Page 8 - October 28, 2019
P. 8

County Council debates Protective Services Vehicle Replacement Schedule

by Dana McArthur companies' rating is based on the NFPA 1940s in Mercoal.
guidelines for the entire vehicle. Land Use Bylaw: Council for Yellowhead
At the October 15 Yellowhead County GPC Councillor Anthony Giezen said, "I struggle County gave First Reading to Bylaw 16.19
meeting, Council requested that the Protective with this, not that our equipment or safety should amending Land Use Bylaw 16.13 for Plan
Services Vehicle Replacement Schedule be be maintained, but I think we have to move 9825016, Block 1, Lot 11, Part of SW 3-54-17-
brought to Council for approval as a separate cautiously. I just can't support the capital dollars W5M [just north of Edson]. from RD - Rural
item, apart from the upcoming Fire Services for this without seeing it in context with the [Fire District to CR - Country Residential District and
Master Plan. Services] Master Plan." CR(MI) - Country Residential Minor Industrial
Yellowhead County Protective Services Councillor Shawn Berry said, "This is a District. The Bylaw will go to a Public Hearing
currently has a 56 piece vehicle fleet. This valuable document, and I do not have to see it on November 26, 2019.
consists of heavy vehicles, mid range vehicles, with the master plan to support it."
light vehicles, ATV vehicles, trailers, and pods. Councillor Williams expressed concerns that by
A replacement schedule has been developed to accepting the plan it was binding council to the
try and get maximum usage from all units. This costs involved, "Can we table this until after we
was partially due to the National Fire Protection see the Fire Services Master Plan as I do not feel
Association (NFPA) which set out limits on how we have enough information?" Councillor Dawn
long a vehicle can remain in service that is used Mitchell added, "The schedule is what it is and
for fire suppression. we can't change that."
During the Yellowhead County's October 22 Councillor Lavone Olson said, "I do not have a
council meeting, Albert Bahri, the Director of problem with this as it gives us what kinds of
Protective Services, said, "The current heavy vehicles need upgrading or replacing and when."
fleet of eight units that were purchased from Councillor David Russell said, "This is good
2002 until 2007 will be coming due for information, but when these come up as budget
replacement. There are two units due in 2022, items we can review them one by one then."
and two units due in 2025." Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky said that she would
To lessen the impact of multiple vehicles not be supporting the approval of the schedule,
coming due in a single year there could be a refit as more information was still needed. The mayor
of two of the Feightliner engines to extended then called for a vote.
their life to 25 years at a cost of $308,000 each. The motion to approve the Protective Services
The cost to replace each vehicle would be Vehicle Replacement Schedule was carried.
approximately $1.1 million.
"What this gives us is a replacement schedule, Historic Designation: During the Yellowhead
and it's a matter for council as to what they what County's October 22 meeting, Council gave all
to do with it," said Bahri. three readings to the Bylaw for Municipal
Councillor Wade Williams said, "I understand Historic Resource Designation of the Spanach
the de-rating is based on the year of the Residence. On August 13, 2019, Yellowhead
equipment, but does that really have more to do County Council approved the application for
with the main pump and can that be replaced?" Municipal Historic Resource Designation from
Bahri responded that the replacement of the George and Robert Spanach, property owners of
pump was not the issue as the insurance the Spanach Residence; a home built in the YCFD’s finest on one of their many training
sessions. Visit Yellowhead County’s office to pick
up an application.

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