Page 24 - October 5 2020
P. 24
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
Gerald Soroka News and V 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
News and Viewsiews
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Crop success a hit-and-miss for local farmers
by Shaylyn Thornton confident decision on whether the State of Agricultural Disaster bring awareness to the issue for
crops could recover if weather was such an important declaration other levels of government,
On July 28 of this year, conditions change favorably. for Yellowhead County to make. It industry, and helps to inform
Yellowhead County declared a Since the decision to declare a also allows the County to better residents,” said
State of Agricultural Disaster in State of Agricultural Disaster, the support their farmers. Benson.“Yellowhead County
continues to collaborate with
“Although such a declaration
Yellowhead County area has seen
Gerald Soroka our region. some beautiful, warm weather, but does not automatically trigger impacted producer groups and will
According to Yellowhead
follow up on potential relief
access to increased provincial or
MP Yellowhead County's website, this decision unfortunately for most producers federal funding programs, it does efforts.”
was reached because of “excessive this weather came too late.
moisture and cooler temperatures “Cereals, peas, and canola are in
that have affected crops across our definite disaster in the Evansburg,
municipality.” Wildwood, Niton, and MacKay YES, WE ARE READY
At the time, peas, canola, corn, areas,” said Benson. “Producers
and cereal crops such as barley, on the east end of the municipality
oats, and wheat were ranked are reporting significant yield FOR A NEW 4-H YEAR
“definite disaster thresholds.” Hay loss.”
crops were ranked as “expected More positively, some farmers in
diminished crop yields,” meaning the Peers, Shining Bank, and ARE YOU?? PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
the County saw the potential for a Edson area are seeing near-normal
positive harvest if weather were to yield of their cereal crops, and Contact Info and Club start up dates
improve. most hay producers overcame for 2020-2021 4-H year
“A State of Agricultural Disaster their “expected diminished crop
Professional Digital
in the region is based on the yields” ranking thanks to the Edson 4-H Multi: Professional Digital
Passport System
current situation faced by local weather that the area received First Meeting: October 21st, 2020 @ 7:00 pm, Passport System
producers that come from a since the beginning of August. Place: Edson Baptist Church Time for Tails photos ready
photos ready
variety of sources, including the “Hay and pasture lands are good Projects: Beef (Market Steer, Heifer, Cow/Calf), Horse
in minutes...
Alberta Crop Report,” explained to excellent condition across the Contact: Michelle Roy – 780-723-2361 in minutes...
Agricultural Services Supervisor municipality,” said Benson. by Dawn Mitchell
Jennifer Benson.“The crop report A local farmer spoke about why
looks at current and recent some crops were able to bounce Carrot Creek Beef Club:
moisture conditions, as well as back, and others were not. “When First Meeting: October 6th, 2020
other factors that can affect it gets that wet, the seeds for Place: Old Niton Hall
operations such as pests and certain crops, like cereals, get Projects: Beef (Market Steer, Heifer, Cow/Calf)
forage supply.” drowned out and can't recover,” Contact: Cheryl Deleeuw - 780-728-9133
“Yellowhead County's the farmer explained. “With hay,
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
Agricultural Services uses a it's a grass-like crop, so it can Peers 4-H Multi Club: The W
framework developed by the Rural withstand a bit more rain and if First Meeting: October 14th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm,
Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) you get lucky with heat at the end Place: Google Meet
5040 3rd A
that works as a tool to help decide of the season it can dry it out Projects: Beef (Market Steer, Heifer, Cow/Calf) 5040 3rd Avenue, Edsonvenue, Edson
whether or not a State of enough to see a good yield.” Contact: Connie Eaton-Werzun - 780-693-2824,
Agricultural Disaster is declared,” The current weather is making Laura Lee Polack 780-693-2104
said Benson. “A key factor in this the harvest season a bit more 780-723-5787
process is current moisture levels pleasant as far as actual harvesting
– whether it's excessive moisture goes -much better than the past Knight Riders 4-H Multi Club:
or drought conditions in specific few years where rain and even First Meeting: October 3rd, 2020 @ 1:00 pm PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
areas.” snow made being out in the fields Place: 54421 Rge Rd 144
Once a State of Agricultural a muddy mess. Projects: Horse, Beef, Creative Projects (Metal work) YOUR APPOINTMENT
Gearheads Auto Disaster is declared, it will not be seeing low and even disaster-level Photography, Poultry, Outdoor Adventures.
Still, for producers who are
retracted. Yellowhead County
Contact: Dee Dickson - 780-693-3911
crop yields, the season has been
grades crop conditions later in the
September 19th at 10 am! summer when they can make a very disappointing. This is why
* Barbeque * Vendors Gearheads Auto
* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike
Free interior vehicle disinfectingree interior vehicle disinfecting
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities. F
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
with every tire purchase!
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson with every tire purchase!
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Gearheads Auto offers fantastic pricing on tires for all makes and models
Chevy Cruze LT stock size
HAIDA HD668 ALL SEASON 215/60R16 - only $89 per tire
Dodge Journey SXT stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON 225/65R17 – only $101 per tire
Ford F150 XL 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON P265/70R17 – only $135 per tire
RAM 3500 ST 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD828 ALL TERRAIN LT275/70R18 10PLY – only $205 per tire
Spring tire changeover special – Only $99 to mount and
balance 4 tires.
