 5:10 am).5:10 am).
ad can
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Edson homelessness pilot project introduced at Town Council Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry
by Jordan Rae with the building of the pods. recognized that with their COVID-19 one-time grant, but that at this point he was A
In relation to funding, the group reserve they would potentially be able to not in support of providing ongoing
During the November 10 Committee of requested that the annual $6,000 set aside offer more support than the $6,000 request. operational costs. He also said that he
the Whole meeting, a presentation was for the operation of the Out of the Cold Mayor Kevin Zahara brought up the idea would only vote to approve the grant and ENERGY EDUCATION IN ACTION
made to Town Council regarding a shelter project be diverted to this new of a one-time grant, which would allow the permits if they had a specific timeline for
proposed pilot project between the Edson project, which they anticipate to be a more group to get the project underway, instead the pilot and clear goals that could be
Friendship Centre and the Edson & District viable and sustainable solution to of having to round up donations and apply measured to determine how successful the
Recycling Society. emergency evening shelter currently in for grants, which could push the project project is or isn't.
OPINION Erica Snook-Pennings, a Registered Edson. start date. Councillor Trevor Bevan also supported
Social Worker with the EFC and leader of The Out of the Cold shelter project “It's November 10th and we don't have a the one-time grant, stating, “This is a long
the Housing+ Program, appeared via Zoom involved a small seacan located at the lot of time before it's going to be -30 ongoing situation we've had for many
to explain the project along with EDRS airport, with a heated portable washroom outside,” said Zahara. “We don't have time years and it's just not getting any better. We
Robin Campbell Manager Anne Auriat, RCMP Staff nearby. The shelter would only be to waste to wait for grants and donations. I have a chance to make it better, and to
President of the Coal Association of Canada Sergeant Christian Delisle, and Christine unlocked on nights when the weather was know this group, and if they don't need the move our community forward.”
Gilham of Alberta Health Services. colder than -30 with the windchill and money they won't take it, or they'll put it Agreeing with her fellow Council
The pilot, dubbed “Shelterpod,” would would remain unlocked for the entire night. towards something that is really going to members, Councillor Jacqui Currie noted
be a space where homeless people could Due to the size of the shelter, and with help this population.” that while she would be confident in this
continued from page 6 access a safe, private room when they are COVID-19 restrictions in place, only two Zahara suggested the one-time grant be group's ability to fundraise, she wasn't sure
unable to find other solutions. With the users would be able to fit inside. for $60,000, provided via the town's they would be able to do so and offer a
approval of the Edson Recycling Board, If approved, the Out of the Cold shelter COVID reserve fund. The Town would January 2021 project completion date. This
their 'plastics' building will be partially would not be an ongoing resource and then keep the $6,000 dollars set aside, in one-time grant could help alleviate that
converted into five separate small rooms. would be replaced by Shelterpods. case operational funds are needed pressure and move the project forward in a
These rooms will be large enough to house In addition to providing a safe place for throughout the pilot project term. The timely matter.
one person and will provide a safe, secure, the homeless to sleep, the Shelterpods will group would potentially have to apply to Decisions on project funding and
and warm location for them to sleep be available for year-round use. The use these funds if they were needed in the required adjustments to permitted use with
without the threat of personal violence, anticipated ongoing annual cost for future. the Recycling Depot will be determined at
theft of belongings, or freezing to death. operation is $14,400, but the group made it Discussion went back and forth on a future council meeting.
Information provided by the presenters clear that at this point they would be whether the grant should be
showed that Edson has a significant grateful to have the previously allocated solely for capital use or if
population of individuals who are and unused $6,000 diverted to this new using it operationally would
experiencing homelessness. This number project. be acceptable as well.
averages anywhere from 50 - 80 people Snook-Pennings also asked for COVID Councillor Gean Chouinard
throughout the year, with the Housing Plus funding consideration as well, noting that said that if the Council goes
Event Remindereminder
program seeing an increase in their client she would accept anything the Council forward with a grant, they
base since the start of the pandemic. Many could offer. The group plans to pursue should let the group use it Event R
of these people sleep outside in the grants and fundraising to help with their “how they see fit, with no
elements; through rainstorms, costs, including their capital costs of strings attached.”
thunderstorms, snowstorms, and the frigid moving forward with the project. Their “I think let's get this
temperatures of winter. initial one-time cost to create a turn-key started,” said Councillor May 9: For mental health week, join 9: For mental health week, join
The group requested that the current solution is estimated at $64,000. Janet Wilkinson. “We can't the Town of Edson for Darkness to Town of Edson for Darkness to
permitted use for the Recycle Depot be The group estimated that with the just keep doing nothing and Light
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join – Mental Health Awareness. Join
amended to allow for this pilot to occur Town's approval, and as long as their grant talk about it. We have to do
under Article 5 - Use and Management. funding and fundraising goes well, they something. We have to start the community and place luminaries or community and place luminaries or
Auriat said that the lease between the could have Shelterpod up and running by that preventative measure.” a simple candle outside your home to simple candle outside your home to
Town and the Recycling Society would January 2021. Councillor Troy Sorensen u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
need to be adjusted as well. These changes The Council discussed the requests and said he was in support of a
would allow the group to move forward (approximately 5:10 am).5:10 am).
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