Page 3 - October 21, 2019
P. 3


Three Yellowhead MP candidates attend forum in Edson

by Cassie Kushniruk receive 10 cents of every tax dollar received. their fair share towards Canadians in taxes.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has Within the first five years, the NDP government Edson Funeral Home
Only three candidates running to represent called for the permanent doubling of the federal wants to construct 250,000 units of low cost to
Yellowhead constituents in the upcoming federal gas tax. What is your party's position in affordable housing across Canada, with a 10 year
election made it out to the Galloway Station supporting local infrastructure in local goal of 500,000 units of no to low cost affordable
Museum on October 10 for an all candidates forum communities?” housing.” Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
hosted by the Edson & District Chamber of Soroka stated, “That is one thing our One attendant addressed Bowman, “What is
Commerce. Conservative government does stand for; doubling your residency and what is your connection to A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
Conservative candidate Gerald Soroka, NDP the GST gas taxes. That does help municipalities. I West Yellowhead?” Although from Edmonton PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8 EDSON
candidate Kristine Bowman, and People's Party of am not certain yet that is still enough. I think we with no personal ties in the Yellowhead riding, 780-723-3575
Canada (PPC) candidate Douglas Galavan were in need to start looking at an infrastructure program Bowman stated that she greatly enjoys this area as
attendance to answer questions and concerns raised that's going to be helping all municipalities.” she often drives through to visit Jasper National FUNERAL
by Edson and area residents. Peter Taylor was the Galavan replied, “Again, we're back to increasing Park.
moderator for the evening. taxes. I'm sorry but we're broke. You're going to One resident from Edson asked what plans are HOME
Not attending were Liberal candidate Jeremy have to do with less. If you keep taxing the in place in each party to offer more protection
Hoefsloot, Libertarian candidate Cory Lystang, and businesses the way we're doing, they're folding at and resources for the LGBTQ+ community in MUST BE
Our Commitment
Green Party candidate Angelena Satdeo. an increasing rate. We're going to have to cut back rural communities.
During candidate's opening statements, Kristine on some of our infrastructure." Bowman could not provide an answer regarding Our Commitment
Bowman representing the NDP stated, “One of the Bowman extended her apologies to attendants as rural communities. RIGHT HAND PAGE
biggest questions that I hear being asked is what is she was not able to provide an adequate answer due Soroka stated, “As the Conservative candidate,
Is To You.
being done for Canadians? With nearly half of to not having a deep enough understanding of the the party has always taken the stance that we will UP FRONT
Canadians living within a $200 monthly insolvency intricacies of the NDP platform. make sure that we protect each and everyone's
margin, Canadians need to be invested in by Town Councillor Gean Chouinard asked rights, freedoms, sexual orientation; regardless of Is To You.
addressing the housing crisis coast to coast, taking candidates what experience they have to be able what their faith is or what their beliefs are. When it
the first steps towards incorporating post-secondary to support the Yellowhead region. comes to the rural part, we will have a Minister of
into our public education system, establishing full Soroka mentioned his extensive experience in Rural Affairs and that will help with a lot of
internet and cellphone services for rural Canadians local politics, first being elected in 2004 as a decisions we are making as we can bring things
with price caps, a federal minimum wage of County Councillor and in 2007 as Yellowhead back to the caucus, making sure that we have a
$15/hour, and universal pharmacare..." County Mayor for four terms. “During that time strong rural voice." Full Service
Conservative candidate Gerald Soroka stated I've gathered a great understanding of the needs of Galavan said, “My daughter is in the arts so I've
during his opening statement,“I was raised and the communities and what the concerns are right had many gay people come through my home on a
continue to live on the original homestead my across this county as well as the riding,” he said. regular basis and I have several gay friends in Funeral Home Offering:
grandparents started in 1930. I have also had the “My family background ties me very closely to the Drayton Valley and I'm trying to understand what Traditional Funeral Services,
privilege of being the mayor of Yellowhead County land, so I'm concerned about the environment and extra protections they are needing. They seem to be
for the last four terms. The Conservative Party has making sure that I have the best choice for what's flourishing quite well in an oil town [sic].” Graveside Services and
a plan that will get pipelines built, get our best for this region.” An attendant who works in the oil and gas Cremation Options with a Crematorium
agriculture and forestry products to market and get As an employee with the Canadian Union of industry asked candidates what their party will
our economy back on track while still protecting Postal Workers, Bowman stated that she is do to help workers who cannot get back to work on site in Edson.
the environment. What are some of the things we're currently a delegate on the Edmonton District due to automation. Cemetery Monuments.
going to do? First, scrap the carbon tax and take Labor Council, an alternate on the Alberta Soroka replied, “Automation is always going to
GST off home heating bills, lowering personal Federation of Labor Council, and also sits on every be there and we shouldn't be able to dictate to We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
taxes with the universal tax cut, and additional committee within the union. “Two months ago I businesses what they can or can't do. We've driven
family targeted tax credit ...We will help small was nominated and elected as Chief Shop Steward away investments and we've driven away so many
business owners get ahead by repealing Trudeau's of Stations and Depots." businesses, so unless we bring them back, no
tax increases on small businesses, and make it Kristie Gomuwka with the Edson Friendship matter what we do people are going to be
easier to navigate Canada's tax system. The Centre asked what candidates' parties will do to unemployed. That's why we need to be concerned
Conservatives will offer a plan that will protect the address rural homelessness. about our economy and get people back to work by
environment.” Soroka said, “We are willing to invest in mental getting rid of Bill C-69, Bill C-48 and getting rid of
The third candidate, Douglas Galavan of the PPC, health; I think that's the first step we need to look at the carbon tax.”
offered opening remarks, “I'm a businessman out of because people that are homeless, a lot of the times Galavan said, "I can't help but go back to the
Drayton Valley. I've been there for 30 years and there's mental health and drug addiction. The same thing over and over again—we have got to
have never seen such a crisis. Our party could not second aspect is it doesn't help to take people off get out of these UN mandates that are dictating to
be more stark of a contrast to everything else you'll the streets if they have no place to go. That's why us, and this Paris Accord is like this dead thing
hear nationally and locally. Four years ago the as a Conservative government, I'd like to lobby for hanging around our neck.”
Sheer government whipped [sic] the vote on the the assistance with more housing within not only Bowman stated that the NDP platform is tackling
Paris Accord. It's the very thing being applied and Edson, but across this region.” this issue from a variety of directions, including
destroying our industries. No one understands risk Galavan mentioned that there is a pilot program employment insurance. “We want to completely
in this country anymore, that's why you need for housing the homeless in Breton, and that revamp that,” she said.“We want to lower the
business people in these positions, no longer Drayton Valley is working with them to see threshold to 360 hours. We also want to help those
politicians.” whether or not it is something that they can expand transition away from the oil and gas industries into PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Attendants then had the opportunity to ask the to the community. clean energies by incentivizing corporations to put
candidates specific questions. Bowman replied, “The NDP platform comes at a minimum of 1% of their annual incomes towards
Town of Edson Mayor Zahara noted, this issue at a multitude of angles, one of them in training employees and new hires.” Professional Digital
“Canadian municipalities own 60% of the public mental health, another one is making sure that large Candidates then made their closing statements.
infrastructure in the country and yet only international companies, such as Airbnb, are paying Passport System
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