4606 3 Avenue
Member of Five Stars 4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
** all tire orders may be subject to shipping cost. Loyalty Program (Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
Gerald Soroka News and V 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
News and Viewsiews
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Crop success a hit-and-miss for local farmers
by Shaylyn Thornton confident decision on whether the State of Agricultural Disaster bring awareness to the issue for
crops could recover if weather was such an important declaration other levels of government,
On July 28 of this year, conditions change favorably. for Yellowhead County to make. It industry, and helps to inform
Yellowhead County declared a Since the decision to declare a also allows the County to better residents,” said
State of Agricultural Disaster in State of Agricultural Disaster, the support their farmers. Benson.“Yellowhead County
continues to collaborate with
“Although such a declaration
Yellowhead County area has seen
Gerald Soroka our region. some beautiful, warm weather, but does not automatically trigger impacted producer groups and will
According to Yellowhead
follow up on potential relief
access to increased provincial or
MP Yellowhead County's website, this decision unfortunately for most producers federal funding programs, it does efforts.”
was reached because of “excessive this weather came too late.
moisture and cooler temperatures “Cereals, peas, and canola are in
that have affected crops across our definite disaster in the Evansburg,
municipality.” Wildwood, Niton, and MacKay YES, WE ARE READY
At the time, peas, canola, corn, areas,” said Benson. “Producers
and cereal crops such as barley, on the east end of the municipality
oats, and wheat were ranked are reporting significant yield FOR A NEW 4-H YEAR
“definite disaster thresholds.” Hay loss.”
crops were ranked as “expected More positively, some farmers in
diminished crop yields,” meaning the Peers, Shining Bank, and ARE YOU?? PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
the County saw the potential for a Edson area are seeing near-normal
positive harvest if weather were to yield of their cereal crops, and Contact Info and Club start up dates
improve. most hay producers overcame for 2020-2021 4-H year
“A State of Agricultural Disaster their “expected diminished crop
Professional Digital
in the region is based on the yields” ranking thanks to the Edson 4-H Multi: Professional Digital
Passport System
current situation faced by local weather that the area received First Meeting: October 21st, 2020 @ 7:00 pm, Passport System
producers that come from a since the beginning of August. Place: Edson Baptist Church Time for Tails photos ready
photos ready
variety of sources, including the “Hay and pasture lands are good Projects: Beef (Market Steer, Heifer, Cow/Calf), Horse
in minutes...
Alberta Crop Report,” explained to excellent condition across the Contact: Michelle Roy – 780-723-2361 in minutes...
Agricultural Services Supervisor municipality,” said Benson. by Dawn Mitchell
Jennifer Benson.“The crop report A local farmer spoke about why
looks at current and recent some crops were able to bounce Carrot Creek Beef Club:
moisture conditions, as well as back, and others were not. “When First Meeting: October 6th, 2020
other factors that can affect it gets that wet, the seeds for Place: Old Niton Hall
operations such as pests and certain crops, like cereals, get Projects: Beef (Market Steer, Heifer, Cow/Calf)
forage supply.” drowned out and can't recover,” Contact: Cheryl Deleeuw - 780-728-9133
“Yellowhead County's the farmer explained. “With hay,
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
Agricultural Services uses a it's a grass-like crop, so it can Peers 4-H Multi Club: The W
framework developed by the Rural withstand a bit more rain and if First Meeting: October 14th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm,
Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) you get lucky with heat at the end Place: Google Meet
5040 3rd A
that works as a tool to help decide of the season it can dry it out Projects: Beef (Market Steer, Heifer, Cow/Calf) 5040 3rd Avenue, Edsonvenue, Edson
whether or not a State of enough to see a good yield.” Contact: Connie Eaton-Werzun - 780-693-2824,
Agricultural Disaster is declared,” The current weather is making Laura Lee Polack 780-693-2104
said Benson. “A key factor in this the harvest season a bit more 780-723-5787
process is current moisture levels pleasant as far as actual harvesting
– whether it's excessive moisture goes -much better than the past Knight Riders 4-H Multi Club:
or drought conditions in specific few years where rain and even First Meeting: October 3rd, 2020 @ 1:00 pm PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
areas.” snow made being out in the fields Place: 54421 Rge Rd 144
Once a State of Agricultural a muddy mess. Projects: Horse, Beef, Creative Projects (Metal work) YOUR APPOINTMENT
Gearheads Auto Disaster is declared, it will not be seeing low and even disaster-level Photography, Poultry, Outdoor Adventures.
Still, for producers who are
retracted. Yellowhead County
Contact: Dee Dickson - 780-693-3911
crop yields, the season has been
grades crop conditions later in the
September 19th at 10 am! summer when they can make a very disappointing. This is why
* Barbeque * Vendors Gearheads Auto
* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike
Free interior vehicle disinfectingree interior vehicle disinfecting
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities. F
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
with every tire purchase!
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson with every tire purchase!
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Gearheads Auto offers fantastic pricing on tires for all makes and models
Chevy Cruze LT stock size
HAIDA HD668 ALL SEASON 215/60R16 - only $89 per tire
Dodge Journey SXT stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON 225/65R17 – only $101 per tire
Ford F150 XL 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON P265/70R17 – only $135 per tire
RAM 3500 ST 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD828 ALL TERRAIN LT275/70R18 10PLY – only $205 per tire
Spring tire changeover special – Only $99 to mount and
balance 4 tires.
4606 3 Avenue
Member of Five Stars 4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
** all tire orders may be subject to shipping cost. Loyalty Program (Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)